2 Cycle Oil

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captain kirk - 4/23/2009 7:16 AM

Just bought a Mercury Optimax a couple of months back and was told by dealer that I could run about any brand of direct injection oil except Wal-mart's, the reasion being Wal-mart's brand was causing problem with this engine. So, for now I think I'll stick with Mercury's oil. It would be interesting to hear from others with the Optimax engines, to see what they are running.

I got an 07 optimax 200, I run quicksilver premium plus.
i run seafoam in my chopper and my boat every now and then. wish it wasn't so expensive. i would run it all the time
Sea foam cleans injectors, carbs, de-carbons, stabilizes fuel, ect. It is some really good stuff.

I am building a engine that has been using it for about 2 months. The ring grooves had VERY little carbon. They were by far the easiest to bead blast that I have ever done. The results were amazing. Ususally the fuel in the combustion chanber is blue, this was black like used motor oil. It was were it was breaking down the carbon. Once again, some rally good stuff.
Taz has been using it for about 1 1/2 to 2 months. He was using it with every tank. It cleaned his engine out good!!!! Alot of people run it all the time. I really don't have a opinion on when to run it. I know it would be expensive to run it all the time. What does the can say??? Anyone???
I am pretty sure it does not say that you should or should not run every time. It just says what it does and the mixing instructions, but I could be wrong. I am too lazy to go get the can right now. I just ate Hooters and I am lazy now.
I have heard on other boards guys are running it like ring free 1 oz. per ten gallons of fuel for all the time use. When you want to shock it(Really clean, decarb) go to 1-2 oz. per gallon of fuel and run it hard for most of that tank of fuel. Im a believer in the stuff it keeps my exhaust area on my prop spotless, and most you see have a carbon residue built up.
How do you guys mix the seafoam? It says on the bottle mix 1oz to one gallom or whole bottle for 8-25 gallons. I have a Triton and it has three quarters of a tank, so I put three quarters of the bottle in it. Is this ok? emoScratch
1 oz sea foam per ten gallons of gas is what I run in it all the time, I shock it once in the spring and again in the fall. Its reccommned to start off in small doses to loosen/soften the carbon so you dont chunck it all out at once if you have never decarbed or ran a carbon cleaner.
wrechin2 - 4/30/2009 10:25 PM

Taz has been using it for about 1 1/2 to 2 months. He was using it with every tank. It cleaned his engine out good!!!! Alot of people run it all the time. I really don't have a opinion on when to run it. I know it would be expensive to run it all the time. What does the can say??? Anyone???

I had never decarbed my motor (2003) and after James did a leak down test on it, discovering a lot of blowby ... I started using the Seafoam. I was mixing 1 16oz can per 10 gallons and it ran good and apparently was doing some work emoSmile
Probably was helping the rings and things... but, it looks like the cylinder walls were more of an issue than the carbon buildup. I'm going to run this from now on though... if it knocks out the carbon buildup, keeping rings free, plugs clean, exhaust clean, cyls clean...etc... it's gotta be good stuff emoCool
Here are some pictures. You can see it has liquified some of the carbon. Usually the fuel in the combustion chamber on a tear down is blue fuel also. I was like what the crap. it was thick and black as used motor oil in a car. You can also see how clean the ring lands are and where the fuel coming in from the ports had started removing some areas on the pistons as they are usually carboned all the way across. I was impressed.


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Lets see ho long they stay like this!!!!!LOL!!! Here is what we were dealing with.


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I was told by the dealer when I bought my Optmax, to run a can of seafoam in every other tank. He said that this should keep it running clean.
I have an '84 150 hp merc that has never used anything other than quick silver (except for a short time used wal-mart and fouled plugs, got tune up and went back to quick silver). I'm thinking it's good enough that additives are not necessary. I could be wrong but it's worked for over 25 years. Just my 2 cents.
I would be willing to bet...If you pull your plugs and look at your pistons, they are black with carbon. It is a given. Carbon is a by-product of combustion especially with oil in the fuel. I would be willing to say if a leakage test was done on it, it would be high. Then do a de-carb and the leakage would go down. PRIME example....Taz's engine had high leakage and he started using the sea foam. He notice a increase in performance when it started eating off the carbon, but we had some sratching in the cylinders that was casusing SOME of the leakage.

If the quicksilver did not do this, why does the factor want you to do a de-carb even though they "assume" you are using quicksilver??? A decarb is part of annual service. I have ran it for years and never fouled a plug. I run syntetic blend in my V-6 only due to the fact of the RPM's I turn it, I have fouled a few plugs in it because NGK's are known to foul easily. I know and have repaired many,many mercury v-6 that would all of a sudden loose and power and change the plugs and repair it, they act very similar like they are running out of fuel if proped "big". They all weren't running wal-mart oil. That is the first thing I ask, if they had tried new plugs. I got tired of driving to the lake to change plugs. Just my thought......

Yes, quicksilver is a good oil!!! Don't get me wrong. For most applications, ST oil is just fine.
Wrenchin, Thanks for the information, I'm sure you know what's best so I plan to pick up some Seafoam and maybe start out with 1 oz per 6 gal. Do you think that would be sufficient?
I would follow the can!LOL!!! I AM just now getting into it after seeing what it does. I haven't personally used it just know alot who have and live by it. I can see why. Just my opinion.
OK, went and bought two 16oz cans of Sea Foam for $9.29 per at Auto Zone. Destructions say 1oz per gallon of fuel- ironically, can says "treats 8 to 25 gallons of fuel". That math don't work, but I reckon it's all averages.
My '04 Triton Tr175 has what I suspect is a 30-32 gallon tank (bought it used- didn't get an owners manual and couldn't find info on Triton's website). So I will initially use 2 cans to my next fillup, then add less for maintenance purposes. It says "use frequently"- now that specific!
Just about all the reviews I read gave it 5 stars- absolute raves on this stuff. Here's looking forward to running faster and jumping higher!

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