Another shooting, more stupid people with advice.

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I think it's pretty sad that people are using this tragedy as a platform for their political agendas. What happened to showing some compassion and letting these folks grieve before you get into arguments on would've/should've.
Fishin' Junkie - 12/17/2012 1:30 PM I think it's pretty sad that people are using this tragedy as a platform for their political agendas. What happened to showing some compassion and letting these folks grieve before you get into arguments on would've/should've.

I didn't start the thread. I just posted different viewpoint than all this God and Guns bullcrap so prevalent here in the south. Maybe you missed the point Billy, you so often do. Access to and AR-15 is easier than finding mental health services. I can get one at Walmart right now. These types of weapons are people killing machines, nothing less, not hunting rifles or personal protection pistols. Automatic and semi automatic weapons with large clips make it too easy to slaughter dozens in short order. Yes, great harm can be caused with knives, hammers, baseball bats and double barrel shotguns. We will never get rid of evil, but we can't make it easy either. What's it gonna take??? a Daycare center next? How about a Pediatric ward?
Didn't miss a thing Danny. You should have posted that in the you so often don't do. ;)
On another note I agree. Personally, I love all my guns yet why would I need 2000 rounds and a 100 round clip. That's crazy and maybe we do need stiffer laws there but that will only have a trickle effect. Mental evaluations are a must!!! We're missing that link that makes these people do this. There has to be signs!!
... are you going to restrict, control, or outlaw fertilizer and kerosene too? Both are REAL easy to get and can cause much more damage and destruction than some crazy nut with automatic weapons. Remember Oklahoma City? Firearms is not the problem. The people or that person is the problem. We had planes that went down on 911 because people had box cutters. Are you going to outlaw those too? Once again, the spoon did not make anyone fat! Where is that liberal thinking that we should be able to do what ever we want to do? I'm sorry to say, but there may come a day real soon that you may call on God and wish that you had a gun too!
the lack of god is the whole problem.the hand full of non believers is taking this country down and guess what folks we are sitting back and letting it happen.there will be a up-rising of the people some day.when we all get fed up.
Right you are Oldman. Heres a novel idea. BRING the soldiers home. Let them be the guards of the schools. They are already trained. Check out the Israel schools. Heck check out Israel.....they got FED up awhile back, it seems.
buzz - 12/17/2012 7:02 PM

Right you are Oldman. Heres a novel idea. BRING the soldiers home. Let them be the guards of the schools. They are already trained. Check out the Israel schools. Heck check out Israel.....they got FED up awhile back, it seems.

AMEN! Turn Israel loose and they may straighten out a whole lot in this World!
My 2 cents is make the press quit sensationallizing these events so the desperate, unstable people committing them won't get the attention they obviousely crave.
Sure-a lot of them give their lives away in the process, but they (in their twisted minds) got the attention they were after!
And as far as the media is concerned-it's big money! The more the anchor-person can put on the sad face after moments ago giggling at the dog on skis story the better the reporter they are! Cue up "Dirty Laundry" by the Eagles.
Sure-It's a horrid tragedy!! But, do all the analists need to make their money and the public be unable to watch TV without the tragedy constantly being force-fed the reminder of all of it?
outcaster - 12/16/2012 6:35 PM I didn't start the thread. I just posted different viewpoint than all this God and Guns bullcrap so prevalent here in the south. Maybe you missed the point Billy, you so often do. Access to and AR-15 is easier than finding mental health services. I can get one at Walmart right now. These types of weapons are people killing machines, nothing less, not hunting rifles or personal protection pistols. Automatic and semi automatic weapons with large clips make it too easy to slaughter dozens in short order. Yes, great harm can be caused with knives, hammers, baseball bats and double barrel shotguns. We will never get rid of evil, but we can't make it easy either. What's it gonna take??? a Daycare center next? How about a Pediatric ward?

