A way to resolve fishing tournament issues(in theory)

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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xrfoxracer - 3/17/2010 12:53 AM

cutthroat - 3/16/2010 8:46 PM

I have read everyones replies and everyone makes great points.I guess I was leaning more towards people that fish larger tournaments that in hopes they have a large deep payouts but the tournament trails are so diluted that you just cant get the amount of boats to make it happen .Thanks for everyones replies and opinions, thats what makes this site that I have been apart of for years so good.

Thanks for bringing up your opinion.. this site is great...

Im just really and i mean REALLY tired of YEAR after YEAR.... the CBA trying to stir crap and raise kain about the smaller tournaments.....

CBA's Crap does stink .....BAD.....

So like someone said just shut up and fish.... Let argue about keeping those idiots from spraying grass and not fight with our own people.... just makes no sense to me....The dogfights and smaller tournaments is probably what FOUNDED the CBA and larger tournaments... so you guys need to remember your roots!!!

Just my 2 cents.... again

You can have your 2 cents back. Dog fights and smaller tourneys is not what founded the CBA. Many years ago there was a bunch of folks that wanted to have something larger than a small dogfight. FYI, the CBA was the FIRST fishing club in the country to be sanctioned by Ray Scott and BASS. We have done a lot to keep the sprayers off the lake. And finally, we dont stir crap about anything, or anyone, we have to reply to comments by people like "ownthelake" and others who dog on us constantly.
I have a theory for you,(more regulations to get rid of the lower income folks).... Here is just 1 example (NASCAR)--- There used to be good ole boys and 30 to 40 owner/driver teams,now it's multi million dollar teams with owners that have 5 or 6 cars each in the field so it's really not who's the best anymore it's who has the most money.......I could go on and on but? JMO! emoGeezer
All of this just MIGHT take care of itself, when some of these guys realize what a pain in the arse it is to run one of these for an entire year, with all of the headaches and complaining etc etc, not to mention, the fishermen who spend countless hours practicing and fishing for $100 or less. </p>

I was around when Archery Txs in this area took off to the point there were multiples on Sat and Sun. Now there arent any smaller ones</p>
the best thing to do is find a good tx and stick with it i fish the bfl it cost me 100 a tx non boater t have fished tx for years i have learned to save my 25 dog fight money and put i t on a larger enter fee once a month take a chance on winning something my good friend fished this trail 2 years ago as a non boater and won a new ranger you cant do that in any dog fight or club that i have heard of you can find a bfl type tx that go to almost every lake at least once a year so spend your time prefishing trash the dog fights save yr 25 per week apply it to a 100 entry and take a chance on winning some real money . i once thought i would always fish dog fights but if you keep up with what you spend and what you win i dought you will come out in the long run i probely wont come out a head in the bfl but someone will atleast you know there is a chance for some real winnings as a non boater in the bfl a full field of 200 it pays 3000 to firet place and pays 40 cash places and for the 1000 most of the big tx trails get payed to have there tx by the city or county to have there tx there its good for bussiness i guess when you have 400 people coming in for a few days and spending money just my 2 worth good luck to all you guys this tx season
jonathanfaith2 - 3/16/2010 10:43 PM

cutthroat - 3/16/2010 7:46 PM

I have read everyones replies and everyone makes great points.I guess I was leaning more towards people that fish larger tournaments that in hopes they have a large deep payouts but the tournament seen is so diluted that you just cant get the amount of boats to make it happen .Thanks for everyones replies and opinions, thats what makes this site that I have been apart of for years so good.

Ok first of all I am not trying to sound like an ASS!!!!!! Damon this is the CFF and it sets up a touny trail that is all for fun and friendship! how many cff tourys did you fish last year?? Most of us CFF'rs can't AFFORD to fish the big CBA tournaments. It's not that we are scared like the CBA folks want to think. $1000 for boat ramp fees is stupid. maybe you can get the CBA or the other big tournys that you fish to pay out deeper but this web site is set up for the love of the sport and not the MONEY. IF YOU DONT LIKE THIS POST PLEASE PM ME AND I WILL LET YOU KNOW HOW I REALLY FEEL.
For your information I fished 2 CFF tx last year and I have ran a couple in the past so you might want to do some research before you run your mouth!By the way who drug the CBA into this .I was talking about every lake not just Chickamauga.
cutthroat - 3/17/2010 4:31 PM

jonathanfaith2 - 3/16/2010 10:43 PM

cutthroat - 3/16/2010 7:46 PM

I have read everyones replies and everyone makes great points.I guess I was leaning more towards people that fish larger tournaments that in hopes they have a large deep payouts but the tournament seen is so diluted that you just cant get the amount of boats to make it happen .Thanks for everyones replies and opinions, thats what makes this site that I have been apart of for years so good.

Ok first of all I am not trying to sound like an ASS!!!!!! Damon this is the CFF and it sets up a touny trail that is all for fun and friendship! how many cff tourys did you fish last year?? Most of us CFF'rs can't AFFORD to fish the big CBA tournaments. It's not that we are scared like the CBA folks want to think. $1000 for boat ramp fees is stupid. maybe you can get the CBA or the other big tournys that you fish to pay out deeper but this web site is set up for the love of the sport and not the MONEY. IF YOU DONT LIKE THIS POST PLEASE PM ME AND I WILL LET YOU KNOW HOW I REALLY FEEL.
For your information I fished 2 CFF tx last year and I have ran a couple in the past so you might want to do some research before you run your mouth!By the way who drug the CBA into this .I was talking about every lake not just Chickamauga.

