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I agree with you 100% Doc1 on Mr Thorton.....I would bet in a few years there won't be a sprig of grass from I-24 to the dam...thats when a bunch of us need to get together before blast-off every Saturday morning and leave some FERTILIZER at the end of all the new docks in his gated community!!
Boy, I can't wait.....500 cabin cruisers, 10 million jet skis runnin around like yellow jackets....just call it "The Little Chick"!!
Doc1 - 2/4/2008 1:59 PM

No that would be poluting the water to do that plus I have heard that fertilizer will kill the grass. Can you just imigine all the docks that would be there to shoot for crappie and bass? I believe it will be a win win situation, no grass but hundreds of docks to fish around. Check this out:</p></p>

How wonderful! Some of the best looking land in the area will be covered with preppy housing! Don't you just love development?
It will up all the property values in the county, maybe the taxes will go down.
Noooo, Pretty houses, lot'sa landscaping, increased values = TAX INCREASE, get ready, :(
Then you got all the bikini girls and their stupid little boyfriends on their showout jetskis to
help you fish. What more could you ask for? ;)
What I know about grass:

In the last 80's Watts Bar had grass. I remember as a kid fishing in the stuff. In 1993 my parents bought a house on the lake and from 1993 until 1997 I fished Watts bar 3-4 days per week from Goat Island to Thief Neck Island. I never saw a single blade of grass in those 4 years. Any grass, native or non-native. The lake was 100 sterile.

Something drastic happened in the early 90's and the grass left. The people that we lived by and fished with during that time said TVA killed out the grass.
Hal - 2/4/2008 5:03 PM

Noooo, Pretty houses, lot'sa landscaping, increased values = TAX INCREASE, get ready, :(
Then you got all the bikini girls and their stupid little boyfriends on their showout jetskis to
help you fish. What more could you ask for? ;)

Are these lots selling? Are the slips being rented. I just dont see where all of these people with $$$$ are gonna come from? I just dont see people from the larger cities going to the Nick for recreation. I mean Chatanogans have the Chick. And Mid Tn's have a bunch of lakes they have already figured out? I must be missing something. Either way, the development on the Nick sux! I can think of several times I went there to escape the Lake Havasou crowd on the Chick.
Back in the summer I heard that Thorton had sold 30 million dollars worth of lots, not too shabby for marion county. They are starting the roads and golf course now.
churly - 2/5/2008 5:33 PM

Hal - 2/4/2008 5:03 PM

Noooo, Pretty houses, lot'sa landscaping, increased values = TAX INCREASE, get ready, :(
Then you got all the bikini girls and their stupid little boyfriends on their showout jetskis to
help you fish. What more could you ask for? ;)

Are these lots selling? Are the slips being rented. I just dont see where all of these people with $$$$ are gonna come from? I just dont see people from the larger cities going to the Nick for recreation. I mean Chatanogans have the Chick. And Mid Tn's have a bunch of lakes they have already figured out? I must be missing something. Either way, the development on the Nick sux! I can think of several times I went there to escape the Lake Havasou crowd on the Chick.

Churly, I thought the same thing about Cumming Cove. Who in the world would pay $1MM for a home in Tiftonia. You would be suprised how many people are moving to this area form up north and Florida to retire. All we need is a few hurricans and the housing market here will boom.

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