Boat servicing question

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2006
Ft. Oglethorpe
I'm planning on having my steering cables replaced in the next couple of weeks. I thought about asking them to replace the lower unit lube and give the motor a tune-up as well. How much should I expect to spend?
Hello BassmanIU,

I'm afraid I won't be much help, other than to say that in my experience there can be a wide range of prices for outboard service work. I think a lot of times it depends on how busy the shop is. I would suggest that you get a couple of quotes. Replacing the lower unit lube is very easy to do. I do my own and if I can do it, anybody can. I spent around $6.00 I think for a lube pump from BPS which makes it real easy. I've noticed that Mr. Gamble is highly recommended on our forum for outboard repairs and his business is listed in the phone book as the Outboard Doc. Good luck on getting the work done and let us know who you end up using and how much $$$ it cost.
Bassman there is a lot of stuff you can do yourself. I would leave the mech. to the pros unless you got some experience on it.  Changing the foot lube is easy and you could do it your self. I posted a list here while back of things I usually check out in the Spring and all during the year.</p></p>

 It may be of some help to you. </p>