Favorite Fishin' Show

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Nov 7, 2007
UT Chattanooga
Alright i gotta ask, i dont know if its been discussed on here before but what are your favorite fishing shows?My all time favorite is Bill Dance of course but a close second is Bass Pros ive learned so much from that show.I even bought the 1st season.What is your favorites?
i'm with you on bill dance. you learn alot and have fun watching his show.
my far and away favorite however is 'hunt for big fish' w/ larry dahlberg.
i like anything w/ fins, but any enormous fish is just a blast to catch.
he targets the biggest fish he can find: catfish (American and foreign, peacock bass, saltwater fish, "nile perch" (look it up), sturgeon, etc.
Watch it and tell me what you think.--its on versus
Scott Martin's Fishing Challenge is my favorite with The Bass Pro's a close second. I barely tolerate Jimmy Houston's show. His giggling like a schoolgirl gets on my nerves.
I would have to say that I don't care for the way Bill Dance 'plays' with the fish when he catches them. He reels them in and tries to get them to jump and thrash as much as he can to play to the camera. I would think this would put alot more stress on a fish and decrease it's chances of rejuvenation.?

My favorite was/is Hank Parkers early fishin shows. I haven't seen him or his shows in awhile though...
I have a DVR and record most, if not all show that interest me. My favorite is the "Chevy Florida Fishing Report" on SunSports TV. I also like to watch shows that feature fishing waters that I have been to, or can get to one day.
I'm probably too old school from the replies I've read so far, but.........my favorite for years was Jerry McGinnis. He wasn't like most of the "fishing whores" we have now who will advertise any and everything to stay on the air. Although the In Fisherman show is pretty good. The worst had to be back in the '80's when Bill Dance was pushing a gadget that told you, after you punched in water temp.,water color, and air temp., what color lure to use. John Nichols said when he tried one it said "GO HOME." emoScratch By the way, has Bill Dance ever caught a fish weighing less than three pounds? emoRolleyes

As for around here it's Benny Hull for me and I'll tell you why.....he fishes a lot of the same places I fish only he usually catches more fish. His show may not be as slick but he's the real deal.

Since ESPN bought out B.A.S.S. tx.'s the weigh-ins, with all their bull sh.. melodrama, resembles a WWF match what with the strobe lights and the leather lung emcee. They're making lots of $$ and that's what it's all about.

'scuse me for buttin' in.........KW
Kwoods tell us how you really feel.emoBigsmile I'm with you pretty much down the line. The bass shows don't do much for me anymore. I like In-Fisherman,Mark Sosin's Saltwater Journal, Shallow Water Angler. Occaisionally ESPN will air Wally Marshall slaying some crappie and those shows are great.
I wish I could get Benny Hull's show but it doesn't air on Dish Network.
Bprice - 2/19/2008 7:01 PM

My favorite is probably In Fisherman, because of its diversity

WHAT? I thought you had a Bill Dance poster in your shower?!?

Hank Parker is still the man, but Day On The Lake is a great show for MTV ... errr ... ESPN.
All time favorite is and will be Hank Parker outdoors,he is a true sportsman and met him here during the classic here years ago and invited me to dinner with him and his wife a true family man and a great angler as well
Bill Dance is terrible. He never tells what lake he is on. He only fishes trophy stocked ponds. That tn hat looks stupid on his fat head. I vote for Hank Parker.
bassodav - 2/19/2008 7:19 PM Bill Dance is terrible. He never tells what lake he is on. He only fishes trophy stocked ponds. That tn hat looks stupid on his fat head. I vote for Hank Parker.


Man I live this guy bassodav!!!!</p>

I will have to say Hank Parker too. I also like Mark Sosin. </p>
SpurHunter - 2/19/2008 4:35 PM

bassodav - 2/19/2008 7:19 PM Bill Dance is terrible. He never tells what lake he is on. He only fishes trophy stocked ponds. That tn hat looks stupid on his fat head. I vote for Hank Parker.


Man I live this guy bassodav!!!!</p>

I will have to say Hank Parker too. I also like Mark Sosin. </p>

I'll second that!emoLaugh
For pure entertainment - WGFS with Mark Zona
For "passing on knowledge" there is a west coast show called Angler West "True Bass" and "Bass Pros" (but it's almost a duplicate of the videos)
I also love watching tournament recaps

PS: KWoods, don't go to a FLW weigh in - they are just as "gimmicky"
I agree with almost everybody I've read. Bill Dance is great guy but as has been noted, I hate that he only fishes his private Florida lakes. He used to actually get out and fish "real water." I miss those days. Hank Parker is a great personality and a solid fisherman. I love his show. Since I'm in TV, I cringe when I watch Benny Hull's productions, but KWoods is absolutely right. Benny fishes where I fish and he catches fish. Benny has taught me tons about fishing area waters, on TV and in person. Who needs fancy production quality. And finally, I can't remember the guy's name but there is a show on VERSUS now of a guy who travels the world chasing strange and exotic BIG FISH! I love that show! I'll never go any of the places he shows me, but I love to watch to see what he'll catch next.

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