I couldn't tell you on the optimax's. As I don't deal with them for many,many reasons.
These are my OPINIONS...........sorry so long......
I have heard several mechanics say that they have had to rebuild engines because of "Wal-mart" oil. Then I would say "really!" How did you you determine it was the oil???? Because it was cheap and that is what scuffed the pistons! Then I would ask why the other 5 didn't scuff as they also have the wal-mart oil in them? Then you look at the piston and part of the piston is is missing from running LEAN. Then I would simply explain how fuel itself is a lubricant and also a 50:1 oil mix is 2% oil. 2%! If you have anything in there it will more than likely lubricate it. Most people want to jump on the 1st thing that they THINK has caused it and it is simple to blame the "Cheap oil" or OMC's VRO which is almost a bullet proof system unlike mercurys. There are alot of "Mechanics" that don't know how to determine a failure or how to prevent it. There are many things that I have seen that will scuff pistons. Water in the fuel will lean out a cylinder and scuff it, poor quality of fuel, ect. I had a guy fill up at a marina gas station because he was empty and he put gas in THEN the oil and took off. The problem was the oil was at the top and pure fuel at the bottom. The fuel is picked up at the bottom. It damaged most of the pistons. It would be simple to say it was the brand of oil, but would have been incorrect. Alot of you old timers would remember that you always didn't have 2-stroke oil and you simply used 30W automotive oil in you gas. Were there any issues then? NO. Just the byproduct carbon which they all produce.
I myself have ran it for many years and the engines I build giving a WARRANTY on, I tell them to run ST oil in on the break in and then they can switch to a blend if they like. I feel good enough about it to recommend it on a engine that I will have to PAY for if it fails. IF that tells you anything.
Granted the ST oil may carbon a little more, but they ALL do. Most engine manufatures want a decarb done each year for this reason. So it will get removed. Sea foam in your gas will prevent the carbon from forming. After seeing a engine tore down that has only had sea foam ran for a month and a half, I could imagine what one would look like if used all the time. CLEAN! The oil has to meet specification and I beleive it states it will not VOID your warranty, I don't have a bottle in front of me.
The only aftermarket part issue I have every seen with a NO warranty situation is on a Dodge diesel, if a engine came in blown with a frame oil filter because they were physically coming apart and damaging the engine. It is irrelevant of what oil it has in it.
Just my thoughts.........