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ranman - 5/11/2006 12:37 PM

I stand corrected and you have my deepest apology RDG.Thank you for the report.I honestly didn't think I would see that as most of the T's we have fished against one another are very "tight lipped" about patterns.I am a very frustrated angler,and I am so sick and tired of ending all of my tournaments with no keepers to bring to the scales that I just want to stop sometimes.It seems that no matter how much time I spend on the water,how much I study,or how much I talk to other successfull anglers,I still only seem to catch short fish on T day.My time will come I know but for now I'm just sick of getting beat by the same guy's that have been beating me since I started a few years ago,and I thought that this was just another case of that happening to me in a tournament that I thought I had a better shot at.
So with that I give you a Welcome and another thank you for contributing.

I have not been a member very long and haven't posted near as many post as you, nor gave near the input that you must of submitted with all your post !...BUT ..... and I may eat CROW but from your language it appears you are searching for easy prey and are after the $$$$ and recognition rather than fishing (like we say we do at CFF) FOR THE FELLOWSHIP and the opportunity to learn from each other. ... Who hasn't been frustrated with fishing but winning isn't everything!!! 30 boats and there will be only 1 first place awarded (taking the top $$$) but with everyone's contributions we all end up winners! It appears we have the majority of the one's which fished post and explained in some details as to their stories , success and missed opportunities. As the rules state, THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL FORUM, and new members are learning the rules and after this last "T" I think the word will be out about the "Forum" and what is expected. We are common people from all walks of life and had all forms of fishing success BUT we have come together as a group to learn , fellowship and enjoy a day out. Not trying to poke to much but .........if you were not able to weigh a fish in Sat. then I'd say there were several of people which finished with more weight than you that you haven't been consistently been getting beat by in all the "T" for the past two years. (Say the 2 new members didn't even fish and take the first two places, would you still be this disappointed with getting beat by long time regular CFF Members)?
I too thought the big hitters came in to attempt to take the $$$ bag but these so called "heavy hitters" had to catch and beat the fish in their environment! And if they won, then hopefully they would give us ( small hitters and in fact just may still be hitting off a tee) some input as to how they beat the Fish on "T" day. I feel they did a good job and have given much insight but even if they would not of posted , we are still Members of great group and we will help each other learn. Fortunately we now have some new local guys which have had some success on the Chick and now they are a part of us. Hope they will continue to give us insight and make us better fishermen/women and who knows one day we may find our self fishing another organizations "T" AND WE MAY BE CONSIDERED "HEAVY HITTERS" but hopefully thanks to Dhaun and his vision, we may leave their organization better and leave them with more knowledge than we found it!!
Don't get with frustrated with not placing or winning but let's help teach each other how to be better fisherman/women. Your day will come, unfortunately it just wasn't last Sat.
Congratulations RDG, Jerry and DD22 AND SHANE. job well done!! Keep the post coming!!
Hey buddy,

You and I have the same problem. Thats why I was happy to have just a limit on Saturday. My luck runs like yours, donation, donation, and yes donations.

I have been reading ranman posts on the forum for close to a year now and I have even had the privilege to fish with him in my boat watching ice freeze on the guides on the river...based on that trip I know I have demonstrated that I can bomb without warning worse than most folks..and hopefully can redeem myself next time I get a chance for us to go smallie fishing again.

One thing I know from all your posts ranman is that you have paid your dues on the water this year and although I have sensed the frustration over time I know that any day now will be your day of payback for all that work, and if not the payback then it will be the knowledge you have gained and shared from your efforts...You own that and I figure it all comes around sooner or later.

