churly - 11/20/2008 7:56 AM
cheez - 11/20/2008 7:21 AM
There is an industry in our country that is booming beyond anyone's imagination. The firearms business is blowing the doors off. Gun sales are up at every store I have been to. Manufacturers are working around the clock to meet demand. Prices for ammo have in many cases doubled. A good friend of mine works at one of the largest gun and ammo distributors in the country and they are breaking records for sales almost daily. Folks are spending money but not on cars and appliances.
Your buddy O'bama is the reason for that! He's gonna implement all the anti gun laws Clinton inacted and then some, so alot of people are buying while they still can. Dont blame me I voted for the other guy!!!
Yup it all started when he was ahead in the polls before the election. November 5 is when the real boom began. BTW the man ain't no buddy of mine.