First off with everything that you said one would think that you would understand what the CFF tourneys are all about. As for the CBA I have nothing against them, they run a great trail and I was fortunate enough to be able to fish a few of there tourneys last year. They have higher entry fees so that they can payout more and deeper. I STILL think that your idea for tourneys is stupid and that it would only hurt the CFF tournaments. Raising the fees would only force a lot of people to not be able to really enjoy fishing and seeing friends.
cutthroat - 3/16/2010 8:46 PM

I have read everyones replies and everyone makes great points.I guess I was leaning more towards people that fish larger tournaments that in hopes they have a large deep payouts but the tournament trails are so diluted that you just cant get the amount of boats to make it happen .Thanks for everyones replies and opinions, thats what makes this site that I have been apart of for years so good.
I think that this thread has turned ten ways wrong, stop bashing the CBA, as it was never mentioned in any original post, I think that we have all voiced our OPINIONS! I agree with parts of all and see no reason to call one specific trail out, and specific people! If any of you are interested in a fight club I am thinking of starting one up, as I feel that it would be a profitable business by looking at the forum(HA! HA!) Settle it with a rod and reel and let's quit bad mouthing each other before we have no outlet to talk about any of this!
churly - 3/17/2010 9:13 AM

FYI, the CBA was the FIRST fishing club in the country to be sanctioned by Ray Scott and BASS. We have done a lot to keep the sprayers off the lake. And finally, we dont stir crap about anything, or anyone, we have to reply to comments by people like "ownthelake" and others who dog on us constantly.

FYI ... yes but ... the Chattanooga Bass Club was the first sanctioned Bass Club by B.A.S.S. and Ray Scott in the USA around 1972? Harold Sharpe was a charter member of the CBC here and went on the become the Tx director for B.A.S.S Nationally for many years, before retiring here now. The CBC was several years ahead of the CBA. In fact several of the CBC members were instrumental in founding the CBA in 1976? One that comes to mind is Steve Kite. If anyone cares!?
Listen, if you want to draw popularity you have to pay big bucks. Right now sponsors are willing to help out because boat sales are down with the Economy killing the fishing industry. Think of the lottery or powerball, you spend couple of dollars and possibly win millions of dollars. I'm not saying give out millions of dollars but tournaments need to be inexpensive with large rewards. Also, I like the FLW Walmart series and Bassmaster tournaments because they travel to different lakes, which keeps the competion fair. Here in the south we have enough big lakes to develop bass amateur league that could travel to Center Hill, Old Hickory, Percy Priest, Tim's ford, Tennessee River and etc. I believe there are enough big money sponsors in the region to start an Amateur fishing league, such as they do in Major league baseball.
TheMacDaddy - 3/17/2010 8:45 PM

Listen, if you want to draw popularity you have to pay big bucks. Right now sponsors are willing to help out because boat sales are down with the Economy killing the fishing industry. Think of the lottery or powerball, you spend couple of dollars and possibly win millions of dollars. I'm not saying give out millions of dollars but tournaments need to be inexpensive with large rewards. Also, I like the FLW Walmart series and Bassmaster tournaments because they travel to different lakes, which keeps the competion fair. Here in the south we have enough big lakes to develop bass amateur league that could travel to Center Hill, Old Hickory, Percy Priest, Tim's ford, Tennessee River and etc. I believe there are enough big money sponsors in the region to start an Amateur fishing league, such as they do in Major league baseball.

I like that idea!
Fishing industry is up...boats sales are whats down. Allot of folks don't go on vacation now and stay local. They have picked up old or new hobbies such as fishing. I have an article somewhere at work for the 3rd qtr of last year...but your right about one thing. Boat sales just SUCK right now.

Tennessee Trailers has seen a good surge this month though due to late shows and weather finally kicking in a bit. Good Winters = Good spring and summers for dealers. Not gonna be what it was 3-4 years ago, but indicators and projections look decent compared to last year.
This post sounds like something a Dem. would try & do! I like 100% pay out Tournys. The guys that run them do it for the fun of it! Not 15% of the pot! Go make $$$ some where else & leave the bass fishermen alone with your fee's! emoBang emoBang emoBang Bad post shold & be removed!!!emoVomitemoVomitemoVomit
or would could tax for ramp fee, and put more taxes on everything from rods, reels, lures, to a carbon tax for using our motors.... damn, im starting to sound like a dem...

or we could go fish.... i pay enough taxes and fees and permits as it is... i dont need anymore...if i want to fish a tx, i will, and if i dont like the payout, then i wont.... plus.. isnt that what a liscense is for...
Below is a link to one of the states rules that require a tournament.Also check out the Activity permit form. Looks like lots of fun.</p>

Last year I called the Gadsden City boat ramp to schedule a tournament on Neely. I was told to call the Gadsden Parks and Recreation Dept for scheduling and permission.There I talked to the lady over the park and had to give information concerning the date,number of boats, and Club name.Turned out that 120 parking spaces were already reserved that day but there was enoughroom for our group to park so I got permission. It did not cost anything.</p>

It was a good thingin some ways. We knew after the drive over there we would have a place to park. We also knew the cost of parking was $3 and there was an attendant on duty to watch over the lot. The part that concerned me was I was told it was a Pilot program by the state to monitor tournaments and activity on the ramp. I can only assume, and hope I'm wrong, that the state(Bama) is looking into a way to control and possibly charge fortournaments.</p>

I saw where California requires a permit ($53.50) for tournaments and requires all prizes and money awarded to be reported on the form. IRS maybe ?</p>

I can't see the need for having a state/government agency to control when we want to get together and have a tournament. Just look at the rules and forms of some of the other states.</p>


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