I'm gonna keep. I enjoy this website and hope to continue to do so in the future. I have a HUGE photo album in my pc, and I always take numberous pics especially after a good day. I had 4 fish in my livewell.... Needless to say we didn't pay any attention to the "markings" on the fish before taking pics.....
We didn't realize we were taking pics of the same fish.... I'm sure I've done it before and will do it again it's not hard to do when all are basically the same size, it's about like culling unmarked fish..... I done an article w/ GON a couple of years back w/ Ronnie Garrison a member here, we used the same BIG SPOT over and over again even though I had 4 other 3lb fish in my well.... I had near 20lb that dayand only used two of the fish..... Never received any hate mail asking "is that the same fish in both pics in the magazine?"
I've been posting regular on the BFHP for a couple of years now and I've seen many good informative people stop posting due to unnecessary negative criticism....... I AM NOT THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR nor do I have ANYTHING to do with the tournaments... I have nothing to gain by misleading anyone here. Just so the PETA people know all the fish were released unharmed, they were kept in a comfortable environment w/ LOTS of Rejuvenade!!! Thanks and Good Fishing to all.