Why I don't use a deer processor.

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Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN

To add to this, A co-worker killed a deer last Saturday, he skinned and quartered the deer and dropped it off at a local processor (name withheld) that evening around (6ish?) and on Monday morning he got a call "his" deer was ready. He picked up frozen solid breakfast sausage, summer sausage, and ground meat. Does anyone else find this odd? LOL
My grinder will be here soon, and I wont have to use those guys for my burger/ sausage. For the cost of having a couple deer cut, i bought one from cabelas
takenoprisoners - 12/4/2013 3:26 PM

Great Scott! I'd say that's the coldest freezer in America!!!

And I make summer sausage myself, tell me how they squeeze the time to:
1) Grind all the meat
2) Let the meat cure for a MINIMUM of 12 hours
3) Smoke the meat for 4-6 hours
4) Time to thoroughly cool the meat and freeze it?

And all this on a single Sunday?
I wouldn't trade my grinder for anything! Maybe a bigger one but my 575w does the trick for me. I do need to invest in a sausage stuffing machine though. Maybe the first of the year. Unless someone wants ground on the spot, I just cut all my grinding material into cubes and grind when I want it. Seems to help and stays fresher a lot longer than most think. Of course the foodsaver is a MUST! Good post Erik....Thats why I do it myself. Just time consuming but worth it!
On another note, a friend of mine used the Minonites up by Charleston recently. I'd say they'd be pretty honest to deal with.
takenoprisoners - 12/4/2013 5:56 PM

On another note, a friend of mine used the Minonites up by Charleston recently. I'd say they'd be pretty honest to deal with.

They may be honest but not clean. I went to an amish butcher in kentucky last year with the outfitter to pick up some meat. They had dead deer stacked to the ceiling. I dont want my deer to touch any other deer. I see how people handle their deer in the field and it grosses me out. The smell of that amish place was unreal and the workers were all teenagers....beware!
I hung my deer in a Amish cooler in shelbyville Missouri for the weekend cause it was warm. The worst smell ever!
takenoprisoners - 12/4/2013 2:56 PM

On another note, a friend of mine used the Minonites up by Charleston recently. I'd say they'd be pretty honest to deal with.

Shoot-when I lived in Pennsylvania I dated a Menonite girl-They don't even shave their nipples! emoVomit
The last one it took to a processor tasted like it was marinated in deer guts. Never again!!!
There are some good processors around and some pretty honest and reputable ones. The one I use occasionally when we just don't feel like messing with doing it is good and you can go in and watch them do one deer at a time and keep the order all together. I always prefer to do it ourselves most of the time also though. Kind of like Churly was saying....we know how we care for the animal after its down and some guys just aren't that safe when handling their kill. No one handles my meat like me! emoBigsmile
churly - 12/4/2013 5:05 PM

takenoprisoners - 12/4/2013 5:56 PM

On another note, a friend of mine used the Minonites up by Charleston recently. I'd say they'd be pretty honest to deal with.

They may be honest but not clean. I went to an amish butcher in kentucky last year with the outfitter to pick up some meat. They had dead deer stacked to the ceiling. I dont want my deer to touch any other deer. I see how people handle their deer in the field and it grosses me out. The smell of that amish place was unreal and the workers were all teenagers....beware!

Well, crap. Oh well. He seemed pleased. Don't want to rain on his parade...since he's in high school.
If it was done by Don's it wouldn't be odd, because they dont have any storage and usually start on a deer immediately after it is dropped off. I have picked them up the same day if I didnt get jerky or summer sausage or within 1 1/2 days if I did. He is the only processor I use and I think is the best. You have to skin the deer before they will take it and some people dont want to have to do that, but we dont mind and he only charges $45 process fee.
Well if you have the right tools for the job I can do one in about 30 min. What bothers me is how you work your but off for some people and they still complain. Just face the fact that sometimes we are all a victim of our on success. Spur I say do it your own self because there is no one that can satisfy you but you. I grew up poor as dirt and if I did not hunt I did not eat. Sometimes I am the same way. However, I do not find it odd that someone can do it in one day. I am just glad that their are people still out there that still do it, because I have become to lazy to do it myself. A lot of people just do not get it that the real work starts when the meat hits the ground.