Cleaning a boat thats been sitting in the water !!

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Oct 19, 2006
What the best way or "stuff" to clean a boat thats been sitting in the water for a few months ?

Its covered in green stuff hehe . Pulled the old bassboat home from Crossville today for my

father , boats been sitting up at the marina for about 2 months and the motor and bottom is

really nasty . Last time I tried some stuff from the boat dealer , Slime away ? I think ? It was

very expensive and didn't do a very good job IMO . It was 16 bucks for a 1 qt spray bottle .

Thanks in advance !

Try some muriatic acid, dilute it down to about 3 parts water and one part acid, wear a respirator and gloves and safty glasses. Spray it on and let it work for a few minutes then hose it off with water to nutralize the acid, repeat on stuborn spots. This can be bought at most building supply places
I use ON & OFF Boat Cleaner by MaryKate (Boater's World has it). I get on my creeper with long sleeves, eye protection, thick rubber gloves and go to it with Scotch Brite Heavy Duty scrub sponges. I do about a 2' sq. and then hose it off. Some spots take a second scrub but the result looks like a new hull.

It helps if you pour some cleaner in a small shallow container (I use an empty Kool Whip container). This way you can dip and scrub.
Good ol' pressure washer will do the trick if it's just green "slime". If it's hard water or calcium deposits then you'll probably have to use some chemicals and elbow grease.
thanks for the hints and ideas , keep them coming !

I pressure washed it yesterday , got 90 % of it off , I am now left with the water line

stains which is really what I wanted to get off , but hey , when its in the water and I'm

fishing , nobody will see it hehehe .

Wallyworld has some stuff called "hull cleaner". I think it is part muriatic acid and not too expensive. I used some on a boat last year and it worked great. Like the rest, gloves, eye protection, long sleeves and some sort of a mask/respirator and ventilation.
Had a Bullet boat in the shop about a year ago. Looked like it was never washed and I know it floats the grass at nickajack. Terrible slime and brown stains...Boat Saver took it off and gave it a high gloss. That stuff is hard to beat!

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