My part-time work is related to the home & commercial building business. I teach exam prep seminars for folks who want to get a Builder's license. My work has been cut way back. So much so, that I qualify for unemployment. Thank God for that.
For the last 7 years, our business boomed as a lot of people saw Home Construction as the road to instant riches. Not so any more. I talked with a former du pont co-worker who's son is a builder and he got stuck with 5 new 250K homes that he had to make payments on the construction loans. It just about put him out of business. I suspect dear old Mom & Dad helped him through this big bump in the road.
For me this "recession" will develop into a "depression" in 17 more weeks when my unemployment runs out. "Yikes"
For the last 7 years, our business boomed as a lot of people saw Home Construction as the road to instant riches. Not so any more. I talked with a former du pont co-worker who's son is a builder and he got stuck with 5 new 250K homes that he had to make payments on the construction loans. It just about put him out of business. I suspect dear old Mom & Dad helped him through this big bump in the road.
For me this "recession" will develop into a "depression" in 17 more weeks when my unemployment runs out. "Yikes"