SpurHunter - 9/29/2010 4:08 PM
cheez - 9/29/2010 2:25 PMObviously not or it would be legal. Why don't you answer the question?SpurHunter - 9/29/2010 2:43 PM
</p>cheez - 9/29/2010 1:42 PM I guess all of y'all that think prostitution should be legal would have no problem with your sisters taking up the trade? How about your daughters?
Your getting back into the Moral objection. Legal and Moral are two different things. </p>
emoScratch emoScratch emoScratch You forget your reading glasses today? As I stated already, "While I have a moral objection to Prostitution"
I would think tht answers whether I would want my family doing it, dont cha think??
emoDoh emoDoh emoDoh emoDoh
I read AND comprehend just fine. You are for legalized prostitution as long as it is someone elses daughter.
All you guys are missing my point. What kind of society would we be living in if everything anyone wanted to do was legal just as long as it did not hurt anyone else? Well I tell you what. When it comes to drugs and drunks and prostitution and gambling and the like there is ALWAYS a victim or victims.