Fuzzy - 1/30/2008 6:55 PM
Interesting discussions, taking it all in as always. if I could interject about "invasive species" and growing up in Upstate NY. They have a few lakes up there, might of heard of them, the "great lakes". They were polluted so bad you could eat a fish per every ten years or something. Then invasive species came over and we start to try to control them. Those dam zebra mussels and gobys are horrible! Now you can see down to 15 feet from the zebra mussels filtering the water and the gobys are fillet mignon to the fishery. I don't think you can complain from a boat load of 5lb smallmouth. I will concede that there is no doubt that some native species suffer, I know crayfish (Yankee talk for crawdad) have declined and I have not read what effect it has or not have had on salmon. I would say let nature take it's course, but it wasn't natural that those species showed up in the first place..or at least we helped them along with freight traffic. I would like to see some grass on Watts, but do understand that some control maybe necessary. I don't agree with spending my tax dollars (or license fees) because someone can't water ski or swim by their dock. It's not what I pay taxes for. I might agree to it if it affected other things (like everyones powerbill, moving material, etc..). Love these discussions when they are done in a sane manner...