Another shooting, more stupid people with advice.

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There is a solution if the people were interested in stopping the waste of time pointing at every thing but the problem. ... Fill an entire arsenal with fully loaded Bushmaster AR-15's with the safety switched to "Fire"... Send a 1,000 people through and no one gets shot... It takes a Human determined to harm and kill to to point and pull the trigger. Deal with the shooter. These young men who have been guilty of the many public shootings all have a Very same and distinct profile that is so obvious to me. Go after the Shooters... It is not the guns.. Timothy McVeigh did not use Guns.. However he fit the same profile. When will we ever stop wasting efforts and start to see a trend of copy-cats doing these publictantrums.</p>

The top 2% have only three things on their side guns, religion, and abortion. Conservatives feed on it like honey, only way they can get elected. Who cares if we are spending trillions on infrustucture in multinational corporate states with military aid.' Want hear much about a financial cliff there. However it is hard to take care of our problems over here when we are jelious of givivig an unaborted child food stamps. A true conservative hopes the kid makes it, uneducared and works for slave wages. Nothing has really changed, the south has always been what it always has been.
Maverick - 12/19/2012 2:25 AM

The top 2% have only three things on their side guns, religion, and abortion. Conservatives feed on it like honey, only way they can get elected. Who cares if we are spending trillions on infrustucture in multinational corporate states with military aid.' Want hear much about a financial cliff there. However it is hard to take care of our problems over here when we are jelious of givivig an unaborted child food stamps. A true conservative hopes the kid makes it, uneducared and works for slave wages. Nothing has really changed, the south has always been what it always has been.

Well this surely makes the title of this thread hold true.
A few points then I'm done here.

1. I nor the President are in favor of taking your rifles, pistols and shotguns. That's a lie the NRA uses to keep right wingers stirred up.

2. I certainly understand that guns by themselves don't kill people.

3. Banning or seriously regulating ownership of combat style weapons with large clips just makes sense. Just like it makes sense to outlaw land mines to keep the neighbors dog from taking a crap in your wife's flower bed. Even Bill O'Reilly is calling for requiring ownership of these weapons to be registered with the FBI, and not "Available at Walmart".... to quote Ricky Bobby.

4. I'm also in favor of having at least one person armed at every school. Whether it be a teacher, administrator or police officer. This person should have State Police level training. I am also willing to pay higher taxes to make this happen. Here's an idea.... Lets hire returning military to provide this service.

5. Mental health coverage should be made more available. Currently, in most cases a unstable person has to commit a crime before they receive mental illness care
While these proposals made by Danny, make him and others feel all warm and bubbly, they are not realistic. More laws, WONT stop this from happening. Then they will make MORE laws, again in a fruitless effort to stop it, and it wont work. And before you know it, gun ownership will be outlawed. Its happened, and if you dont get your head out of the sand, it will happen here.
whenwegoin - 12/19/2012 5:52 AM

Maverick - 12/19/2012 2:25 AM

The top 2% have only three things on their side guns, religion, and abortion. Conservatives feed on it like honey, only way they can get elected. Who cares if we are spending trillions on infrustucture in multinational corporate states with military aid.' Want hear much about a financial cliff there. However it is hard to take care of our problems over here when we are jelious of givivig an unaborted child food stamps. A true conservative hopes the kid makes it, uneducared and works for slave wages. Nothing has really changed, the south has always been what it always has been.

Well this surely makes the title of this thread hold true. I thought that was funny! Wonder were that name Mavreick came form?

1. I nor the President are in favor of taking your guns.

.,, that is not exactly what I understood today from multiple news reports. Fienstien is going to reintroduce her previous gun control bill and our President is calling for more restrictions and control.

I told you it would become a gun issue very soon!
SpurHunter - 12/19/2012 6:14 PM

While these proposals made by Danny, make him and others feel all warm and bubbly, they are not realistic. More laws, WONT stop this from happening. Then they will make MORE laws, again in a fruitless effort to stop it, and it wont work. And before you know it, gun ownership will be outlawed. Its happened, and if you dont get your head out of the sand, it will happen here.

Spur, Yes they will. You can't tell me that if the things I just listed above were in place, a 20 year old kid could have waltzed into a elementary school, shoot the 2 or 3 adults at the entrance, kill 2 or 3 more, then walk into his mothers classroom stand there and pump 2 to 4 rounds each into 20 6 year olds. But I'm the one with my "Head in the sand"??? Give me a break!
How about this Stupid Idea.. What if we enforced the laws we already have in place rather than to restrict a Lawful Citizen to practice his Constitutional Rights. The only Law I would like to see made would be to establish a Classification whereas if a person uses a firearm with the intent to Harm the innocent public, They should be considered committing "Domestic Terrorism". Have mandatory lengthy jail terms. Then watch the number of shootings drop drastically
Let's look at this another way........ If everyone, that was mentally sound and trained, was required to to carry a gun then gun violence would go down. The guy that goes into a McDonalds or a movie theater would think twice about walking in and start firing. This might not keep everyone from being killed but someone would get him before he killed 20 people.
Oh...I didnt know that the things in place would keep a 20 year old kid from waltzing into a place lke that. So I guess once all these rules are in place and changes made, it will keep criminals and killers honest and law abiding. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! Spur is right. Warm and Fuzzy.....Not Safe!
I'm pretty sure when a gun bought legally and the purchaser goes thru the background are kinda registered with the GOVT. Maybe I'm wrong. On yesterdays news....I bet the conversation went like this.

