Another shooting, more stupid people with advice.

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Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
<span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px">When will the politicians get it!?</span>
<span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px">Arm the damn teachers, its absurd that idiots and politicians in general are convinced that making schools, "gun free" keeps them safe, it does the exact opposite! Criminals don't follow rules, or morals. If you hear a stupid person today say, "If guns were outlawed..." remind said stupid person that a psychotic person in China, where guns are outlawed mind you, KNIFED a couple dozen children this week. YOU CANNOT legislate insanity!</span>
Starts with discipline and fear of punishment IMO.
Many prayers to those families! I'm going to go hug my daughter.
The problem is not what a person holds in their hand but what they hold in their heart and mind. Japan had virtually no private gun ownership. The police can enter where you keep your guns and check the and count your ammunition. you have to account for every round! Knives with blades over three inches ling are prohibited from being carried. But they have crime; do a search for Yakuza. South AFrica, Great Britain, and Australia had sweeping gun bans and are wondering why the crime rate went up! Canda was going to have a national program of gun registration. They dropped it when it cost ten times what they figured.
Do not blame anything but the truth. It's not about God, Nor Guns. it all comes down to the fact that our society pussyfoots around raising moron children molding them into a senseless being without the understanding of tolerances and respect. They are given everything they want. They can not deal with being denied. As children they throw a Tantrum and get whatever they want rather than an ass beating. Trying to be Politically Correct and by not putting the fear of consequences into developing children you mold people who have no concept for values of anything. Including Life itself. I see the many shooters as being mostly White young men, quiet type from middle income families. To prove my point. redneck Momma's will jerk a knot in a kid's ass. Black Momma's will smack you into next week. You do not see these kids doing this. It is those who relax the strict rules of parenting most who seems to be generating these nut cases. I can see that these young men who have always had their way in life are now facing the real world. The real world is harsh. They can not accept the fact that Mom and Dad has turned them out to face this world head-on. They have never before been denied nor have they experienced discipline. They simply Freak out in rebellion against their parents and society where they feel they can get the most attention. And as we see, they express themselves in a public Tantrum that takes the lives of the innocent.
I can not agree more. parents need to discipline children like I was with a belt or a hickory switch and put the fear of god in them and I have a child in kindergarten I hug and kissed him when I picked him up today from school and I am thankful to have him every day my deepest cundulist goes out to the family's in CT I will keep them in my thoughts and prays God bless America and God bless the the troops
The liberals have taken the Bible out of the schools, refuse to let public prayer take place, gave the degenerates what they wanted.
These shootings were unheard of before all this took place.
This is very well written. I could not agree with you more. I wish every household had a copy of this.
This is not a gun control issue. This is a mental health and security problem. Armed security at every school in the U.S. must be provided whether it be from a law enforcement officer or a very well trained member or two of the school's staff. The expense can easily be paid for by cutting the number of the bloated administrative personel.

All of the perpetrators of mass shootings have had problems with paranoia and delusional behavior. A nationwide program is needed to educate the populace on what to look for in individuals that may suffer from severe mental illness. As a fiscal conservative, it pains me to suggest that accessibility to mental health resources must be increased dramatically. There are thousands of these potential monsters walking the streets today. It will happen again very soon.
What if? I saw this as a sign on FB. What if those signs at the schools stating....NO GUNS ALLOWED....,they read.....THIS SCHOOL IS PROTECTED BY A ARMED AND TRAINED STAFF. And don't just post it. God Bless all of those families.
Moron parents = Moron children - pretty simple when you boil it down to the root cause.

Every person that is legally able should arm themselves - then how many idiots do you think would pick a gunfight or prey on the innocent?

Get your CWP and carry! Get your husband or wife to do the same so you both carry!

It costs a total of $180 to get permitted. $65 for the 8 hour class, $115 for the permit which lasts for 4 years. After that $50 renewal for 4 years.
I rewrote the complete version of my beliefs. In one of the comments above the security was address but that can only protect that single point. The shooter. Bomber. Stabber, Poisoner or whatever will simply find another target. Address the cause. That may start to shed light on certain young adults who are showing definitive signs of this trend. You did see this time the Killer targeted his Mother first. She was most likely harassing him to grow up and take responsibilities. She made him the way he is. Why curse and degrade him into feeling worthless and helpless? We all have a certain extent of mental issues. I place no merit on the announcements that all these shooters had mental issues. Not the problem.
SpurHunter - 12/14/2012 1:16 PM

<span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px">When will the politicians get it!?</span>
<span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px">Arm the damn teachers, its absurd that idiots and politicians in general are convinced that making schools, "gun free" keeps them safe, it does the exact opposite! Criminals don't follow rules, or morals. If you hear a stupid person today say, "If guns were outlawed..." remind said stupid person that a psychotic person in China, where guns are outlawed mind you, KNIFED a couple dozen children this week. YOU CANNOT legislate insanity!</span>
All 22 of those children in China who were stabbed/slashed, survived the attack and won't be buried next week.
Your right Danny, what about the dozen or more that were killed the exact same way last year in China from the SAME attack? They dont have guns, yet they still have crazy people killing innocent people. How can this be???
Morgan Freeman had a great response to the shooting. It's on news channel 3 website. If the media wouldn't make the shooter famous would he have done this? Everyone knows his name now!

I see we have those among us that think the Automobile is responsible for all the drunk drivers and the major havoc they create every minute of every day in this country. Ban Automobiles or limit them so we can only be able to buy slow ones so we can get out of their way. "Moron attitudes". People make decisions both good and bad. Not any kind of machinery or tool we may chose to utilize to carry out our plans.</p>

I am expecting someone to argue that steel and plastic cars are stupid and can not decide what we a humans do And at the same time, try to convince me that steel and plastic guns have a brain that can out smart me and force me to shoot someone.</p>

outcaster - 12/16/2012 8:49 PM
SpurHunter - 12/14/2012 1:16 PM <span style="font-size: 13px; color: #333333; line-height: 17px; font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif">When will the politicians get it!?</span>
<span style="font-size: 13px; color: #333333; line-height: 17px; font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif">Arm the damn teachers, its absurd that idiots and politicians in general are convinced that making schools, "gun free" keeps them safe, it does the exact opposite! Criminals don't follow rules, or morals. If you hear a stupid person today say, "If guns were outlawed..." remind said stupid person that a psychotic person in China, where guns are outlawed mind you, KNIFED a couple dozen children this week. YOU CANNOT legislate insanity!</span>
All 22 of those children in China who were stabbed/slashed, survived the attack and won't be buried next week.

Momma said if you dont have nothing nice to say, dont say anything at all. Thats how I really feel about the comment you posted Danny.</p>

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