quick trip for when and why 1/14/2007

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An absolutely beautiful fish, When. Great job catching that dude. That fish might be 7 lbs by next year. Hope you catch him again.
  Okay .. how do you all know its a boy?</p>

Well ...

I'm part of "everyone" and I don't know that.  Is it the coloring?  I know most females in most species have the less brilliant colors.  But if its coloring wasn't lessened by being in the live well for a bit, then maybe it really is a girlie girl!!!</p>

I sure didn't see any physical evidence from the picture that would indicate it was a male! 

Actually, I was aggravating you. I always thought the bigger fish, were the females at least in largemouths anyway.....maybe there is a difference with smallies??!!
Aggravating me ... hmmm ... that calls for some future retribution don't you think???</p>

Shall we say, I'll add you to the list!

Now ... back to the business at hand, how do you know it's a male?</p>

Guess not ... must be because they can't!!!  They are all as uneducated as I am when it comes to telling what sex a fish is!  Unless it's doing the egg thing, I'm assuming its too hard to call.  So maybe from now on we should use unisex terms for fish we can't positively identify as hes or shes. </p>

Examples:  It, the fish, scale bucket, fin friend, are all gendereticially correct renderings when talking about fish whose sexual nature is unknown.  As well as the more specific names of, LM, smallie, gill, crappie.  Nothing in any of those terms would lead one to believe it's a girl or a boy.  However, hog, pig, sow, he, she, dude, fattie (just because its plain not nice) should be used with great restraints, unless you are FOR certain .. the subject matter is a he, or a she.</p>

Only one way to find hard core evidence of the gender of a fish ... that won't happen for a couple more months.  :)</p>

Just a thought that even fisherpersons can be as politically correct as possible.</p>

Now ... unless someone can tell me why When's catch is a he, I think we should give the "she" possibility some credience.</p>

TT  </p>
fattie (just because it plain not nice)

emoUpsmile emoUpsmile emoUpsmile emoUpsmile

That cracked me up TT
<font color="#6600ff">Ok, TT,  here goes.  Follow me closely....I think that I read somewhere long ago that the way you could tell the difference was their butt hole shape....  one is teardrop shaped and the other is round...now, I has forgotten which is which... but now you are getting closer to knowing...I will do some research and let you know...and that's the truth...  FA</font>
Fat Albert - 1/16/2007 1:43 PM <font color="#6600ff">Ok, TT,  here goes.  Follow me closely....I think that I read somewhere long ago that the way you could tell the difference was their butt hole shape....  one is teardrop shaped and the other is round...now, I has forgotten which is which... but now you are getting closer to knowing...I will do some research and let you know...and that's the truth...  FA</font>

butt holes? 

I'd like to see some evidence of that!</p>

 That's why I go fishing so that I don't have to look at butt holes all day.   Now I have to look at butt holes to get away from looking at butt holes.
So if I understand correctly Fat Albert, determining the sex of a fish is just a matter of a rear end review?  I've done a quick google search on "fish fannies" .. and so far I've come up empty.</p>

But I'll keep looking, you sure you weren't drinking when you wrote that?</p>

BassBullet - 1/16/2007 1:54 PM  That's why I go fishing so that I don't have to look at butt holes all day.   Now I have to look at butt holes to get away from looking at butt holes.

Only if you want to know the sex of your fish!!!  Hi BB .. join in .. this could get In-ter-esting!</p>

By the way .. I do NOT recommend a google search on "fish fannies" if there are tenderlings in the room.  </p>

Just an FYI.  Where is your filter when you need it!!! 


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