Prez:" Uh-uh-uh, Joe, I'm going to appoint you in charge of the new gun legislation, on the assault weapons.
Joe: "Ah thanks Barry, just one question, which end do the bullets come out of"?
Prez: Uh-uh-uh, Joe if you have a problem here, just ask Eric Holder, uh-uh-BAD IDEA......he gave all our assault weapons to the Mexican Drug Cartel" emoEnforce
More people are killed each year by hands and feet than by long guns all together. That includes assault rifles, hunting rifles, and 22 semi autos. I think they should ban all hands and feet first! FYI. The FBI did this study in 2010 if you want to fact check it. Assault weapons make up less than 1% of all homicides.
13,636 total murders, 801 by hands and feet, 348 by rifles (of which assault rifles were a minor part of) still leaves 12,490 of which 9,146 that involved guns, probably hand guns. It looks like they are looking at the wrong end of the spectrum. I wouldn't throw this information around too much, looks bad on handguns. Good information though.
VP Biden was appointed to head up the ban on assault weapons. He has stated he wants to ban All semi autos. What kind of pistol do you carry.
Although this is a very politicized, sensitive issue, one of my friends brought it up. I was naive, but as the talk about senseless loss of life is dominating the airwaves, and numbers are flying, I checked them out. Compared to the horrible and disturbing recent events, these numbers slip under the radar. I am a NRA member, don't necessarily mind if some additional controls are levied, but perspective is everything. Loss of life through irrational behavior should cover all loss of life.
I find it frustrating when media coverage is isolated to local area only when their is a good person with a gun that ended the bad persons rampage efforts. It just goes to show that they do not want to show how things would be taken care of if we all had guns. It would make the bad guys at least pause and think before striking.

This was 2 days after the school shooting.
I just know that if the government would bans the sale of Porsche and any import that will run over 150 MPH that will end all drunk drivers who kill and injure thousands And totally end all car bombings. We Blame the Gun for people choosing to shoot people so we must Blame the Automobile for people who choose to get drunk and drive.
Now, Just like blaming public mass shooting the AR-15, we, by the same principle, must blame faster cars for Car Bombers.
They say we do not need guns that will shoot Faster and Longer ... Then do we need cars that will run 150 MPH plus. "Blame those Damn Hotrods."
Okay I tried to stay out of it so far. First there may be future laws about owning and purchasing any type of firearm. However you will be hard pressed to find a officer that is going to come knocking and ask for them. When I was swore in I swore to uphold the Constitution. I know a wide margin of officers that feel the same. I have met a grand total of 2 that stated otherwise. One of them has recently taken our view so you have one left.

Now as far as how to correct this there are a couple points to start with. Keep this crap from being in the media that will help. Every nut job that now wants to off them-self is trying to go out and be remembered instead of doing it in the basement alone. Next parenting will be a major step in the right direction. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have been called to a house for a unruly child. The belt line to the knees is fair game. I know I got my rear wore out a few times by my father and I turned out just fine.

Now as far as the magazine capacity of any given firearm that is well just crazy. That is simply saying we should limit the amount of fuel in a cars tank. Lets look at it this way. Car A has 10 gallons of fuel so he can travel 200 miles on that tank. Car B with the same driver has a 20 gallon tank he will be able to drive 400 miles. Now that car B has a larger tank he is twice as likely to kill someone. Lets not even get into the aftermarket tanks in the bed. That would be considered a weapon of mass destruction.

All in all this boils down to what you teach at home. Don't stick your kid in-front of a killing game all day or the TV that immortalizes the taking of a human life then that's all they know. We can begin to believe everything in the world is wrong. Look at how you were raised and ask yourself if its the same now. I know most parents aren't at home much. When they are there is a tv in every room and the child is open to so many social networks all the time. Kids have cell phones that allow them to share harmful projections to other youth.

I know I played outside and after dinner it was time for board games with the parents. I got to watch Saturday morning fishing shows not some of the crap cartoons I have seen recently. I also was able to have a cell phone when I payed for it. This also came after I bought my own car and paid the insurance. I'm sure many of your parents were the same.

Now if you want to blame anything look in the mirror first before you cast stones.