etiquette question for the masses

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2007
While fishing today I had two different boats come right in on top of me. One of them close enough that I could see the color of the two guys eyes. This has happened on 3 of my 4 last trips. One of the guys even watched my brother and I catching fish and came over within 20 feet of us and hit his gps marking the spot. I realize that I dont OWN any spot on the lake but when Im fishing it I think its rude to get that close and come in and mark a way point or to start fishing. When I leave, its all yours but wait for me to leave. I know there are many "community" holes and I know there has been numerous threads about etiquette and we all have opinions. My question to the members and moderators is this, If I take a picture of some of these folks that get that close and, in my opinion, excersize poor fishing etiquette, can I post it on here without anyone getting PO'ed ? I've heard of other forums doing this, esp along the Gulf coast. It may not accomplish a thing but sure would make me feel better. Who knows maybe some of the readers here will recognize the boat and can let them know that it aint cool to get that close. At least say Hi and ask if its ok before you come in on top of someone.
Just have Joe wear his Sh?T sheriff uniform and badge and they won't want to come too close.

Chickamauga is the worst place for this type of behavior. Ten years ago 5% of the bass fisherman were fishing the mainlake structure and today everybody is trying to fish the same 20 community holes. I have zero desire to go to Chickamauga right now. Post pictures all day. It won't bother me.
I am very respectfull of others fishing...I will gladly stay clear. On the other hand, community holes like the Nuke discharge are a different ball park IMO. I've been lined up with other boats, bow to stern fishing and everyone gets along. Only had one instance there when somebody..(probably new there) had a problem with it.
I understand your pain, even though I dont bass fish per-se'. I would say if you posted the pics, although we would all love to see the offenders, they would be deleted. It just doesnt breed good feelings to do it. You can send them to my email though... emoEvil
why would they get deleted? what is offensive about them? whos feelings would it hurt? if someone is stupid enough to do it they should be called on it. The next time is see a bank robber get caught and it is on the news is someone going to call the news companyand say take it off the news cast, it might hurt the robbers feelings if his picture gets out.

I say post them, maybe someone will be embarrassed enough to not do it again next time.
Unfortunately, rudeness aint against the law, bank robbing is. Like Luke said, some parts of the lake are just expected to be crowded. Try to find a silver lining here, if you can learn to fish in a crowd on the Chick, you can do it anywhere. And you are almost for sure gonna fish in a crowd on this lake at this time of year.
I'd say you could post a description of the boat, time and day, and general location. If the "offender" reads this, he will likely get the point and no one gets hurt. I hate being crowded.
BS, Joe doesnt fish anymore, he's a professional ball coach now I think. I totally understand that there are community holes out there and most of the people who are on the lake more than once a month know where they are. Even if I pull up on one of them, I try to keep my distance and I'll ask the boats close by If its Ok. Did that with ditchdoc a while back. A little common courtesy goes a long way. With my work schedule I usually fish during the week when most people are at work and rarely had a problem. The last couple years it seems to have gotten worse. Its not that anyone is stealing my spots, the spots are there for everyone, just dont get up in my grill when I'm on em.
Doesnt matter what you do, usually people who dont mind doing things like that, dont understand or care whats going on. If its a big deal to you, then say something to the person. Your gonna find this everywhere, so get used to it if your going to be on the water. You can be kind to rude people, its hard to do, but its possible. Good luck!
Moderators, what is wrong with posting these idiots picturs on this site, why does everyone want to sugar coat everything that happens? How are these people going to be taught a lesson in courtisy? I say take their pictures and paste them everywhere. An idiot is an idiot is an idiot. This site seems so intent of saying anything, afraid they will ruffle someone's feathers.
Doc there is a web-site out there that women can post about men that are "dogs", "cheaters", and such. They are being sued by one gentleman who claims he lost his job over the postings on that site. We live in a litigious world, you can be sued for anything! I assume it is for reason like that... cannot publicly embarrass someone in a public forum whether it be in a newspaper or internet site. You open yourself up to a lawsuit otherwise. What happened to Fishmedic angers me also but posting their pictures on this site is not the answer.
Well I guess when one pulls up beside you, just tell him to give you a minute and you will move as soon as you get your motor started. You might even tell him what the fish are biting on before you leave, you wouldn't want him to getpoed because he is fishing with the wrong bait.
No one is suggesting that you give up the spot just because they've moved in on you. But posting pictures is a bad idea. I see no problem however, posting the color and make of their boat.
Grey Bomber, that would be hard to prove in any court wouldn't it? Makes suing someone hard to do. I don't think pictures will hold up in any court anymore, you can use photoshop or other picture enhances to show just about anything you want now a days. I may have it wrong, the boat moving in on you is probably gonna buy you a shirt for your birthday or christmas and they want to get close enough to see down your collar to get the right size.
Wow.... great thread. Man, I've had more arsholes pull up on me while out on Chick in the last three months than I've had happen in my lifetime ANYWHERE! When we fished Fam Traditions Tx at G'ville, Doghouse almost stuffed his hat in my mouth when some guys fishing another tx pulled within 10 yards of us. I started out with the "HEY! Isn't this F#)$@!% LAKE BIG ENOUGH FOR YA!!!!!" And he already had his arm around me in the back of the boat. He was being prudent and a loving friend.... but I wanted to start throwing stuff at them. Another time with Doghouse, at Chick Dam some guys came all the way around us, to get between us and the dam when we were 30 yards from the dam, to the exact spot we were working toward and started chunking.... I immediately threw my lure to try to catch his line, Doghouse was grinning and let me go.... and a dang Blue Heron flew off the shore and into my line, while I watched that shakyhead wrap around it's wing!!!!! Then we all just sat there and laughed, but I was still pissed. I'd love to post pics, but unfortunately Pointer is right. That would mess up the forum.... Just be bold, be creative and be firm. Tell them EXACTLY what you think. I can't stand it.... Especially when they act like they don't even see you and turn their backs.You'd think a guy who can afford a $10k+ boat would have some sense. A frickin' bass just isn't worth it. It's just the "more ME NOW" feeling most American's have nowadays. I know guys that lurk on here read this....I'll be the guy laughing his butt off next to you... the one you didn't see a minute ago!!!!
Louie just came up with the BEST thing to do.... throw that rod with the 17lb Flouro on it and drag it into his trolling motor. He said he knows first hand how long that takes to get out!!!!! That's hilarious!

PS - Doc1 and FishMedic are exactly right for what it's worth. I'd love to be in Doc's boat when that happens.... He can be pretty hillarious when he gets going...

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