Prayer request

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Ok guys we just got the results back and as bad as I would love to be able to relay good news I can't , this has to be the hardest thing I have ever had to do , we go to the oncologist tomorrow to find out the paticulars and what plan of attack they are going to take just please continue to pray for this little girl and her mama because as hard as this is on me I can only imagine what is going through her head , thank you guys so very much for your thoughts and prayers , we need everyone we can get right now..........
That wasn't the news we all hoped for either. But just know that the prayers will be sent, even more. God Bless this yong lady, her mother and you. emoAngel
Thanks guys ya'll make it easier to get through the day and nights to be able to read all of your messages , RE: Ben she is an amazingly strong girl took the news in stride today while me and her mama were just in shock because we had hoped and prayed for a good report , she gives me inspiration daily , please keep up the prayers and please put her on any prayer chain that your heart tells you to do as long as you follow the lord your heart will know what to do , Thanks guys !!!
JUST GOT GREAT NEWS !!!!!!!!!!! Thank you lord thank you !!!! The Dr. is very confident that they got every bit of it and they just want to do another mri in three months , if yall hear something screaming it's not big foot it's me !!! I want to thank each and every one of you for everything that you have said and done , every prayer every thought , I owe all of you so very much , just keep her in your prayers that in three months the mri scan will be good , Thank you god thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!!!! I will keep everybody updated and again guys thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brushhog - 2/10/2012 3:55 PM PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!all the glory to JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<font color="#ff0066" size="4" face="comic sans ms,sand">that is such great news....There was lots of our folks praying really hard for this request and God, in His time, has answered and His Name will be praised and shouted from the hills and roof tops.. Thank you Lord for all your goodness and glory to Your name....FAemoGrouphug emoWorthy </font></p>
Praise Jesus ! Hell is trying to get to all of us and does not fight fair. Hell will come against our children because thats what get us the most. Ill bet that just as happy as you and all of us are to hear that news... Hell is just as equally mad and all the deamons are just as tired of getting there butts kicked.... Glory to GOD!
I just wanted to let you guys know that Adrianna is continuing to get better , she went back to the Dr. yesterday and they took out the staples all 54 of them , that was quite painful for her but I'm telling y'all she is one tough little girl , she is such an inspiration to see how she has handled all of this , I'll try an update everybody at least once a week but please continue to keep her in your prayers as we know we are not out of the woods yet but each day is better than the day before and we have the good lord to thank for that !!! emoAngel emoAngel emoAngel
Took AdriAnna for checkup with surgeon today. She is still healing well Incision still has a ways to heal but all doing good! Eye Optic nerve is still swollen but has reduced since last visit. We go back again in 6 weeks for another checkup. She is released for full days of school starting tomorrow. Got next MRI scheduled for May. Continue to pray all is clear and good with that in May !!! I want to thank each and everyone of you for all the prayers that you have sent up for this beautiful young lady !!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!! emoAngel emoAngel emoAngel

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