Keeping bluegill in a cast net?

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2007
East Brainerd
I was below the dam today trying to cast net shad and I was on the little wall with the railing next to the turbines. I caught quite a few shellcrackers and bluegill there (2 were TARP size shellcrackers) but I insisted on throwing all of them back, and I was called some pretty rough stuff by the guys down there for not letting them keep them. Am I wrong to say that it's illegal to keep anything from a cast net except bait fish? Even if it is legal, felt real cheap and easy.
no man u did the right thing it's all to conserve the fisheries but the people who do do that get in alot of trohble by fish and wildlife if they check u ur screwed and the only thing u can keep in a cast nest is bait fish all other game fishing even drum have to b release and dun worry about wat they call u they just suck at life...i mean fishing emoToast but yea well i'll meet u on the water one day

tight lines and full hearts

100% Illegal to keep them. Any game fish caght in a cast net must be returned to the water ASAP. You did the right thing. I caught hell one day for letting a paddlefish go after catching it out of season. I have not lost a minute sleep over those folks being mad at me.
'I know that you should not worry about what someone else thinks. WE all have 1 judge. Good times
You done the right thing, some people will disagree with you but it is against the law to cast net any game fish as Spur said.</p>

BTW are you Leanerd's brother?</p>
Yeah, what they said emoThumbsup besides legality, thats just the lazy way to fish...if your catching live bait thats one thing but to hand over good eatin's out of a cast net..well...emoTskTsk but i've gotten alot of bad vibes down there, just laugh at em, some of those people are emoCrazy
There are way too many ppl that think a fish in the hand is always dinner. Despite wanting small bluegill to be a legal cast net catch for bait, I still respect the wild life management principals behind the rules.
Actually, it's a riot to watch people's faces as you flip all kind of gamefish out of the boat from the castnet. One day I tossed twenty-something white bass back from one throw of the net and had all kind of folks pointing and oohhing and ahhing. Of course, I had to throw them back one at a time, and get a nice little glittering arc on 'em for the crowd!emoBigsmile emoBigsmile
Thank you gentlemen, 'preciate all the response, and I don't lose any sleep over what those guys think of me, just wanted to be sure. One of them told me he had jsut talked to a TWRA officer and he said I could keep bluegill and drum, I said well he may have said that to you, but I'm not going to get in trouble for you to have a few more bluegill.