Exposing treehuggers for what they really are

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IMO "Global warming" is just 1/2 the cycle of heating and cooling that has been occurring since the earth was formed and will continue to cycle. Check out mini ice ages one occurred in the late 1600s
Some heads in the sand here. I personally believe there is a lot of evidence that global warming is occuring. Go to China, a place that has 5 times as many people as USA and try to breath. The air is horrible. Makes los angeles smog look like pristine wilderness air. I have went over the Yangtze river three times in broad daylight on low bridges and have still not seen the river. When I was there in November the air was so smoggy that they shut down the interstates because visibility was too low. And that's with only about 7 percent of the population driving cars. North America and Europe are actually pretty good. Especially Europe. Asia, India, etc are really bad though.
Here we go again. The term "Global Warming" gets way over used. "Global Climate Change" is a better description of whats' going on. Over earths history we have heated up and cooled off many times. I believe that the climate change we are seeing now is natural, but this time accelerated by humans. Despite what some are saying, this IS settled science. Do some checking on the handful of "Scientist" and "Climatologists" who are still saying humans are not contributing to Global Climate Change. Most of them work for, or have worked for the fossel fuels industry. I have lived in Chattanooga most of my life and can remember 3-4 significant snowfalls each winter. My son Logan who is 11 years old has never seen enough snow to cover the grass and street. Some on this forum like to quote Bible verses. So here goes. Isiah 24: 4&5 "The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers, the exalted of the earth languish. The earth is defiled by its people; They have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes, and broken the everlasting covenant." Hope I don't offend anyone.

Sorry to burst your bubble here but here is a link to an article written by the founder of the Weather Channel. Untill he spoke out against the global warming alarmists he was refuted to be the foremost weather/climatologist in the world.
Mr. Coleman does not now nor has he ever worked for fossil fuel companies.
If anyone disagrees with these alarmists they are touted as working for Exxon or whoever. The only thing that is "settled" is that the media has been successful in getting naive folks to believe everything they see on TV.
Cheez, you know you're my buddy but when you take a zillion barrels of oil out of the ground and a gazillion tons of coal out of the ground and burn them it throws things out of balance. Only in the past 100 years or so have we introduced all of these carbon emissions into the air. I agree with you about the media but I also believe we should be concerned about global warming. There will not be much affect in our lifetimes but it may be different for our kids or their kids.

I'll give you another example of something similar. About 100 years ago food companies started processing all of the nutrients and fiber out of foods like flour, sugar, etc and our diets shifted from natural fruits, veggies, meats, etc to these processed foods. Since then most of us have gotten fat, many have developed diabetes because the human body can't evolve fast enough accomodate these changes. I know they are two totally different examples but the effects are very similar.
It is entirely possible thatMY head is in the sand, if that is what was being suggested. After all it has been in darker places thanthat before. </p>

However, I don't see one single person in this thread "arguing against global warming". THE EARTH H A S WARMED ... so what ??? As others have stated and data has shownit has both cooled & warmed before ... and it will, almost assuriedly cool again according to the cycle. </p>

However,globalist, megalomaniacs have promoted the DOOM scenario for ONE REASON - U.S. Wealth graband domination.When you finally can't support yourself you simply BELONG to the government.Is it really that hard to believe that the globalists would attempt such a thing whenmany of our own politicians will actually admit they believe that Americans should stop being so Nationalistic and selfish and start thinking Globally ? We citizens voted them into office ! God help us. </p>

Gone fishing I enjoyed the debate though - A good one I will try to monitor the remainder without opening my pie-hole emoSmile </p>
This thread was not meant to be a debate on global warming. Although I suppose I got it started with my original comments. Since the thread has evolved this way I will throw out a question for you folks that have bought into the "man caused" global warming. How many of you have stopped driving any type vehicle with an internal combustion engine (boats included)? How many have had the electricity cut off from your homes? How many have stopped using anything in a spay can? The list goes on according to the alarmists.
That's what I thought. None of you.
Now before anyone says that they can't live without these things in today's life let me make another statement. I spent a several days last month installing some machinery in Ohio for some Amish folks. They don't have any of the so called causes of global warming. They live very content lives too I might add.

OOPS! I almost forgot. The Amish are also guilty of causing global warming. Their horses,cows,goats,sheep,pigs,dogs,cats and Grandma also produce greenhouse gasses. I guess we are all just doomed.
1. We switched to more fuel efficient vehicles. 15mpg tundra before now have 20mph tacoma. Wife had 17 mpg minivan and now has 35mpg camry hybrid.
2. Switched or switching to efficient compact flourescent lighting.
3. Switched to programable thermostats in house.
4. Current boat gets 5-6 mpg versus average of 3-4 mpg for most V6 bass boats.
5. Now growing a good portion of our own food rather than blowing money at walmart.

