Riddle me this. What's your best answer?

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One is blessed and one is cursed. One spent his whole life teaching about god, the other was a community organizer then 18 months in the senate, good enough for president. Would you trust a surgeon with 18 months experience to cut you open............. Didnt think so
One was our actaul savior and the other just thinks he is. emoTskTsk Jmax

I hope everyone is seeing through this "Fix". It is nothing more then a ploy to postpone this mess until after the 2014 elections. There is no fixing this program, like I have said since the beginning of all of this, the problem has always been someone has to pay for it and every one of us will feel the increases if this does day one day go through like it is written as of now. What we just saw was nothing more then the tip of the iceburg, wait until it hits the corporate levels. emoHoppingmad Jmax
It has already hit a couple of corporate employers such as IBM retirees. UPS has announced they will be doing it too. Will it be enough to enable the GOP to win the Senate, or will the RINOS screw it up?
I have two differences so far. One is "Jesus does not think he is Obama" the other is "You do not hear people mumbling Obama's Name every time Jesus does something"...