outcaster - 12/10/2013 8:01 PM
Go ahead and start practicing saying it......... Madam President. lol
Wishful thinking. It all depends on who is nominated. Someone from the Palin/ Cruz/Paul ideology has no shot. That crap only plays down here in the Bible Belt. Independents, Latinos & young people won't vote for that.... Ever. Angry white men (and their wives) no longer make a majority.spnplgr - 12/12/2013 10:54 PM
There's still enough independents to swing the election one way or the other. Also keep in mind that the younger people are turning against the liberal policies, especially obammacare. Next, it is recently noted that hispanics are drifting away from the libs. All that might be enough to put a Republican in office. It will be interesting to see what happens in the 2014 mid-term. If the socialists lose the Senate, bomma's agenda will hit a major snag.
Mis-quote ... You called them White men... They were white but I am not too sure about the Men part.Sniperchoke - 12/16/2013 8:04 AM Look up the statistics on the last election it was the white man who statistically elected Obama..