Contradictions on Open Carry Law

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Fishin Fool

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2006
I thought this was very interesting. For those of you that don't know, Tennessee is considering a bill that would allow an adult citizen to openly carry a firearm, without a permit. I see very few issues with it but maybe I'm not looking at all the angles. Regardless, the thing I found most interesting is the number of gun shop owners that oppose the law. Interestingly enough, most of them offer classes, that they make money off from, in order to certifiy someone to carry via permit now. I think it is very ironic that they have no problem in selling the gun because they certainly don't make you take a class to own one, yet they oppose common citizens carrying those same guns openly. What do you folks think? I have copied a link from WTVC in an interview with a well known local gunshop owner, Kristi Manning. Quote; "Kristi Manning is a gun store owner and manager. While she instructs people to use guns everyday, she says she's not so sure about the bill because she feels lack of permit means a lack of education. "I'm all for the second amendment. I'm all for the right to bear arms. But sometimes stupidity can play a big role in some of this stuff. Education is key. People need to be educated.How much damage can you do with not being able to hit the target that you are shooting at or the bad guy that you are shooting at?" In fairness, it isn't just Ms. Manning suggesting this. Other gun shop owners (that also teach classes) have agreeded with her. Again, if these folks are that concerned about education, why don't they lobby for a law to ease their mind, and make everyone buying a gun take a class?


How do you feel about the issue? Does anyone besides me think that if you have an issue with people that aren't "educated" carrying a gun openly, you probably should not be selling guns to anyone unless they take a class in how to use them. How would she know who is educated and who isn't? Some of the best people with a gun I have ever met, have never taken a so called "class" to know how to use them. It sounds like a lot of the gun shops are all for selling the guns, they just don't want anyone to carry them, unless of course they take a class that the shop offers. </p></p>

I don't think will pass final approval, and I am generally in agreement with any pro-gun legislation, I am not completely in favor of this law. When people see an openly carried gun, they get nervous, nervous people do stupid things, stupid things lead to bad things, normally blamed on the person carrying the gun. If you want to carry, cover it up and go on, nobody needs to see your gun.
Terry, your trying to claim that this is a capitalistic swinery afoot, like most liberals do. You don't understand that bad reports, images, and stories the liberal news media puts out there harm the industry. THe overwhelming majority of gun shop owners, weather they provide CCW classes or not, want whats best for all involved. I don't think this law, if it passes, will have any effect at all on the classes, in fact I believe it will heighten awareness, and classes will increase in popularity.
As a curent HCP holders since that law came in effect and a CCL before that when it was handled by individual Sheriffs' Depts. in each county, I'm not sure this is such a great idea. I think I agree with the woman who stressed education. I think to have just any T,D,& H carrying a weapon without some sort of safety educational background is asking for trouble. As I said, I have a HCP, and I seldom if ever carry openly, always concealed. I don't want to make anyone nervous, and I prefer to not draw attention to myself. I know it's there if I need it; hopefully I won't.
BTW, the classes aren't actually for folks to learn "how to use them"; More accurately, they are to learn when not to use them, and to educate folks on the legal consequences of the shot.
I'm always interested to learn what the opposing side thinks. In this case, I'd like to learn what the gun shops, who do not make money off classes, have to say. Money will make many people say something they actually do not believe, but will take a stand to protect their income stream. If this is the real reason those gun shops oppose the law, then it should pass.

Nervous or not, when a thug sees your gun, he will go pick on someone else. He ain't about to ask you to "DRAW" and neither is he likely to attempt to take the gun away from you. However, if he cannot see your gun, he MIGHT choose to pick on you. At that time, you will have to s..t or get off the pot. Just ask Bernard Goetz! (Google him).

Hopefully, you guys realize that IF gun control freaks win the war, they will knock on the doors of all licensed holders and demand they surrender their guns. If I were licensed, I'd have at least one junker around just to hand over IF they ever came for my guns.