Just Installed, Oxygen diffuser and T-V2 vents

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Carl Guffey

Well-known member
Sep 12, 2006
Friendsville, TN

<font face="georgia,palatino" size="4">Just installed last night, just in time for the eastern division Tournament. A complete Keep Alive Oxygen Diffuser System and two T-C2 vents. The Keep Alive system was simple just drilled and caulked one hole in my livewell. The T-C2 vents were a little more difficult, but will provide good ventilation for the livewells. They should help remove any noxious gases, cool the interior of the wells, and bleed off any excess oxygen.

I went with the Oxygen system because I am tired of playing games with my fish to keep them healthy. Just turn the oxygen on with fish. You don't have to run aerators, mix with noxious chemicals, or cool the water. You will keep the fish quite happy with a water exchange or two to keep them in fresh water.

So, no more running batteries down, endangering the population with unwarranted chemicals, or stroking the fish out with sudden and dramatic temperature changes. Oh, and no ice jugs bouncing off the fish on the way to weigh-in.</font>
Carl, I put one at the beginning of last year and am kicking myself for not doing it earlier. I found that using the lowest setting for the first 8 or so lbs works great and bumping it to the second setting when you get above that. 1 water change at the half way point is what i have been doing and it has worked great.
I am looking into getting one before the start of tournament season next year. This was my first year fishing tournaments and it’s tough sometimes keeping them healthy.
I installed the live well vents on mine a couple of weeks ago. They really do exhaust the gases off. No water foaming at all since I installed them.
How true – “We live, we learn, we grow, when not locked in our own little universe.”

There’s nothing in the world like using a real life support system when you need it, especially in the heat of summer. Fishing oxygen systems got my attention years ago with a piece written by George Poveromo, “Supercharge Your Live Baits” http://www.georgepoveromo.com/content.php?pid=64 I followed his trail… this new gas, pure oxygen, really worked great for hypoxic people and “supercharging pro football players” on the sidelines, as well as for hypoxic fish and live bait in summer livewells and bait tanks.

Poveromo introduced a wealth of information and reference material that is unmatched anywhere on the internet that I have found to date. I had no idea there was so much safety and technical considerations with oxygen life support systems, this was certainly not another mechanical fan running off a battery blowing air bubbles in livewell water or another livewell water pump for sure.

The more I looked the more I learned too:

43 years ago, all this livewell aeration business began here: http://oxyedge-chum.com/catch-and-release-fishing-tournaments-b-a-s-s-history/

22 years ago, all this oxygen business began here: http://oxyedge-chum.com/history/

Now there are many different types of fishing oxygen systems: http://oxyedge-chum.com/compare-oxygen-systems/
Oxygen systems that incorporate medical oxygen equipment: http://oxyedge-chum.com/homemade-oxygen-systems/medical-oxygen-regulators/

Carl, If you know of more scientifically based material available about fishing oxygen systems, please post the urls and I’ll add the material to my references. Also send any snake-oil and magic stuff you know of too, it has a place is fishing products too.
By the way, here’s an interesting fishing rig I discovered not long ago – It’s marketed as The O2 Wizard by a Florida Bass Pro http://www.o2wizard.com/fishermen.html . This goes in my snake-oil file. Ozone is more deadly than adding hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) to a livewell full of large tournament bass.

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