A way to resolve fishing tournament issues(in theory)

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2006
First of all I love putting on fishing tournaments and I love to fish in them.With that being said I did not want anyone to think that I am wanting tournaments to go away but I have a opinion being on both sides of the fence at one time or another.Here is a thought....
Make it a law that to have a tournament on any lake you have to get a permit.I know this goes on already but make it a substantial amount say $1000 for a permit.This would limit lakes to where they would have only one or two kinds of local tournament trails during the year.Some will say "Hey I cant afford a $100 entry fee I just like to compete for fun". My theory is that if you only have a couple of trails on one lake that everyone that wanted to tx fish would boost the tournament field to 200 boats.In return the entry fees could be dropped considerably because of the field and you could still pay 35 places with a $50 to $80 entry fee.The permit fee should be put directly back into that lakes resources such as boat ramps,docks, habitat,or local fishing youth organizations.Now if a national traveling tournament trail wants to come in that is fine too just get a permit and for the lakes that are visited each permit fee will go back into that local fishery.Some will not like this idea because that would do away with small clubs and dogfights but I think it would help tournament fishing payouts and fisheries themselves.
I agree that TVA should require ramp permits and only allow 1 tournament go out at a time on the given ramp. I don't know about $1000 LOL. But I agree 100% on the permits. S&K (minimum 40 boats) out of Chatsworth and Catch are both going out of Harrison Bay Saturday, that's gonna be a mess.

Major problem with this is like you say the local club tournamentw, church's also have tournaments on most lakes too. Some People fish tournaments for fun just to be arond their buddies and talk a little trash. You start making these events Corporate, you will make a lot of the retirees and people that like being a part of a small group mad. We are already getting charged for launching are boats at most ramps. If the TWRA starts charging big money for tournaments what's next. A regular Joe that loves to fish will not be able to afford it. It is already hard on the guys that have families and are weekend anglers when you start adding up gas for the vehicle/boat, lures and all the accesories that goes with fishing. Some of the Marketing team should do a study of the average age of fisherman that fish on a regular basis and find out what the average salery is per a houshold. Then you would realize these people can't afford paying all the unnessary finances that goes with fishing.
Take a look at the amount of people who have quit holding tournaments at Lanier due to this type of "fee"! A fishing license is required by each citizen in whichever state they choose to fish, this money goes to the DNR. With that said, I fish a lot of tournaments everywhere. The need to procure a license to hold a tournament for that amount of money is proposterous! The answer to the problems that you speak of is common sense, if we would all stop bitching and use some common sense it would be fine! I have put in at goose pond with 2 club tournaments and a bassmaster weekend series, everything was fine! Get to the ramp a little earlier if you think it's going to be a problem, have tournament directors talk that morning and have the smaller blast off first and quickly, and make sure that both tournaments aren't waying in at the same time, if so one tournament should fish 30 min longer. Multiple tournaments out of one ramp is not brain surgery. We need to get back to the reason that we show up and not who has the bigger tournament or the best payout or the most boats and fish! Our sport has grown tremendously and the amount of tournaments has more than doubled in the last few years, and that is a good thing for every business around the lake! No hatred toward anyone or any tournament, good luck on the water! This is not meant to be a hateful message, I am just tired of all of the whining about multiple tournaments out of the same ramp, it will work out!
Well i see what your saying... but just like my situation...... I put on an ANNUAL Bowfishing tournament.... its only ONE TX per year..... that wouldnt be right for me to have to pay and take $1000 out of those guys entering winnings.... BOWFISHNG HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BASS TOURNYS.... So this would do away with what bowfishing tournaments.. which the sport doesnt have enough local participation for a CLUB... its all out of town shooters...

