Less Government

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SNUFFY - 10/21/2008 8:09 PM

This thread started out as a tongue -in-cheek critique of big govenment (some still don`t get it) and has gone all around the world. Drugs, socialism,patriotism or lack of it, taxes.... you name it`s been covered.

Unless things have changed TVA pays In-Lieu-of Taxes payments to most every county in the watershed probably to the tune of 10`s of Millions $. It also absorbed into it`s budget 70-90 Million of what used to be an annual allocation from the U.S. Congress for thing unrelated to Power Production and River Management about 15 years ago.No more ! Things like community development, recreational facitilties, etc.
Personally I think they have done a pretty good job considering the task they were given in the 1930`s. Have they been perfect...No.... but we all have been reaping the benefits for generations.

We all have the chance to go vote our preference here in a couple of weeks (actually I did mine today)...and if that doesn`t work out for you the way you want...then you can get involved in the politics and try to change things in 2 years or four years down the road.

And if all that fails then you can jump on that Big Government Interstate and go to the nearest airport....or even better get in your boat and head down The Big River to the Gulf of Mexico....and go find yourself someplace else to be Happy!

I`m not trying to dredge up old arguments.....but I saw this in the Local paper yesterday . Since I wasn`t exactly sure about TVA`s method of payment in the original post above since they`ve turned to a more corporate style of management , I thought I`d post an update.

TVA paid $455 million in lieu - of -taxes in 2008 and have approved approximatly $495 for 2009. It will be distributed to 8 states and redistibuted to local governments according to formulas in each state.
Tennessee collected nearly $265 million on 2008 as their share.

Personally I think Tennessee should keep it all and move the borders of the state 2 miles south of the of the Tn river.
But I digress !! emoSmile emoSmile emoPoke
Doc1 - 10/20/2008 9:51 PM

fish4thepeck - 10/20/2008 8:29 PM Can all of you wait just a little longer before We get rid of TVA. I'm afraid I will lose my annual leave, sick leave, bonus, free electricity,etc. I will be retiring soon. emoIdea emoIdea emoIdea


Peck, you forgot to mention the free car and gas to go back and forth to work, free lunch vouchers at the TVA cafeteria, free heating and cooling unit that they gave you for your home. What kind of free new truck are they giving you for your retirement plus the free Rolexwatch that is mandatory retirement fare for a dedicated employee? Ain't working for the government a hoot?</p>


My Dad worked for TVA for 28 years, retiring at 62. He died of lung cancer (probably asbestos related) at 68. TVA settled my Dad's retirement package by writing my Mom a check for $1800. That's all my Mom got from TVA.What was leftof the money my Dad paid into his retirement. Don't get me wrong. TVA provided my family a decent living while I was growing up, but their retirement package left a lot to be desired.I'm not sure, but I believe my Dad's retirement had something to do with his membership in the IBEW. It's been a standing joke for years about all the free stuff TVA employees get, but it's just that, a joke.</p>
I say get rid of public schools, military, and the highway system, let big bussiness pay for it, they are the ones that profit from a stable government, educated workforce, and a way to move product. Those three things right there would eliminate over 50% of the federal budget. I really don't know why we need to pay the government to just to be able to have a job. I sure don't want the government telling my kids how to pray, and I am going to own a gun regardless. As far as abortion goes, I will never have one. I will never marry another man, will never happen. I say go back to the good old days of the early 1930's before we had all this government. Why should I have to pay for someones disablity, social security, seeing how I may not get it. Like the old man said in Legends of the fall, "Screw the government"
I believe the TVA is also the most enduring of all the programs that were implemented at the time the TVA was developed. As for "picking them apart", name an industry, company or government that couldn't be. Hind sight is 20/20 and everyone at TVA (my speculation being that I've met MANY that work there or have family that work there) are trying their darnedest to improve their impact in the future. Great debate. Though I must say, I'm shocked this thread lasted this long. And if anyone cares, I'm thankful the TVA was made so that my boys and I are able to FISH IT'S WATERS!!!!!
Possum - 11/13/2008 11:58 AM

I say get rid of public schools, military, and the highway system, let big bussiness pay for it, they are the ones that profit from a stable government, educated workforce, and a way to move product. Those three things right there would eliminate over 50% of the federal budget. I really don't know why we need to pay the government to just to be able to have a job. I sure don't want the government telling my kids how to pray, and I am going to own a gun regardless. As far as abortion goes, I will never have one. I will never marry another man, will never happen. I say go back to the good old days of the early 1930's before we had all this government. Why should I have to pay for someones disablity, social security, seeing how I may not get it. Like the old man said in Legends of the fall, "Screw the government"

Hell, let's give up our guns, hand over our paychecks to the government to be redistributed, get rid of our boats, get rid of our cars....we can all ride bicycles to work. We can have big government tell us how to think since we can no longer make decisions for our selves.
tyler ware - 10/21/2008 7:42 AM

For some unknown reason the people in these more socialist countries are on average a lot happier than our presciption dependent, nation seems to be. Why all the anti-depresants if this is soooooooo good. All I say is "
Seek first the kingdom of Heaven and all things will be provided unto thee", and stay away from those scripts.

Tyler, most socialist countries hand out prescription drugs to make the sheep happy, so they don't realize what is being taken away from them.
What we need are "honest politicians" (oxymoron if I ever heard it) that are more interested in the well being of the country than in lining their own pockets while the country goes down the tube. We have presidential "term" limits, why not congressional term limits?

The Golden Rule: American version: He who owns the gold, makes the rules.
jon the fisherman - 11/14/2008 7:26 AM

Possum - 11/13/2008 11:58 AM

I say get rid of public schools, military, and the highway system, let big bussiness pay for it, they are the ones that profit from a stable government, educated workforce, and a way to move product. Those three things right there would eliminate over 50% of the federal budget. I really don't know why we need to pay the government to just to be able to have a job. I sure don't want the government telling my kids how to pray, and I am going to own a gun regardless. As far as abortion goes, I will never have one. I will never marry another man, will never happen. I say go back to the good old days of the early 1930's before we had all this government. Why should I have to pay for someones disablity, social security, seeing how I may not get it. Like the old man said in Legends of the fall, "Screw the government"

Hell, let's give up our guns, hand over our paychecks to the government to be redistributed, get rid of our boats, get rid of our cars....we can all ride bicycles to work. We can have big government tell us how to think since we can no longer make decisions for our selves.
You can give up yours, and let the government think for you. I don't think the government has to pass a law to keep me from doing something, or not doing something..Just got paid by the way, government got almost 30%, wonder how much Wall mart paid this month from their profits. I just know they benifit more than I do from big government.