We had 18 shorts on Saturday and one keeper that I knew was useless to weigh-in...but each one was as exciting to hook as any other fish and they all looked like keepers until my bigeye relaxed enough to actually measure them...That was fun! Now I think I'm wanting to try to fish a foreign lake like Parksville even tougher than Chickamauga just to see what happens. I figure if I'm losing at something at least I'm not working and out fishing! I'm still rootin for you ranman - Keep at it!
Hang in there Ranman, you will get on track. What I like to do when I feel I need to learn a technique is to only carry that bait and one rod. It will force you to fish out of your comfort zone and sometimes can be a real confidence builder when you catch some a way you were not used to. I also will find an area and fish it all day trying to comb every inch, so I can get an idea of the structure, and cover in the area. This also helps when you need to find the "spot" on the spot, such as, a stump on a point, a brush pile on a hump, a rock pile on a flat. These are key areas that can sometimes hold a boat load of fish. We all have our good days and bad, it is what you learn from both that makes you a better angler.emoSmile
One thing I have noticed is that prefishing on the day before usually does me no good. If possible I like to prefish on the Wednesday before, but I usually cannot. I think I have done better not prefishing at all on a lake that I know pretty well.
Jsv, to answer your question,yes I would have been dissapointed to loose to anyone on this board or anyone not on this board.I was not looking for "easy prey"as I felt that I am on or near the same level as anyone else on this board. I just don't like to be taken advantage of which is how I felt Sat.That's not a slam on RDG it's a compliment!I am a VERY competative person and I feel like I do put my time in,I also feel like I have become good enough at all of the styles that win our local T's and I do catch fish almost every trip I take.The problem like I said before is catching Keepers on T-day,I still can't seem to get that part right.
I said my peace about saturday and I have owned up to the fact that I was wrong about RDG and his partner and I have been trying to get ahold of him by phone to say I'm sorry in person.
As far as the money goes,that's not what I was after either,this was the first Cff tournament I've been able to make it to and I was just as excited to meet other members as I was to be fishing against them,Hey the highlight of my day was seeing freebird after 20 some odd years!But I do hate to loose more than anything,that's just me,I'm competative,I go into every dogfight and tournament i fish in thinking I can win no matter who's in it!If I didn't I wouldn't fish competatively,I would just fun fish.I had a great time Sat in spite of the fact We didn't win,and I will have a great time evertime I launch my boat weather it be a tournament or not!
So look out for CFF 6 at ParksvilleemoPoke I'm putting my time in,and I'm going to take your money,and all the fame and love that comes from being a winner,I'm going to become a legend!.....................and probably not weigh in a keeper.........again.
Where's the love fellas?This board has gotten to serious lately.I said I was sorry!
emoGrouphug emoGrouphug
I understand that competitive side completely. I too have always attempted to be the best at what ever I was doing and still do. I don't even like losing to my 3 year old little girl when we play some of those board games (DORA???). But with fishing , I learned a long time ago , that the excitement of a tournament and the possibility of winning is great but the thrill of Victory is seldom and doesn't last long either. One can be on fish one day then T day...gone? I do understand your have put the time in and are trying to become one with the fish yet unfortunately on T day....the dang things are no where to be found!! emoHoppingmad It will all come together as long as you take what you learned from each trip out and compile that information....the sweetness of Victory will find its way to you as will the 15 min. of fame.........THEN A DAY OR TWO LATER YOU WILL BE OFF TO THE NEXT TOURNAMENT IN SEARCH ONCE AGAIN TO FILL THAT VOID WHICH DAYS BEFORE WAS FILLED WITH THE THRILL OF VICTORY!! Your day will come....but it wont be at CFF6 PARKSVILLE.....TNDOE AND I have that space already taken emoPoke Good luck and it would be a pleasure for me to donate my entry fee to someone that is working as hard as you to become a good well rounded Fisherman. After all , my entry fee is nothing but a donation and always has been at least 99.9% of the time. See ya soon at one of the events!!!!! Looking forward to reading the Post where Fame has struck and you get on a roll!!emoThumbsup
Just wanted to say ranman did call and apologize, and I applaud him for that, although it was not necc. we did not take it personal, we just did not want to be mislabeled. Hes a big man for I doubt I could have done the same thing. THANKS RANMAN
anyway to parksville, I doubt we will be able to fish the cff6, but we have been wackin em up there this week. Alot of fish are still bedin up there. We are gettin em on 1\4 ounce jigs, and trick worms.Pattern will change by cff6.
Also someone asked about trout and there are some good ones in Parksville. For trout try flukes and other minnow imitators around the dam and in Bakers creek during low light conditions.My best is a 4 pounder taken on a rattle trap in bakers creek. Have fun its a great lake when you catch em really biting. My best T stringer up there was 27.68, Including a 7.5,and a 6.12. THat was a benefit tournament in 1995. Caught every one on a blue flash grub.
Dont turn your back on the Spinnerbait. Even though the waters clear if you want to catch a moose here throw one with a giant #7 gold and silver tandem. Put in the nastiest stuff you can find. You wont get many bites but when you do hold on. good luck
Appreciate the info RDG. I can not wait to get down there and try it, It is a clear lake which is right up my alley. I like the clear lakes up this way like Norris and Tellico. One of my favorite techniques in clear water is a SB, but I also like a bubblegum trick worm wacky rigged with a wieghted hook. It can be deadly in clear water.
don`t forget the shaky head !! club pres. came in 5th in the tim irwin last week on loudon- tellico....215 boats 17# to win ...he had 14.70 and big fish 6.91...all 5 on a shaky head with black finesse....won our club tx on douglas the week before with 13.?? on the same rig.........big fish prize in tim irwin was 60" big screen....