Also that basicly does away with dogfights completely.... And only leaves the BIG clubs to have tournaments and some people like to fish the dogfights but anyone putting one on aint gonna pay out a grand and get nothing in return...

also it isnt like there are 15 big tournys blasting off at the same time.. MAYBE 2 in the same area.... Just use alittle common sense and quit having a whos peter is bigger contest and work with each other of blast off times and locations
All this is.... is somthing like OBAMA would come up with.... and same deal... the rich people want the grass sprayed but we dont...... this BIG CLUBS wanna do away with the small man!!!
The only problem with that plan is once all the alternate tournaments are run off, the competition is no longer diluted. If everyone is limited to two tournament trails the turnout is not going to rise that much. After a few experiences with the top 1-20 anglers around here winning week after week, the field will dwindle fast. At least now the competition is spread out over a larger array of tournaments with fewer of the truly talented anglers appearing in the same tournament head on.
Demographics also plays a major role in this too, if you were talking about Tournaments on California's lakes then "Yes" they like that Corporate big event style and don't mind paying tons of money... For instance Old Hickory lake North of Nashville at Flippers hosts a tournament every weekend and they have anywhere from 50 to 100 boats, it is absolutely the biggest tournament every weekend.... Old Hickory hosts about 5 tournaments every weekend from local groups, to church's tournaments... When the Marketing team and sponsors come up with "GREAT IDEAS" like giving away free rods or end of the year the angler with the most points wins a boat, then you will get more anglers to come to those events... But you also have to remember Bass Masters tournament are major for a reason because they are professionals... I personally would like to see more rules apply to the tournaments so anglers aren't cheating because when there is money at stake cheating does go on...

If someone wants to create a big tournament it can be done with flyers, a great sales team that knows how to talk to people and get them interested... Personality of people is usually what provides the best motive to get individuals out for events...
Why not outlaw all tournaments on the grounds they are illegal lotteries. Oh, wouldn't that be nice to be able to fish without someone cutting you off and saying "Hey buddaroo, that's my spot and I'm fishing for thousands of dollars."
Just a thought.
jimwarden - 3/16/2010 7:01 PM

Why not outlaw all tournaments on the grounds they are illegal lotteries. Oh, wouldn't that be nice to be able to fish without someone cutting you off and saying "Hey buddaroo, that's my spot and I'm fishing for thousands of dollars."
Just a thought.

I don't think that goes for all of us, those belong in the a-hole category that since they are fishing for money that they can be rude! I don't do it and fish a lot of tourny's!
I think that a $1000 is way too high! Crap, I've seen people balk or even leave a ramp at the site of a $2 or $3 ramp fee! What if there was a way for the Tx's to just register their dates at each given ramp. First come, first serve, for first, second or third at launching. Then each Tx had to have, say 30 min. separation for a blast off!? Wouldn't that make some Tx's look for more available ramps, or dates, or even altering Tx hours, if they were second or third on the list? I've often wondered why everyone had to blast off at "safe light" anyway? We have the night Tx's. We have the weekday, afternoon dogfights. Why not a 12 noon 'til 9 or 10 pm Tx on a weekend? Isn't the late afternoon bite as good as the early daylight bite? But it's just not that big of a deal with me, I've really only seen a couple of "jammed up" ramps and launches in the past two years. Bottom line, it's a big 'ol lake / river out there and there are lots of ramps! We just need to spread them out a little better! That's all! The CBA has their set up at CF and I don't blame them for wanting to be there! They spent a lot of time and money on THEIR facilities! And it is theirs mind you! Not the lake or the ramp itself, but let's all use some common sense! They have been there for 37 years! Just look and think of how many other ramps that are out there!? How about driving a little ways and fish a different part of the lake for a change? And it's a lot cheaper on gas to trailer a few miles than run by boat! Say you get 15 mpg on tow vehicle and about 3 or 4 on a boat?! But with that being said, the Tx committees still have to agree and cooperate with each other and quit being so hard headed and possessive. Bottom is line, planning, cooperation and communication for everyone! That's about it! I'm off my soap box now!
popeyedpete - 3/16/2010 7:38 PM

