change ???

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Fat Albert

Well-known member
May 11, 2006
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">There's an old story in the Marine Corps about a lieutenant who inspected his marines in the field, and afterward told the 'Gunny' that the men smelled bad. The lieutenant suggested the solution is that they should change underwear. The Gunny responded, "Yes sir, I'll see to it immediately !!"</font></p>

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#ff0033" size="4">The Gunny went straight to the squad tent and announced, "The lieutenant thinks you guys smell bad, and wants you to change your underwear."</font></p>

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#ff0033" size="4">Smith, you change with Jones, McCarthy, you change with Witkowsky, and Broun, you change with Schultz. "NOW GET TO IT !!"</font></p>

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#ff0033" size="4">THE MORAL: A candidate may promise "change" in Washington, but don't count on the things smelling any better.</font></p>
It might get a lot better, have you thought about that? You never know untill you try. </p>

This reminds me of the time a new coach came to Tenn. and ousted Johnny majors. Now years later you want his head on a stick, change was good for a long time wasn't it?</p>
Webster Dictionary: Maverick: Nonconformist
Conform: 1. To be similar or identical , 2. to obey customs of standards

So by definition a Maverick of the Republican party would be more like a Democrat, or at least a change from what we would expect out of Republicans. Thats funny I thought another candidate was talking about change, long ago. Check out this video, I think this person is talking about a Maverick, not sure, you think about it!
Its possible. I don't think George Bush had much to do with where this economy is. Have you listened to him? He is too stupid to have an effect on anything. The only thing we will get from a democratic president and congress is higher taxes. As bad as mr george can't say nuclear (nucular) bush is, I believe the new guy will be worse.

If government involvement means higher taxes (and that's what it means) then I don't want it!
Lance, are you saying that 10 Billion bucks a month going into the war effort has nothing to do with the shape of our economy?
beetlespin - 10/29/2008 7:57 PM

Its possible. The only thing we will get from a democratic president and congress is higher taxes. As bad as mr george can't say nuclear (nucular) bush is, I believe the new guy will be worse.

If government involvement means higher taxes (and that's what it means) then I don't want it!

I'm just glad to know that we have people on the forum with us that make over $250K/yr!!
I am with you Lance. By now it is pretty easy to see where everyone stands; even those who won't come out and say it.

Hey Lance, can I borrow some money? (Actually, I will be one of the ones having to give money as well, and I don't make 250K, 150K, or whatever the magic number is today as it seems to change) If you loan it to me now you can get a head start on 'sharing the wealth' and be a good example to us all. You could just loan me your Allison (and fill it with gas). I think one of the candidates wants us to share our wealth with his poor half-brother in Kenya or Aunt living in the Boston slums.

What people do not realize is that it was not Roosevelt's handouts that pulled us out of the great depression but the wartime economy from WWII that put everyone to work building weapons.
(ironic might me more accurate)
that I make closer to a tenth of the (first) magic number
(what is it now? 250? 150? 100?) but I vehemently oppose Senator Obama's economic proposals.
....then again I may just (*gasp*) actually have a grasp on what they mean not only for folks in my tax bracket but also for our economy as a whole.
(HINT): socialism doesn't work
I tried that "Change" thingie the other day and it did not go over well. emoScratch

Went out to eat and saw a homeless guy with a sign that said,"Vote for Obama!" I laughed thinking of the irony of it. When I went in to eat the waiter had a tie on that said,"Obama". At the end of the meal I told the waiter since he was voting for Obama and wanted "Change" I was going to put into effect his policy. I told the waiter about the homeless guy and said I was going to redistribute his tip from him to the homeless guy who you could tell needed it more then him. He got mad and stomped off. I gave the tip to the homeless guy and he was very grateful.

I will say that it does not have the effect on people like you might think when it is happening to you as the one loosing the money. The waiter who worked for it did not get it but the homeless guy that did nothing got it and was grateful but really once spent would be no better off.

I wonder if that waiter will continue to wear that tie?

emoRolleyes Jmax
Jmax - 10/31/2008 7:24 AM

I tried that "Change" thingie the other day and it did not go over well. emoScratch

Went out to eat and saw a homeless guy with a sign that said,"Vote for Obama!" I laughed thinking of the irony of it. When I went in to eat the waiter had a tie on that said,"Obama". At the end of the meal I told the waiter since he was voting for Obama and wanted "Change" I was going to put into effect his policy. I told the waiter about the homeless guy and said I was going to redistribute his tip from him to the homeless guy who you could tell needed it more then him. He got mad and stomped off. I gave the tip to the homeless guy and he was very grateful.