Unfortunately, our country is not setup for efficient transportation, etc so people are going to have to drive. We can choose to drive more efficient vehicles though.I have also considered putting some solar cells on my house but not ready to spend that money yet. There are lots of simple changes one can make to make a difference.
If we cannot prove that the earth is warming, we can definetly prove that there is more carbon dioxide in in the atmosphere than when we gained the technology to start measureing it, the effects of that we do not entirely know. Also the US is not the ones who will pay to fix the world, if the Us has not noticed, most of the other large CO2 producing coutries are on board to slow this carbon release. Cheez, I believe its the coal plants and other manufactoring that is causing the large release of CO2. But if we can create jobs by researching and developing a means for you to drive yoor truck and me to drive my diesel without all the CO2 then why not start down that road. These large industries do not want to believe in warming because it might cost them $$$, but no one want the company to shut its doors because of this, but when they pack up and move to China, maybe they can build that next plant a little cleaner. Yes I know the Lord is not going to flood the earth again, that is the promise made to us by the creation of the rainbow, but if you had to leave it for your kids, would you rather leave them tellico river to drink from ,or Chattanooga creek.
beetlespin - 8/21/2008 6:59 AM

1. We switched to more fuel efficient vehicles. 15mpg tundra before now have 20mph tacoma. Wife had 17 mpg minivan and now has 35mpg camry hybrid.
2. Switched or switching to efficient compact flourescent lighting.
3. Switched to programable thermostats in house.
4. Current boat gets 5-6 mpg versus average of 3-4 mpg for most V6 bass boats.
5. Now growing a good portion of our own food rather than blowing money at walmart.

Unfortunately, our country is not setup for efficient transportation, etc so people are going to have to drive. We can choose to drive more efficient vehicles though.I have also considered putting some solar cells on my house but not ready to spend that money yet. There are lots of simple changes one can make to make a difference.

OK so let me get this straight. You bought a fifty plus thousand dollar, state of the art, super high performance bass boat because you want to do your part to save the planet. I love it. emoBigsmile And the auto trading had little to do with the $4 gas we had a few months back.
This is getting good.
Guys don't get me wrong with this thread. I am not for all out pollution and destruction of the earth. I think everybody should do their part to make the planet better for our kids.I just want folks to see what these treehugger types are up to. They have an agenda and it is NOT saving the planet.
cheez - 8/21/2008 7:32 AM
beetlespin - 8/21/2008 6:59 AM 1. We switched to more fuel efficient vehicles. 15mpg tundra before now have 20mph tacoma. Wife had 17 mpg minivan and now has 35mpg camry hybrid. 2. Switched or switching to efficient compact flourescent lighting. 3. Switched to programable thermostats in house. 4. Current boat gets 5-6 mpg versus average of 3-4 mpg for most V6 bass boats. 5. Now growing a good portion of our own food rather than blowing money at walmart. Unfortunately, our country is not setup for efficient transportation, etc so people are going to have to drive. We can choose to drive more efficient vehicles though.I have also considered putting some solar cells on my house but not ready to spend that money yet. There are lots of simple changes one can make to make a difference.
OK so let me get this straight. You bought a fifty plus thousand dollar, state of the art, super high performance bass boat because you want to do your part to save the planet. I love it. emoBigsmile And the auto trading had little to do with the $4 gas we had a few months back. This is getting good. Guys don't get me wrong with this thread. I am not for all out pollution and destruction of the earth. I think everybody should do their part to make the planet better for our kids.I just want folks to see what these treehugger types are up to. They have an agenda and it is NOT saving the planet.


No need to take personal shots at anyone hear.</p>
It may be years and thousands of debates later before the truth about how the millions of tons of spent fossil fuel affect our atmosphere and planet. Chances are it's not doing us any good.

Switching to more energy efficient transportation, for pleasure or work, installing energy saving bulbs, solar cells, and thermostats is definitely a step in the right direction for our atmosphere, foriegn oil, and Earth.

Better to be safe than sorry. Our kids and grandkids futures COULD depend on it.
Beetlespin, you are smarter than you are proving by your food lecture. People are fatter because we do not work anymore. over the last 40 years people began working on computers instead of working in the foundry. People started flying to china rather than walk 5 miles to work every day. Kids started playing Playstation Football and basketball instead of having neighborhood pick up games.

Diabetes is only running rampate because people are fatter. I promise if you stop driving that Tacoma to work and ride a bike, or fish in a row boat and not an Allison missle, you will not be half as fat as you are now.

I am not totally arguing that processed foods and additives are not making us fatter but activity levels are much more responsible for the obesity in this country.

As for global warming or climate change, yes it is happening but it has many times. I guess the dinosaurs were driving Tundras and Titans too. maybe that explains what happened to them!
The U.S. won't pay for the fix ??????????????????</p>

Here is what I've read about it so far: The U.S. ALONE is expected to pay at least 35% of the "Fix" the second higest payee should be The European Union - about 24%.... 24% from a group of 27 Nations ???China is only expected to pay 7% !!! And try collecting Russia's share from leaders like Vladamir Putin !He is saving up for another Cold War. And so with other countries that HATE AMERICA ! They won't even pay the scant amounts expected of them.</p>

Who will hold the monies and monitor its use... that's right, the United Nations. The same people that bilked us for billions in the "Food For Oil" SCAM while starving folks died waiting.</p>

And that is only what theglobalists will FIRST demand of America.What will it cost to search for that energy to replace the evil oil ? OIL IS NOT JUST NEEDED FOR GASOLINE ! Show me what can replace oil. Environmentalists using Federal dollars ( Taxes ), have been trying for at least 38 years that I am aware of and we don't have squat to show for it. What will it cost to try the stupid conversions they tout ? We already have an example: Ethanol Now farmers can't afford to feed stock ! You don't think that caused a hit on food prices and caused businesses to fold up ?</p>

On and On it goes, And all based on a doom therory from basically the same people that can't predict with ANY reliability whether or not it will rain this weekend ??? </p>

Ethanol is a knee jerk reaction to some very poor planning. You will never hear me say anything good about ethanol. Cost more gas to make it than it replaces.
And weren't the dinosuars driven to extinction after a comet hit the Earth and basically polluted up the atmosphere so bad that sunlight couldn't penetrate enough for plants to grow?