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My part-time work is related to the home & commercial building business. I teach exam prep seminars for folks who want to get a Builder's license. My work has been cut way back. So much so, that I qualify for unemployment. Thank God for that.

For the last 7 years, our business boomed as a lot of people saw Home Construction as the road to instant riches. Not so any more. I talked with a former du pont co-worker who's son is a builder and he got stuck with 5 new 250K homes that he had to make payments on the construction loans. It just about put him out of business. I suspect dear old Mom & Dad helped him through this big bump in the road.

For me this "recession" will develop into a "depression" in 17 more weeks when my unemployment runs out. "Yikes"
It is amazing what perception of young professionals is, especially here in Huntsville. With the amount of young engineers in this town make there is a lot of money floating around. Unforunately many people buy way above their means when it comes to houses. I make good money, and by bank standards could afford much "more house." I am planning on buying a house in the June-July timeframe. I have been saving for a downpayment. I have been told by many folks my age that I am CRAZY for saving for a down payment, and I should just go with 100% financing. Also that I am crazy for looking at houses in the $80k-95k price range, because "it will never sell." I have been 'advised' by many to, "buy as much as I can possibly afford." This mindset and beliefs are what I believe are the root of our economic problems. Davo, I completely agree with your views.

"Distress of nations with perplexity....."

"All of creation, groaning......labors with birth pangs..."

"We ourselves groan within ourselves waiting....."

Where most folks see the dark clouds gathering, I see the silver lining and I for one am extremely excited about what I see coming on the earth.

If you want to change your world, then change the way you think and the way you speak. Whether you believe it or not, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
From a Landlord standpoint, I can tell you that tenants are having a hard time. I got one tenant that drives for Budweiser, he has been cut to less hours because beer sales are down. One tenant tried to start his own business, well that did not go so well. Most are late every month. From a remodel and sell a house standpoint, well I put my trust in the Lord and he comes through everytime. By the way, if any of you all need to downsize, I got a 2000ft 4bd 2.5bath rancher, $164,000. New everything.
Brandon, people tell me those things too. They tell me that having several CCs and large mortgages are " normal ". But, I dont mind being not normal, especially at the first of the month. tyler, I'm going to try to help your tenate get more hours. I'm going to double up onmy beer drinking for the winter.
Actually from what Ive heard, the one thing that is up right now is beer, wine and liquor sales, up as much as 25%, maybe thats just near wall st. guess they figure better to drink away the sorrows than to jump from the 125th floor
flip1up - 11/18/2008 6:24 PM

. tyler, I'm going to try to help your tenate get more hours. I'm going to double up on my beer drinking for the winter.

There you go Flip, take one, or twelve for the team.
"By the way, if any of you all need to downsize, I got a 2000ft 4bd 2.5bath rancher, $164,000. New everything."</p>


Crap, that's not a downgrade for me!!!emoAngel
Wet Willie - 11/18/2008 7:33 PM Come on Karl, we're trying to be serious here. Besides, I can't let you drink alone...bring one of those cc's with you. Al

Only have a Sears card, and will only use it when no interest for a year is offered. </p>

It seemsthat American Express claims that their financial woes are due to comsumers not paying their monthly payments. They want billions in relieve from the gov. Instead of giving them this handout, how bout the gov. pay card holders bills for them. It would reduce peoples debt which may free up dollars to be put back into the economy and AE gets the money from the people that owe them. Makes more sense than a handout to me. </p>

Maybe instead of giving billions to the auto makers, give all of us a voucher for a new car. Again, sounds better than just handing them a big fat check.</p>

I recon you could apply these warped economic remedies to any of thehand out industries. I'm afraid the hard truth (IMO) is that any handout is a quick fix that only comes back later. Maybe the big 3 should just go down. There are other auto makers to fill the void. Lets face it, in this global economy American Made is almost non existant anyway.</p>

Now, I'm going back to helping tylers tenant. emoParty emoCool </p>

flip1up - 11/18/2008 9:24 PM

Brandon, people tell me those things too. They tell me that having several CCs and large mortgages are " normal ". But, I dont mind being not normal, especially at the first of the month. tyler, I'm going to try to help your tenate get more hours. I'm going to double up on my beer drinking for the winter.

WTG, Flip. LOL emoBigsmile emoGeezer
A friend off mine is pretty high up with Budweiser and i can confirm for you that BEER sales are down just like everything else.
I wonder if Volkswagen will build the new plant in Chattanooga now since the economy is in the septic tank.
Doc1 - 11/19/2008 11:03 PM I wonder if Volkswagen will build the new plant in Chattanooga now since the economy is in the septic tank.

Yep. They are having a job fair real soon. I got an email notice from our HR (not sure why) that had all the specifics. I can forward it to you, or anyone else if you PM me your email address.</p>
There is an industry in our country that is booming beyond anyone's imagination. The firearms business is blowing the doors off. Gun sales are up at every store I have been to. Manufacturers are working around the clock to meet demand. Prices for ammo have in many cases doubled. A good friend of mine works at one of the largest gun and ammo distributors in the country and they are breaking records for sales almost daily. Folks are spending money but not on cars and appliances.
cheez - 11/20/2008 7:21 AM

There is an industry in our country that is booming beyond anyone's imagination. The firearms business is blowing the doors off. Gun sales are up at every store I have been to. Manufacturers are working around the clock to meet demand. Prices for ammo have in many cases doubled. A good friend of mine works at one of the largest gun and ammo distributors in the country and they are breaking records for sales almost daily. Folks are spending money but not on cars and appliances.

Your buddy O'bama is the reason for that! He's gonna implement all the anti gun laws Clinton inacted and then some, so alot of people are buying while they still can. Dont blame me I voted for the other guy!!!
beetlespin - 11/15/2008 8:09 AM The underlying problem is that people have spent beyond their means for several years and racked up huge debts.

Guilty as chargedemoBang. Lance hit the nail on the head, however, it's not just people in general but society as a whole...with the exception of FlipemoSmile. From big business all the way down to the individual, we have all (again, with the exception of FlipemoSmile)contributed to this mess. Should the government bail out the Big 3? Should the government bail me out? No! Just as I am responsible for cleaning up my financial mess, so too should the businesses crying for help. </p>