I will say that it does not have the effect on people like you might think when it is happening to you as the one loosing the money. The waiter who worked for it did not get it but the homeless guy that did nothing got it and was grateful but really once spent would be no better off.

I wonder if that waiter will continue to wear that tie?

emoRolleyes Jmax

Powerful JMax. I like it emoUSA
Jmax - 10/31/2008 7:24 AM

I tried that "Change" thingie the other day and it did not go over well. emoScratch

Went out to eat and saw a homeless guy with a sign that said,"Vote for Obama!" I laughed thinking of the irony of it. When I went in to eat the waiter had a tie on that said,"Obama". At the end of the meal I told the waiter since he was voting for Obama and wanted "Change" I was going to put into effect his policy. I told the waiter about the homeless guy and said I was going to redistribute his tip from him to the homeless guy who you could tell needed it more then him. He got mad and stomped off. I gave the tip to the homeless guy and he was very grateful.

I will say that it does not have the effect on people like you might think when it is happening to you as the one loosing the money. The waiter who worked for it did not get it but the homeless guy that did nothing got it and was grateful but really once spent would be no better off.

I wonder if that waiter will continue to wear that tie?

emoRolleyes Jmax

Makes way too much sense Jim emoBang
Man you all just don't get it, no one want to hand stuff to people doing nothing, Mr. Obama is talking about easing the tension felt my probably most everyone on this forum, actually there must be some rich people on here. If he were trying to get votes from non working people that would not make much since, a good bit of them probably have a felony, hince the non-working. Believe it or not, the middle class is composed of Nurses, garbage men, landscapers, small business owners, electricians, plumbers, many retired people, military personel, managers, office workers, factory workers (do they still exist), about everyone we know. Most doctors, some small business owners, big business CEO's, pro sports players, most people on TV, hotel owners, these are the ones who will pay more in tax, not most of you all on this forum. Why can't the man making 300k after taxes afford to take home 280k after taxes. If no one can afford to buy his product anymore he might have to settle for 30k. I truely believe it is a factor of pride, I worked for it why should i give it to that person who did not. The Lord would be proud?

ONe thing I forgot to mention, that server was working his second job trying to make the bills. He had good insurance, but lost it when he lost his job. Did not go for the cobra insurance as it was too expensive and he thought he could get right back into another job. Well six months go by and this guy still could not find a job, but he had gotten this waiting job about 4 months ago just to keep money coming in, because their savings were running out, but this serving job did not provide insurance. His wife starts not feeling well, so they go to the doctor, paying out of pocket, she has cancer. Ok now lots of bills later and still no real job this guy is working his second part time job. There this guy is in front of him who just spent $40 plus just on lunch for himself and he tells the waiter to give his tip to the begger out front. He should have been mad. And we should feel like complete donkeys to allow this to go on in our country because we are not feeling like giving anymore. Because it does!
tyler ware - 10/31/2008 10:38 AM Man you all just don't get it, no one want to hand stuff to people doing nothing, Mr. Obama is talking about easing the tension felt my probably most everyone on this forum, actually there must be some rich people on here. If he were trying to get votes from non working people that would not make much since, a good bit of them probably have a felony, hince the non-working. Believe it or not, the middle class is composed of Nurses, garbage men, landscapers, small business owners, electricians, plumbers, many retired people, military personel, managers, office workers, factory workers (do they still exist), about everyone we know. Most doctors, some small business owners, big business CEO's, pro sports players, most people on TV, hotel owners, these are the ones who will pay more in tax, not most of you all on this forum. Why can't the man making 300k after taxes afford to take home 280k after taxes. If no one can afford to buy his product anymore he might have to settle for 30k. I truely believe it is a factor of pride, I worked for it why should i give it to that person who did not. The Lord would be proud?


Tyler, they all get it but keep trying to work the fuzzy math on you. I for one am glad to see someone level headed that can think with his brain and make a rational post on here, some on here wouldn't believe Jesus Christ on anything, their minds are made up and most won't even vote. I think they get a warm and tingly feeling just to get a post in print.</p>

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