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ashtrey - 1/12/2010 5:05 PM Well I would like to know how many on here would actually turn someone in. I know everyone will say that they would turn someone in but really I think only a few would if they thought they had a chance to win and if you didn't think you did you would be like oh well hope they do not win. I actually caught a couple of guys cheating and turned them in just a little over a year ago. They were getting out of the boat fishing and I didn't think that it was right so I found the directors fishing told them and they went and took a look. They were very surprised that we told them, I didn't have a chance to win we hadn't even caught a fish by this time. But as a tournament director it was my duty I felt to turn them in. Whether or not they would have had a chance to win was irrelevant to me. Not trying to hijack this thread but I am just curious.

Are you kidding me?????? I would turn in a cheater in a friggin heartbeat. Not turning one in is just as bad!!!! Sheesh.......................</p>
ashtrey - 1/12/2010 8:05 PM

Well I would like to know how many on here would actually turn someone in. I know everyone will say that they would turn someone in but really I think only a few would if they thought they had a chance to win and if you didn't think you did you would be like oh well hope they do not win. I actually caught a couple of guys cheating and turned them in just a little over a year ago. They were getting out of the boat fishing and I didn't think that it was right so I found the directors fishing told them and they went and took a look. They were very surprised that we told them, I didn't have a chance to win we hadn't even caught a fish by this time. But as a tournament director it was my duty I felt to turn them in. Whether or not they would have had a chance to win was irrelevant to me. Not trying to hijack this thread but I am just curious.

Last year, I was enjoying dinner at Fox Cay when I witnessed someone out of their boat casting for bedding bass around the island cove docks. I immediately called someone involved with the HB dogfights and reported it. Later in the Summer the accused approached me, and I told him in his face that I saw him do it...

Some of you older CFF members may recall several years back. I was catching decent fish and had a fellow CFF member asked me if I would assist in him cheating in a small dogfight. I was appauled that someone thought I was a big enough B**** to help them cheat. I was beside myself. The next week he tried to schedule a CFF sanctioned tx, thats when I made it publicly known. I haven't seen that fellow on the lake since...You older members remember...I only told a couple people at first, then they(CFF tx participants) said they wanted to approach him about this. When we did he did not deny it...

I personally think cheating is more likely in the small venues based on my experience, but either way its wrong, and it just ruins the experience for those guilty more than anyone! So yes, most guys will blow the whistle on anyone that is suspected. Not reporting a cheater is cheating in itself.
Yep....Churly I remember that well. After he relized his request to you was out, he called me one time and I have never heard from him or saw him again. emoTskTsk I hate to ban people from tournaments but once a person is known to cheat or in this case tried to cheat no one wants to fish with or against that person. I really think that people do not think it through on the effects it will have on you the rest of your life. After 31 years in retail I have lost count on the people I sent to jail on charges of stealing, over just not thinking. Case in point... my lose prevention person caught a retired police officer opening a pack of gum and putting "one" piece in his mouth, he then put the open pack back on the shelf. He followed him for some time and when he checked out the guy of coarse never even mentioned it to the cashier. He stopped him out side and had him come back in. When he told him why the guy went off on him. He was a real jerk. My guy was going to just give him a strong warning but after he went off we pressed charges and he was found guilty of a mistermeiner shop lifting offence...stupid!!! just stupid!!! Over a piece of gum! It really will screw you up once caught. It not only effects your life but if it gets back to your employer.... emoBooHoo most people do not want a known theif working for them and you could loose your job over it. It is not worth it to ruin your life over any amount. I just can't see these idiots doing it over a fishing tournament. emoCrazy Jmax
Jmax - 1/13/2010 9:08 AM Yep....Churly I remember that well. After he relized his request to you was out, he called me one time and I have never heard from him or saw him again. emoTskTsk I hate to ban people from tournaments but once a person is known to cheat or in this case tried to cheat no one wants to fish with or against that person. I really think that people do not think it through on the effects it will have on you the rest of your life. After 31 years in retail I have lost count on the people I sent to jail on charges of stealing, over just not thinking. Case in point... my lose prevention person caught a retired police officer opening a pack of gum and putting "one" piece in his mouth, he then put the open pack back on the shelf. He followed him for some time and when he checked out the guy of coarse never even mentioned it to the cashier. He stopped him out side and had him come back in. When he told him why the guy went off on him. He was a real jerk. My guy was going to just give him a strong warning but after he went off we pressed charges and he was found guilty of a mistermeiner shop lifting offence...stupid!!! just stupid!!! Over a piece of gum! It really will screw you up once caught. It not only effects your life but if it gets back to your employer.... emoBooHoo most people do not want a known theif working for them and you could loose your job over it. It is not worth it to ruin your life over any amount. I just can't see these idiots doing it over a fishing tournament. emoCrazy Jmax

Not only does it affect that person, it can ruin a trail, even a well run TX trail, because if word gets around people will not show up. I have seen it shut down annual Benefits on the Nick. If another incident could have proven, it likely would have shut another annual Benefit down.</p>
Not only would being caught get you banned from any more of that organizations txs, like you guys said. After you got caught it would almost be impossible to enter ANY more dogfights or txs around here. People just don't forget something like that. I don't think I could take that chance.
Would you believe someone as low on the totem pole as me has been accused of cheating!!!!!! Another form of cheating, but cheating is cheating.....

Our club president was PO' ed because he spent the week prior camping and pre-fishing a lake in Ga and TX day he skunked out (as and he looked at my 3 fish at said they were short fish. Wasn't joking at all. I looked him in the eye and tossed him the measuring board and told him measure them, then to measure his fish. Everyone about lost it laughing at him then.
He tossed the board back on the table and refused to measure my fish.

For the record, I was VP of the club at the time. I fished from a small 14 ft flat bottom with no outboard, trolling motor only and was beating him & most club members every Tx we had.

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