Prayer request

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emoAngel .............prayers are being sent for this young lady, her Mom, you and their extended family.
Thanks guys you just don't know how much it helps me to read all your words of encouragement and to see that people I have never seen and may never know are willing to hit their knees for this little girl that is so special to me , thank you so much !!!
In our small group meeting Thursday night we had a special prayer time for her....We are thankful for His mercy and goodness to us.... so thankful she is recovering and I know she will do goooooood.... thank you Lord... FA
I just wanted to give you guys an update on Adrianna , she is doing as well as expected considering what she has been through in the last few days , she is really swelled up on the right side of her face but the Dr. said that is all normal , the only complaint that I have with Scottish Rite is that she had been really restless and hurting for the most part of the day and about 5:30 this evening they came in and said that they were going to give her some valium in her IV and that done the trick because she was finally was able to get some really good rest , now my gripe is that they said she was supposed to have been getting it since she recovered from surgery but she had to suffer almost all day , I know that just about every experiance I have ever had in a hospital something like this always seems to slip through the cracks but when it is one of your little ones it really bothers you !!! Thanks again guys just keep praying for positive results from the biopsy!!!
I know its hard and especially when its a child that you care about but trust me on this... the hospital that she is at is among a group of hospitals, Dr's, and specialist called Children's Hospitals of Atlanta (CHOA) and is one of the top Children's groups in the world. She is very fortunate to be in this group and she will get the best care available. Prayers will continue and you all will be placed on the prayer list at my church today.
Just wanted to let everybody know the Adrianna is getting to go home any minute now !!!! She has done so much better today , she has ate really good and got bored and has been up walking the halls , it is amazing just how fast kids can recover even the swelling has gone down , THANK YOU LORD THANK YOU !!! Emer-teacher I know buddy that they are one of the best and really thankful for them , just had to vent a little , please continue to pray for the biopsy results to be positive , they didn't come back today but are suppose to tomorrow , Thank you everybody so much !!!
Hey guys , no news yet on the biopsy please keep praying that we will get some good news and keep my girlfriend in your prayers because this not knowing is really starting to get to her she has had a rough day today , thanks guys for all of your prayers , as soon as we hear something I'll let y'all know again thanks so much.....
Add me to the list of people praying for Adrianna. We had a small tumor removed from our daughter Grace's back when she was nine months old. It took a week to get the biopsy results and I remember being miserable waiting on that news. I was with my boss when we got the news that it was benign and couldn't hold back the tears. I will definetly pray for Adrianna and apologize for not seeing this sooner.
