Nissan Versus Chevy

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fishinvol - 2/28/2009 12:13 PM

Same thing happened to me about 3 years ago. I was renting an Xterra for the weekend and was in that 12 car pile up on 75 ( big sheet of black ice). I was ok and had not been hit, so i pulled over to the left ( next to the wall) and all the sudden a car smashes into the back of me. It put a decent dent in my bumper, but completely destroyed the dudes front end. His engine was actually laying on the ground. that right there sold me on Nissan, now I own a Pathfinder and couldn't be happier.

Did you get in trouble for stopping there?
No, I was trying to avoid the 11 other cars crashing into eachother. I was right in the middle of everything, why would I get into trouble?
I had a titan 4x4 and it got 14-16mpg. None of them are as good as Toyotas but the nissans are pretty good. I will stick with my tacoma though.
I bought a nissan new in 93 PU. Still have it and running the same plugs from day one. Truck runs great and the only problems I have had other than routine mantiance are altenator and drive shaft. Only thing I have had done to it is a timing chain at 120k. it now has over 170K not bad for a 93 i guess. Best vehicle I have ever owned.
On another note, my son has a 08 Titan and was involved in a crash on Hickory Valley last yr. He rearended a Chevy Tahoe. 5k Damage to his front end and 0 damage to the Tahoe.
I guess most times, the vehicle what gets rearended comes out better in most cases, unless they are unmatched in size. Crash occured less than 35 miles MPH.
Lord yaw must trust everyone on the site or who is a guest...... That license plate sure stends out wouldnt be hard to track down....Just something for yaw too think about when posting a pic.

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