Carl Guffey
Well-known member
<font face="georgia,palatino" size="4">Just installed last night, just in time for the eastern division Tournament. A complete Keep Alive Oxygen Diffuser System and two T-C2 vents. The Keep Alive system was simple just drilled and caulked one hole in my livewell. The T-C2 vents were a little more difficult, but will provide good ventilation for the livewells. They should help remove any noxious gases, cool the interior of the wells, and bleed off any excess oxygen.
I went with the Oxygen system because I am tired of playing games with my fish to keep them healthy. Just turn the oxygen on with fish. You don't have to run aerators, mix with noxious chemicals, or cool the water. You will keep the fish quite happy with a water exchange or two to keep them in fresh water.
So, no more running batteries down, endangering the population with unwarranted chemicals, or stroking the fish out with sudden and dramatic temperature changes. Oh, and no ice jugs bouncing off the fish on the way to weigh-in.</font>