Michael Brown City of Ferguson case.

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
Man! Is it just me or is everybody else sick of hearing about this case that never seems to have an end. emoBang I just don't get it. The guy stole some cigars and assaulted the store owner when the store owner confronted him about it. That started the whole mess. They got that on surveillance cameras in the store. You can't go back to the store now, it has since then been ransacked and the owner run out of town by supporters of Michael Brown. emoScratch After all the investigations right up to the federal level dismissed the case, they are now starting a civil suite. I think we have some ambulance chasers pushing that one. The bad part about it is they just may win something. I feel sorry for the parents but this thing needs to fade away and life go on.

I would bet money to anyone willing to bet me that if Michael Brown was a white dude this thing would have already been buried a long time ago. White killing white no one takes a second look. Black killing black no one seems to look twice. Black killing white seems to get some attention, maybe two looks and some back page article. But let it be white killing black and it's headlines. emoGeezer Jmax
It's all about getting money from the system by one method or another. Pay me, pay me, pay me. I don't want to work. I wants a bigger check!!