More rambling non-sense. This lunatic didnt use an assault rifle, he used handguns that he was legally allowed to have. Why do you defend these punks? By blaming an inanamate object, you take the blame off of where it belongs, on the KILLERS!</p>
Spur, I believe it was said he did use a AR-15 Bushmaster. Thats not important. WHY was that or any gun with-in this kids reach? Why would his Momma take him to the range? Why did she buy the guns.....knowing he was somewhat "challenged"? Was she afraid of him? So many unanswered questions. I agree with the....."stop the media from exploited these freaks".
it was a bushmaster rifle. he killed hiself with the handgun. just because people disagree with our views does not make them stupid!
Most people that argue against the 2nd amendment rights to bear arms, think that the idea was the right of the individual to protect his or her self and property. But the real spirit of the law was to make sure the collective society as a whole could be armed against threats to the country both from external threats such as invasion by other sovereign nations or pirates or other groups of outlaws that were prevalent at the time as we had no standing fulltime army during times of peace. Also the right to bear arms was to prevent the government from seizing despotic power and oppressing the masses. They had learned from England that the few in power could do any and everything they wanted as the unarmed public couldnt even mount so much as a guerrilla resistance. At the time given the nature of homesteading out of wild territory it was obvious that individuals would be armed for hunting and protection from the many threats they faced in settling the country. Not to sound like a survivalist or a Montana freeman but I believe if we cant have adequate firepower spread across the responsible populace that we will not only be vulnerable but will be most certainly be preyed upon by gangs of criminals that will be armed laws or not. As for the government it may seem far fetched but I believe that the 2nd amendment is the only thing that has prevented it from happening already. Just look at the majority of 2nd and 3rd world countries where the citizens are to poor to arm themselves. It makes it easy for those with power to exploit whole populations. It is almost the rule rather than the exception. As far as protecting schools. Armed guards should be at every single school I don't care what it costs. After Oklahoma City they certainly found resources and the means to protect all courthouses and judges and they did it fast when they realized they were vulnerable.
Very good points Toondawg2. I like the "protecting the judges/court houses/federal buildings, etc. It sure didn't take long. Scary thoughts that I have. What will be next? These KILLERS venues, where they know people are unprotected (NO GUNS ALLOWED)or unarmed is factual. Will it be a sporting event? A church?
As far as the liberal view on GUNS....I can lay all of mine on the kitchen table........they can lay there until Gabriel blows his trumpet, and not kill anything.............unless someone picks them up. IT'S NOT THE GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to UAB university hospital and after dark they only have one way into the hospital. The entrance to the emergency room starts with rotating bulletproof glass doors with metal detectors that leads to a small bulletproof enclosure with another locked door. Beside that is a bulletproof glass guard shack with 2 highly armed policemen who ask you remove all metal into pans. If someone up to no good they can buzz a button to lock the first door effectively trapping criminal. If the criminal gets aggressive the guards can make Swiss cheese much like the murder holes of a medieval castle entrance past the portcullis. This system seems effective although inconvenient but if we really care about the safety of our children we need to start thinking about them as we would to secure money reserves like banks or gold depositories like Ft Knox. I know this sounds extremely radical but I don't think insane criminals bent on destruction care about even the steepest legislative punishment. Whats most you can do the death penalty. That wont work most of them want to die anyway. I realize a determined nutcase/terrorist could just snipe them on way to the entrance but I'm not smart enough to figure that out but I'm sure someone in the army security business could figure it out. Funny as read what I've written here before last Friday I would have thought I was being paranoid.
SpurHunter - 12/16/2012 9:33 PM

outcaster - 12/16/2012 6:35 PM I didn't start the thread. I just posted different viewpoint than all this God and Guns bullcrap so prevalent here in the south. Maybe you missed the point Billy, you so often do. Access to and AR-15 is easier than finding mental health services. I can get one at Walmart right now. These types of weapons are people killing machines, nothing less, not hunting rifles or personal protection pistols. Automatic and semi automatic weapons with large clips make it too easy to slaughter dozens in short order. Yes, great harm can be caused with knives, hammers, baseball bats and double barrel shotguns. We will never get rid of evil, but we can't make it easy either. What's it gonna take??? a Daycare center next? How about a Pediatric ward?

More rambling non-sense. This lunatic didnt use an assault rifle, he used handguns that he was legally allowed to have. Why do you defend these punks? By blaming an inanamate object, you take the blame off of where it belongs, on the KILLERS!</p>

In my haste, I wrote legaly, I meant illegally.</p>