The only problem with that plan is once all the alternate tournaments are run off, the competition is no longer diluted. If everyone is limited to two tournament trails the turnout is not going to rise that much. After a few experiences with the top 1-20 anglers around here winning week after week, the field will dwindle fast. At least now the competition is spread out over a larger array of tournaments with fewer of the truly talented anglers appearing in the same tournament head on.
I disagree with the tournament field not rising much.If you drop the entry fee down to $50 dollars and have 200 boats you would make as much money winning 25th place as you would winning a club tx that has 10 boats for a $25 entry fee.as for the $1000 permit if you put it at $50 you will still have the same thing because the smaller txs could spend $50.As far as people not being able to afford it I guess just depends how many different tx you fish a month or a week.
Bottom line is that these ramps are for PUBLIC use, not for the tournament trail that has raised the most funds, or has the coolest weigh in! And to be honost most of the big tournaments would have a lot bigger turn out if the weren't so in your face about how cool they think they are! Just my opinion, but I know that goes for a lot of great anglers in our area, and while on that point, fish another lake, don't stay at the same place, learn something new! And as for the club tournament comment, I am most definetly sure that if any of you traveled with my club you would learn that maybe you don't know as much as you think as we fish 8 different lakes each year! Not the same hole every month!
Grayson, of course it doesn't go for many or most of the tourney guys here. I'm not even that opposed to tournaments, but I like to pass on sentiments from the general fishing public I've heard over the years. Fishing is a privilege, and holding tournaments even less so. One or the other or both could be taken from us with a single government ruling. I'm at that cranky age (over 50), so please be patient with me. I seem to like to stir it up a little now. I also grew up fishing Norris Lake in the fifties when the largest horsepower on the lake was a four cylinder 50HP, and it was so peaceful and quiet the whole time you're fishing. Then I'm on Parksville fishing last week, identifying bird songs as I cast my FnF, and the only other boat on the lake has removed the mufflers from his engine. It looked like a Honda 225. Is it possible someone would turn one of the quietest motors into one of the loudest?!
grayson_garrett - 3/16/2010 7:04 PM

jimwarden - 3/16/2010 7:01 PM

Why not outlaw all tournaments on the grounds they are illegal lotteries. Oh, wouldn't that be nice to be able to fish without someone cutting you off and saying "Hey buddaroo, that's my spot and I'm fishing for thousands of dollars."
Just a thought.

I don't think that goes for all of us, those belong in the a-hole category that since they are fishing for money that they can be rude! I don't do it and fish a lot of tourny's!

...also, if I'm fishing and someone comes in on me, but not being a jerk, I'll ask if they are in a Tx and if so, I'll give them right of way! Do it all the time. They ARE fishing for money, I understand that and I respect that. I'll just watch and hope to learn something! But if they are acting like a jerk, trying to intentionally root me out because they think they can, I'll set there too! I'm old, armed and dangerous! Don't screw with old people!
jimwarden - 3/16/2010 7:28 PM

Grayson, of course it doesn't go for many or most of the tourney guys here. I'm not even that opposed to tournaments, but I like to pass on sentiments from the general fishing public I've heard over the years. Fishing is a privilege, and holding tournaments even less so. One or the other or both could be taken from us with a single government ruling. I'm at that cranky age (over 50), so please be patient with me. I seem to like to stir it up a little now. I also grew up fishing Norris Lake in the fifties when the largest horsepower on the lake was a four cylinder 50HP, and it was so peaceful and quiet the whole time you're fishing. Then I'm on Parksville fishing last week, identifying bird songs as I cast my FnF, and the only other boat on the lake has removed the mufflers from his engine. It looked like a Honda 225. Is it possible someone would turn one of the quietest motors into one of the loudest?!

Oh I completely understand! I think sometimes we all forget that we didn't fish a tournament the first time we went out on a lake, and that tournament fishing is a spin off of something that we all love to do. And I will be the first to admit that sometimes we get carried away with something that we cherish so much, as I have this evening. I don't want to sound like an a$$, but the waters are something that we shouldn't be arguing over but arguing to keep! As for our tournament situations there is never going to be a clear cut answer and I apologize for arguing, we are all Fishermen and will find a way to make it work!
I have read everyones replies and everyone makes great points.I guess I was leaning more towards people that fish larger tournaments that in hopes they have a large deep payouts but the tournament trails are so diluted that you just cant get the amount of boats to make it happen .Thanks for everyones replies and opinions, thats what makes this site that I have been apart of for years so good.
cutthroat - 3/16/2010 7:46 PM

I have read everyones replies and everyone makes great points.I guess I was leaning more towards people that fish larger tournaments that in hopes they have a large deep payouts but the tournament seen is so diluted that you just cant get the amount of boats to make it happen .Thanks for everyones replies and opinions, thats what makes this site that I have been apart of for years so good.

I understand, as I fish most of the big tournaments around here, but at the same time I fish a lot of small ones. You have a great point on the deeper payouts, I would love that as I normally find myself around the middle, but we can't do it at the cost of the little guys. Good thread and apologize for the hatefulness that my posts may have shown, not my intentions at all!

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