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It is sad. Some wacko "scientist" comes up with a theory and automatically folks jump on the band wagon and believe it. This is exactly how the global warming farce got started. Spotted owls,snail darter etc,etc.
cheez - 8/19/2008 9:14 PM

It is sad. Some wacko "scientist" comes up with a theory and automatically folks jump on the band wagon and believe it. This is exactly how the global warming farce got started. Spotted owls,snail darter etc,etc.

Does this theory also cover "Bigfoot" ???
There is one born every minute, could ask them to go buy a 5 gallon can of prop wash. ( Prop wash is the air that is generated by a propeller)emoPoke emoLaugh emoLaugh </p>

Just in case any tree huggers are viewing</p>
WTG Cheez !!!!!!!!!!!!!! emoThumbsup </p>

Dumb Down America for a generation and THAT is the result. Easy citizen control ! Question so-called Global Warming and many will tell you " hey, the debate is over " What ??????</p>

I am old enough to remember when "scientists" were telling us that we were headed for an ICE AGE. And now every ten years they get a new hollywood character on TV telling us we have just 10 years or less before we bake ! emoCrazy </p>
beetlespin - 8/20/2008 7:10 AM

Hard to argue against global warming being real...

It has never been proven that it is not a natural occurence. The main stream media will not let the other side present their data.
That is why I call it a farce.
Global warming is one of those that if your wrong, fine, but if your right thats even better. Kinda like my Love for Jesus Christ. If I happen to be wrong, so what, I love the Lord and I love the life I live, but if I am right, well thats even better, Hello Heaven.
I think that global warming is real, the winters are getting warmer and the summers are getting hotter. When I was a kid we would go skating on the froze over farm ponds, 5 or 6 of us would be on the ice at the same time and the ice would never break. My parents and neighbors would kill hogs when it was cold for weeks on end. The ground would freeze and spew up and you couldn't dig a hole with a pick, none of this happens anymore, I haven't seen ice in the winters for ages so something has warmed the world up.
100% Global warming is real. It occurs naturally though, as it has for millions of years. The earth is constantly either cooling or heating up.
It is not hard at all to argue against Global Warming Doomfor many people.The agenda-driven media will tell you it is no longer debateable though. The verynotion that some want to shut down the debate should be a little alarming. It is NOT a FACT thata global warming cyclewill doom the earth. </p>

I repeat, I remember well when notable, top scientists were telling us we were headed for an ICE AGE and impending doom. And the earthactually did cool between the 1940's to the 1970's... they had thedata, yet here we are... still fishing. Only now we are being told that we need to spend untold BILLIONS of dollars and change our entire way of life to stopa warming cycle? If the debate is over then so isour life aswe once knew it. Nearly half of whatwe earn is not enough taxation forus ?... how much more canwe stand ? Do we think other nations will match OUR donations ??? To my way of thinking Globalists are Socialists by definition ! And what better way to have us take that big final step into socialism than this U.S. money-by-the-ton grab ?</p>

I am not close-minded to the scientificissue, I am only saying I have seen this type of near-hysteria before and I am NOT personally so eager to giveaway what wealth America has remaining to work on whatcan only, so far at least, be called a theory.Think the Iraqi war is expensive?... wait until wehave to PAY forTHE WHOLE EARTH FIX! </p>

Here is an excerpt from "New Scientist" magazine and BTW this is just one of many organizations that would debate the doom notion all day with anyone. It is funny to me that we always must dig to get equal time/coverage for both sides of an issue! I suppose that is why Thomas Jefferson despised newspapers. Apparently main stream media has always been agenda-driven.</p>

I should have kept my Weekly Readers from grade school ! The "scientists" had mostschool kids - and some parents -scared to death of ending up like frozenwooley mammoths !emoLaugh </p><div id="arthd"><h1 class="inline"><font size="3">Histories: The ice age that never was </font><ul class="notlist highlight">[*]<font size="3">15 December 2006 </font>[*]<font size="3">Fred Pearce </font>[*]<font size="3">Magazine issue 2582 </font>[/list]<div>

<font size="3">There was a chill across the world, and it wasn't just the cold war. From the 1940s to the mid-70s, the planet seemed to be in the grip of a global cooling. For a while, almost every outbreak of extreme weather was blamed on it. Some members of a new scientific discipline, climatology, predicted a new ice age. Yet before the 70s were out, temperatures were rising and many of the soothsayers for a new ice age were warning of global warming instead. It is a strange, and now largely forgotten episode. Some say it shows climate scientists are scaremongers and shouldn't be believed, whatever they are predicting. So what happened three decades ago? And why should we believe the climatologists now? </font></p>

<font size="3">Global cooling was a real phenomenon - and it changed global history. In the winter of 1941, it stopped the German army's advance on Moscow.</font><font size="1"> </font><font size="2">May I add ... we DID NOT FREEZE</font></p></div></h1></div>
Doc1 - 8/20/2008 11:48 AM I think that global warming is real, the winters are getting warmer and the summers are getting hotter. <u>When I was a kid we would go skating on the froze over farm ponds</u>, 5 or 6 of us would be on the ice at the same time and the ice would never break. My parents and neighbors would kill hogs when it was cold for weeks on end. The ground would freeze and spew up and you couldn't dig a hole with a pick, none of this happens anymore, I haven't seen ice in the winters for ages so something has warmed the world up.</p>


<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033">Yeah, but Doc that was when Moses was leading the children of Isreal out of Egypt.....sorry, just couldn't help myself.....FAemoGrouphug </font></p>
This past winter my father-in-law would send us pictures of the farm in Wisconsin snow drifts had been higher than they had been in years they went through more wood than they had in sometime also, one morning he called us and said that this global warming is killing himemoLaugh , he also said when its 10 below who cares COLD IS COLD. is there global warming not sure! there are scientist on both sides of the fence that have something to say in their defense. one thing that i am sure of is that this earth has faced a flood that covered the whole earth it has faced a ice are, hurricanes, tornadoes and fires and it always ends up OK it regenerates its self all the time, its going on all around us right now, I was a fire fighter in California for a time i have seen Forest's completely destroyed and a few years later you see some of the most beautiful growth that has taken place all by its self with out our help. Am i saying that we don't have an obligation to take care of our most precious ressource, Absolutely not me must take care of our wildlife,and the land then and only then will it take care of us. just my.02
FA, you can relate to what I am saying, you are older than me but you may have busted thru the iceemoLaugh
I believe you Doc, see this site for some interesting photo's of a completely frozen Tennessee River in the 40's.</p>

I can't find it now but I once saw a photo of a mule & wagon on the iceabout mid-way acrossthe river at Bridgepoprt Al.- And it looked frozen all the way across.</p>

"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease." Genesis 8:22 NKJV

"...and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth." Revelation 5:10.

That's all I have to say about this whole topic of global warming.

On another topic, I will make just one little comment. Hopefully it is only one little comment. One needs to study what has happened to every democracy that has ever existed on this earth before. America's was not the first. Look at what caused their downfall and then look at where the United States of America is at this present time. There is great change coming folks, but it isn't global warming. That is being pushed to scare people into obedience. And that's all I have to say on this as well. (Other than, this isn't referring to Obama's campaign slogan. It doesn't matter which party gets elected this November)