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churly - 11/20/2008 7:56 AM

cheez - 11/20/2008 7:21 AM

There is an industry in our country that is booming beyond anyone's imagination. The firearms business is blowing the doors off. Gun sales are up at every store I have been to. Manufacturers are working around the clock to meet demand. Prices for ammo have in many cases doubled. A good friend of mine works at one of the largest gun and ammo distributors in the country and they are breaking records for sales almost daily. Folks are spending money but not on cars and appliances.

Your buddy O'bama is the reason for that! He's gonna implement all the anti gun laws Clinton inacted and then some, so alot of people are buying while they still can. Dont blame me I voted for the other guy!!!

Yup it all started when he was ahead in the polls before the election. November 5 is when the real boom began. BTW the man ain't no buddy of mine. :)
churly - 11/20/2008 6:56 AM

cheez - 11/20/2008 7:21 AM

There is an industry in our country that is booming beyond anyone's imagination. The firearms business is blowing the doors off. Gun sales are up at every store I have been to. Manufacturers are working around the clock to meet demand. Prices for ammo have in many cases doubled. A good friend of mine works at one of the largest gun and ammo distributors in the country and they are breaking records for sales almost daily. Folks are spending money but not on cars and appliances.

Your buddy O'bama is the reason for that! He's gonna implement all the anti gun laws Clinton inacted and then some, so alot of people are buying while they still can. Dont blame me I voted for the other guy!!!

Yes, it will be hard to go to a gun show and buy a hunting rifle now for all the anti government stickers and assalt rifles that were at the gun shows under Clinton.. Maybe we should go back before the Brady bill were in Tn you had to fill out paper work, send to sheriffs office and in two weeks you could walk away with your hand gun. Now you can walk out in a little while if you are a law biding citizen. There are positives to the Brady Bill. If you are one of the overthrow the government type people, that have an affiliation with assalt rifles and skin heads you probably want like it. I was buying SKS's for $49 dollors and selling them for $249(junk), during the Clinton administration. Most of the anti government propaganda was part of the reason Timothy McVay bombed the Oklahoma city building.(Not to mention the Colorada school shootings) Nothing good can come from all this propaganda, unless you are a firearm dealer. Best form of gun control is education and common since, I think none of us want certain people with guns, and we don't need certain interest groups keeping us from enforcing the laws we already have. I don't want to get to political, you folks are all good hearted people, I have seen that over the years, so I don't want to offend. One more thing, I think those of you that went to gun shows in the 90's can remember what I am talking about, fear and pointing fingers. OH, the best one, in 99, 2yk, now thats funny I don't care who you are. So, I guess now it is OBama. What ever it takes to sell more guns I guess. I know I love mine.
It is the scourge of a generation. Many of the twentysomethings thought they needed a $150K house and a $40 car right out of school. Now they are having to pay the price.
beetlespin - 11/15/2008 11:26 AM Agree Doc. Unfortunately, the big three automakers are so far down the wrong path that the government needs to let nature run its course. There will still be auto demand and someone will step in and fill the void. The government can't just keep giving out money to companies with bad business models.
True, but the workers for these companies are the ones that will suffer. Some have worked hard for many years only to lose everything. I think they need to open up their books and then make a decision, about the loans.It is sad that it really will not affect the CEO's.
I did an inspection at Brach Candy( Farley Sathers now) they are booming too. Candy is an istant fix and the guy i met with says that candy sales always boom when the economy tanks. Go figure!
The CEO's at the auto companies today are not responsible for where the auto companies are today. They are however responsible for fixing it. I dont envy any of them. They are all going to have to make radical changes to the way they do business to be competitive with the foreign nameplates. In 2000 the big three produced 12 million vehicles per year in North America while the foreign nameplates produced about 6 million in NA. As of this month its about 5 million for the big 3 and 5.5 million for the foreign nameplates. Put simply, they will ave to make major changes to survive.

The recession is now feeding itself. Many of our customers are shutting down in December and not opening back up until January. Inventories are extremely high and customers aren't buying. That is creating a log jam all the way through the chain. I personally believe this thing will get much worse before it gets better. I believe the big three will no longer be the big 3 but maybe the big 2. GM and Ford should go into pre-packaged, government backed chapter 11 bankruptcy and Chrysler should sell off the Jeep brand to Ford or GM and shut down everything else. I just don't ever see the Chrysler brand recovering.
beetlespin - 11/21/2008 1:50 PM

The CEO's at the auto companies today are not responsible for where the auto companies are today. They are however responsible for fixing it. I dont envy any of them. They are all going to have to make radical changes to the way they do business to be competitive with the foreign nameplates. In 2000 the big three produced 12 million vehicles per year in North America while the foreign nameplates produced about 6 million in NA. As of this month its about 5 million for the big 3 and 5.5 million for the foreign nameplates. Put simply, they will ave to make major changes to survive.

The recession is now feeding itself. Many of our customers are shutting down in December and not opening back up until January. Inventories are extremely high and customers aren't buying. That is creating a log jam all the way through the chain. I personally believe this thing will get much worse before it gets better. I believe the big three will no longer be the big 3 but maybe the big 2. GM and Ford should go into pre-packaged, government backed chapter 11 bankruptcy and Chrysler should sell off the Jeep brand to Ford or GM and shut down everything else. I just don't ever see the Chrysler brand recovering.

Well said Lance. I agree. I don't think chapter 11 is going to be the big scarlet letter they think it is. Most people will still buy what they like, be it Chevy, Ford or whatever. All the car companies need to get in line and realize that massive sales of massive trucks and SUVs are a thing of the past. I DO think the government needs to step in to prevent total failure if it comes to that. We can't afford, from a national security stand point, to have our fighting vehicles made in another country. I DO think we need to start investing in the USA and stop sending aid, and spending money on foreign countries that will abandon us in a heartbeat. Regardless if you are for or against the war (pease don't make this an argument) we are spending 10 billion a month in Iraq while they sit on the worlds big oil deposit and have a surplus of 100 Billion dollars. We have a 5 TRILLION dollar deficit. The only reason I bring that up is an example of what I think we must do as a country. We HAVE to stop giving America away to people that hate us
I finally agree with Beetlespin on something. It will absolutely get worse before it gets better. Recession is a nature of any ecomonic system. Typically, economic cylces run in 10-12 years. All increments (recession, depression, growth, boom) of the cycle usually last 2 or so years. Some are worse than others. Our last recession (4th ouarter of 2000-first quarter 2001) was a very "light" recession and most people did not even notice. But we had an extended period of growth through the last half of 2001- 2008 thanks to many factors. But those same factors that freed up so much capital will make this recession/depression cycle longer also.

That being said recession is absolutely NECESSARY. It is the ultimate inflation control. In every recession, the cost of living index falls, the price of luxury goods falls and the price of consumer goods falls. Recession makes living, livable again!

Many of us will be hard hit by this economic down turn but there is a silver lining.

I am sure there are things the government can do to soften the blow but i honestly feel that at this point the best thing to do is ride it out. I am not sure throwing money at it will help. I do not think we can spend our way out of this recession.
This will make you guys feel good.

Article 1 Section 8 of the constitution declares that Congress is given the power to tax in order to "pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the Unites states." That is, taxes must be levied ONLY for public purposes, not for the benifit of some private interest. Now congress can pass this bailout package, the president can decide what to do with it, however the supreme court might declare this thing unconstitutional, like they did with line item veto. I don't think they will, but if someone sues, or takes this issue to court, they might.