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<p style="margin: 0px 0px 6px; color: #141823; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13.63636302947998px; line-height: 17.563634872436523px">A Fairy Tale for you.</p><p style="margin: 6px 0px 0px; display: inline; color: #141823; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13.63636302947998px; line-height: 17.563634872436523px">ONCE UPON A TIME ...many years ago in a land not so far away from here,
there were People in a Village who were Happy and content with life. Most of the Villagers worked very hard and had more than they needed. There were also a very few people who did not have enough to survive. The villagers were referred to as the Haves and the Have-nots...
It was obvious to the Haves that it did not harm them to share a portion of their surplus to the Have-nots in return for small favors and even at times a simple nod of appreciation was all that was expected....
Well it came to pass that these Have-nots became greedy and resentful and desired to be Haves. They were accustom to being Lazy and only taking from the Haves and did not possess the wisdom to become a Have at their own pace.
Because of the Greed of certain Have-nots demanding all from the Haves. Rules had to be established to limit the demands of the Have-nots. Due to the ungrateful demands of the Have-nots, Many Haves refused to share more than their surplus. The new rules that limited the demands of the Have-Nots also established a requirement that the Haves must continue to give to the Have-nots in return for a set amount that would not take all they possessed...
As time passed the terms referring to the two groups were shortened to Givers and Takers..
After the first Generation, things started to change in the village. The Givers were busy in their fields trying to earn enough to maintain their own family and the required amount they were being forced to give away to the Takers. Since the Takers did not have to work the fields for their survival they had more time to produce more and more children. Soon there were far more Takers than there were Givers.. The Givers were in the fields from Daylight until Dark as the Takers would sit on their Porches and watch and gloat at the busy Givers.... .
As time passed, the Givers became exhausted by their hard work and therefore made the decision to become a Taker themselves... As a Taker, they could do basically nothing all day and still have every need supplied to them ...
All was well until there became such a time that an Evil King wanted to control all the Land and all Givers and Takers. Soon it was apparent to the Givers that the Evil King wanted all the wealth for himself from all Haves and Givers...Then with a Promise to the greedy takers that if they will protect the King, The Evil King will Burden the Haves more and take all they have and distribute it among all the land of Takers.
The Takers believed the Lies of the Evil King and protected him. Soon enough the King had aquired great wealth in his Castle. Unwilling to Share the great wealth, the Evil King devised a new Plan he called Hope and Change. In his Master plan the Givers and the Takers were convinced that they each were the blame for the failures of the New Change the King had promised for all... A new term was created to cause dismay among the villagers known as "Loyally Righteousness". If any Givers were caught speaking complaints of the greed and laziness of the Takers, their name would be posted in the courtyard and labeled a "Classist". The "L-R" violators would be made make mock of...
In the end, The Evil King closed the castle gates claiming that the Givers were the Blame for all that had made the Village Fail. This caused such a great civil unrest that the Givers and Takers soon began a war among themselves until most all the Villagers were Dead.
The Evil King rejoiced that this Change had in fact worked just as he had planned... The remaining few Villagers were weak and without any means to survive. The Evil King then enslaved them all to serve his every need and to worship his greatness forever...
The End</p>
there were People in a Village who were Happy and content with life. Most of the Villagers worked very hard and had more than they needed. There were also a very few people who did not have enough to survive. The villagers were referred to as the Haves and the Have-nots...
It was obvious to the Haves that it did not harm them to share a portion of their surplus to the Have-nots in return for small favors and even at times a simple nod of appreciation was all that was expected....
Well it came to pass that these Have-nots became greedy and resentful and desired to be Haves. They were accustom to being Lazy and only taking from the Haves and did not possess the wisdom to become a Have at their own pace.
Because of the Greed of certain Have-nots demanding all from the Haves. Rules had to be established to limit the demands of the Have-nots. Due to the ungrateful demands of the Have-nots, Many Haves refused to share more than their surplus. The new rules that limited the demands of the Have-Nots also established a requirement that the Haves must continue to give to the Have-nots in return for a set amount that would not take all they possessed...
As time passed the terms referring to the two groups were shortened to Givers and Takers..
After the first Generation, things started to change in the village. The Givers were busy in their fields trying to earn enough to maintain their own family and the required amount they were being forced to give away to the Takers. Since the Takers did not have to work the fields for their survival they had more time to produce more and more children. Soon there were far more Takers than there were Givers.. The Givers were in the fields from Daylight until Dark as the Takers would sit on their Porches and watch and gloat at the busy Givers.... .
As time passed, the Givers became exhausted by their hard work and therefore made the decision to become a Taker themselves... As a Taker, they could do basically nothing all day and still have every need supplied to them ...
All was well until there became such a time that an Evil King wanted to control all the Land and all Givers and Takers. Soon it was apparent to the Givers that the Evil King wanted all the wealth for himself from all Haves and Givers...Then with a Promise to the greedy takers that if they will protect the King, The Evil King will Burden the Haves more and take all they have and distribute it among all the land of Takers.
The Takers believed the Lies of the Evil King and protected him. Soon enough the King had aquired great wealth in his Castle. Unwilling to Share the great wealth, the Evil King devised a new Plan he called Hope and Change. In his Master plan the Givers and the Takers were convinced that they each were the blame for the failures of the New Change the King had promised for all... A new term was created to cause dismay among the villagers known as "Loyally Righteousness". If any Givers were caught speaking complaints of the greed and laziness of the Takers, their name would be posted in the courtyard and labeled a "Classist". The "L-R" violators would be made make mock of...
In the end, The Evil King closed the castle gates claiming that the Givers were the Blame for all that had made the Village Fail. This caused such a great civil unrest that the Givers and Takers soon began a war among themselves until most all the Villagers were Dead.
The Evil King rejoiced that this Change had in fact worked just as he had planned... The remaining few Villagers were weak and without any means to survive. The Evil King then enslaved them all to serve his every need and to worship his greatness forever...
The End</p>