Skipjack reports needed!! Tailwaters fishermen wanted!

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Nickajack Angler - 6/26/2008 6:27 PM
mallardecho - 6/25/2008 11:21 AM I thought NA was talking about his swimbait gettin ate by crappies.........I may be wrong though.
You were right mallardecho, my response was edited for a quick retorted insult - that was funny mind you - I was talking about what you could catch on a 2 1/2 inch swimbait down there. Skippies love 'em and so do everything else....

It couldn't have been as funny as Crappie eating skipjack Spence!!!emoLaugh </p>
SpurHunter - 6/26/2008 5:21 PM

Cheez, you Brandon, and EricM are all wrong. Craig has told me if they are running water, you can catch all you want. emoPoke I am going with CRAIG!!!! emoDance

I want to go with Craig too. If a dozen or more seasoned skipjackers can't find them I will learn how and spread the word.
Will ya take me Craig ,huh, will ya huh? We can even take my boat and I will buy the gas and dinner and everything.
Of course a Crappie can eat a may not be a 1 or 2 lber, but they can eat the babies, which grow up to be big skippies. Smartazzes!!
nope just don't make guarantees ;) besides that would require you to actually take the boat out and your too busy working for that
Went down to the tailwaters of guntersville today and got skunk by the skippys...There were plenty of shad....I was fishing from the bank..Think I''ll try it from the boat tomarrow.... emoUSA
Anyone....anyone....Bueller, Bueller..

I am out...need some stintky bait pretty bad right now, so I hope someone has seen something!
No report here.....I struck out yesterday below guntersville on the skippies.......they will be back before long.....too many small shad for them not too be......they leave the dams every year just around the same time the cats go on bed.....I figure they spawn at the same time.....I usually don't fish much so it's not much of a problem for me......but they do seem to be staying gone longer this year.......probably due to lack of current or perhaps there's plenty of bait where there at as well.......if you get a chance try for them around the turbine intake above the dams.......I seen some busting Sat. above G'ville dam, but I didn't have anything to catch them with........I catch them above pickwick this time of year often.
I didn't see any busting at the dam. What's the reason for them busting below the RR bridge and not near the dam? Also, I thought they were skipjack a few days ago, then about 30 white bass later, found out otherwise. Maybe the skips are coming back in now?
It has been my belief that the skip jack spawns from mid June til around the first of July.
If this is true it could be any day now.
Went to Chic dam this evening for about 40 mins, never saw the first skip bust. I did see some whites at the RR, but not very many. I also did not see a single threadfin...I wonder where they disappeared too?
I witnessed some schooling skips below guntersville today......they were 1/4 of a mile or so below the dam out towards the middle of the river.....for folks familiar with the area they were out from the sand bar area below the ramp....they were about 2 or 3 cast off the bank.......I figure in 5 or 6 more days there will be enough skips to get enough bait for a trip fairly easy in an hour........I'am spoiled and can usually always get skip's so I never freeze them till about the end of Sep........but it almost bit me in the butt this year....but it hasn't so far thanks to my state record I had in the freezer....and j. Bridges gave me a pack today.

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