Who's Telling the Truth About 'roids in Baseball?

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who cares. you could walk into any GNC and buy HGH just a couple of years ago. i have yet to figure out why it was banned. it was a wonder drug!

Look at clemmons wife in the swimsuit pictures she has taken. she has a bunch of kids and still smokin hot!!

if you ask me HGH should be mandatory if it does that for women after child birth!!!
No kidding FHS. I need some of that for my wife!! Of course if she looked like that she would go be somebody elses wife.emoBadLanguage
beetlespin - 2/14/2008 2:43 PM

No kidding FHS. I need some of that for my wife!! Of course if she looked like that she would go be somebody elses wife.emoBadLanguage

emoUpsmile , I'm still in shock my wife hasn't left my ugly butt to be someone else's wife!!emoBigsmile
SpurHunter - 2/13/2008 9:12 PM

<font size="5">BINGO!!!!!! It all comes down to <font color="#ff0066">moey</font> in the pocket for somebody, legal or illegal. </font></p>

<font size="5"></font></p>

<font color="#6633ff" size="5">Don't understand what that is....moey.....FA</font></p>
Its cuz your old as "DRIT" Al.....Thought you understood from your birthday post ya Old Fert!!!
cheez - 2/14/2008 1:58 PM
BBass - 2/13/2008 8:21 PM

Its all a shame..the money they make, the dope they do...exactly why I wont watch pro stuff. Makes me sick!</p>

I'm going to the polls and adding Beetlespin to my ballot this year. He'll fix it all! </p>
Hey Billy if you are going to have a ballot with BS in it how about posting the video. I bet you guys would be cute in a pink tutu.emoBigsmile

First of, its jet black...., secondly, its leather chaps. Your thinking of your candidate..Spurhuntress.</p>


<font size="2">(Yes..I edited both my spelling errors Spur)</font></p>
cooperjd - 2/14/2008 1:44 PM

anybody ever read canseco's book 'juiced' ? i did, i liked it. i grew up watching baseball when canseco and mcgwire were the bash brothers at oakland, when ryan sandberg was the highest paid player in baseball with the cubs. then the strike of 94 hit and i've never watched an entire game on tv since. i've been to a few, but more for the atmosphere than for the game.

canseco said when he got into the game, he was the only one he knew of using roids. he got mcgwire into it and by the time he left (or was ousted) canseco estimated that 70% of all players were using them. some to get big like himself, giambi, bonds, mcgwire, sosa, and some to just stay in good shape for the entire season and heal faster. by the time he left the game, he said guys weren't hiding it anymore. it was done openly in the locker rooms, with someone collecting all the used needles and going to find a mcdonald's dumpster somewhere.

his reasoning that baseball let it go on for so long before doing anything about it was simple. they needed money. since the strike of 94 baseball lost fans. lost fans meant lost revenues, and baseball needed butts in seats, especially for what the players are getting paid nowadays. so how do you bring something fun and exciting back into the sport? a home run race for the record books. mcgwire, sosa, bonds, got people interested again, get butts back in seats and get more money.

i say all pro athletes need to all line up and pee in a cup. anyone cheating is banned forever. or just ban pro sports in general, i wouldn't really care.

i have read that the largest demographic using roids now is high school kids (could be wrong, FF would know better than me), trying to make it to the big college programs, then to try to make it to the pros. it's a shame that raw, God given talent combined with hard work and good coaching isn't enough anymore, it has to be supplemented by illegal substance abuse.

that turned out longer than i anticipated. sorry. but i am with the main point here, why is this national news? working on stopping the decline of the dollar is much more important than stopping a few rich athletes from injecting themselves with needles. but there needs to be a way to educate kids on the dangers of this stuff, and its not worth what it will do to you in the long run.

Thanks for the post Cooper. It was right on the money. I agree totally with everything you said. The biggest demographic for steriod use IS highschool kids. It may seem like a big joke to some until your 17 or 18 year old kid has a heart attack, then it will get real, really fast. Kids learn by watching what their heros do. If you don't care what their roles models do to "entertain" you, then don't gripe when your kid ends up with heart problems, tumors, kidney failure and all the other medical conditions that steroid abuse brings on. Not only that, but in my experience, buying steroids makes it easier for a young person (or old for that matter) to have a connection to buy other drugs from. Most roid dealers have a variety of things to sell, not just steroids.
I grow up watching the (roid era of baseball) and alot of these players were my favorite players. They were trying to stay competitive with everyone else on roids. And if they want to put an astericks on there records or this era thats fine but if they just banish these players and dont recognize their achievements then i will lose all respect for the game. This was accepted by management to put exitement into the game to put butts in their seats and money in their pockets. Nobody was made to do it, they choose to but maybe it was pushed onto them I dont know.

Most sports have players on roids not just baseball. What about the roids chicken farmers pump into their livestock to make their chicks grow ten times faster,then our children are developing ten times faster little girls growing breasts in the fifth grade. I have two little girls and this bothers me more than some athelete who choose to do it. I dont want my girls developing that fast and some pervert staring at my ten year old but this is the food they love to eat. What do you make them become vegetarians then worry about them catching E-coli or something. There's just to much to worry about than if Clemens took roids. He is one of the best pitchers I have ever seen and if he dont go into the Hall of Fame than that just sucks.He was trying to stay competitive. I dont say its all right to use and I dont think he was a addict to the source he just got caught up in the hype.

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