outcaster - 9/28/2010 12:38 PM
SpurHunter - 9/27/2010 10:44 PM
jtab81 - 9/27/2010 9:37 PM I have the same question as Eric. Who decides "Who" has the "Ability" to pay? Do you drive down the street and raise taxes on the guy pulling a new Ranger Comanche with a brand new F 350, and lower taxes on the poor guy who is driving the 12 year old boat with a beater truck? <u>Do you really think that that people who make over 100k save a higher percentage of their money ie: not stimulating the economy by spending it? We I can tell you from being in the financial world for 6 years now, the more money people make, the more they spend. Period. I am constantly amazed how many people I see that make well over 100k, and yet have very little assets to show for it. If you were to ask a CPA, I'm sure they would agree with this statement</u>. Sorry, don;t have actual statistics to show this, but I'm sure somewhere someone has compiled data in such a way to support this.
This proves my point perfectly Danny. The proof is in the puddin. Obamanomics cant spin this fact. </p>
tjab81's opinions (un-documented) does not prove anything. After All taxes are paid the rich guy has more of his financial pie to spend, save, invest, or whatever. And yes, the rich do save/invest a much higher rate of their income than the middle class and poor. I do back up my statements with facts.
Results of a just completed study done on this very topic.
Moody is hardy a left leaning organization.
Which brings me back to my original proposal: Extend the tax cuts for the rich for 18 more months, then we can see once an for all if the "proof is in the puddin"