Paul Harvey describes the deeds of Obama

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No... All have issues, But This is Dead to Rights Ali-Qbama and his Forty Thieves... Every sentence is something Baracko is doing... Point out one that you feel is Not Baracko and I will show you where it is...
Metal detectors where in school long before obama. Trust me... I can't stand the man but let's not dump it all. Alot has been going on and building up for years. He's just starting to put the icing on the cake. We the pepole have needed to wake up a long time ago and we need to start standing up now!
Buoy-Master - 7/5/2015 3:11 AM

Metal detectors where in school long before obama. Trust me... I can't stand the man but let's not dump it all. Alot has been going on and building up for years. He's just starting to put the icing on the cake. We the pepole have needed to wake up a long time ago and we need to start standing up now!

I'll second this motion! But I'll also add that while we are fighting amongst ourselves over some stupid shit like a flag, the bastards we hired to represent us are laughing as they sell us out and pad their own pockets! It's really ironic that they call what we are heading for "socialism". Look at the former ussr. It was only the head guys that had anything; the rest of the population were peasants with nothing and no incentive or support to have it any better.
Although Obama and the whole administration are very bad, I have to say the republicans aren't any better. Remember the November election when they all were talking about all they were going to do to repeal obamacare and talk of impeachment? How about the TPP and fast track ? Almost all of them are on board with this crap. If you don't know about the TPP you should do a little research on it. The Trans Pacific Trade Partnership. We are being sold out folks. You think unemployment is high now? wait till this gets kicked into high gear. And it was all passed while most were bickering over gay marriage and the confederate flag. Its high time we get another party together and kick both of these sold out parties out of office. It may never happen but if it don't you can bet the good ol USA as we know it will be no more ! They ( being all of the goons who don't care about me and you or our children ) want a one world currency and a one world DICTATOR so bad they can taste it ! We are one crisis away!! I hope its not too late although I fear it is !