Skipjack reports needed!! Tailwaters fishermen wanted!

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I just netted a bunch of threadfins the other day. I'll check again this weekend, but I've been netting those and some gizzard shad as well for bait.
tennessee_hillbilly - 7/12/2008 12:10 AM

do gizzard shad work as well as skipjack? just curiuos

Sometimes anything will catch a catfish. Ain't nothin' better than skipjack though.
Me,southerncats,and a friend of ours caught all the skipjack we needed yesterday below wheeler dam...We were in the boat anchored near the turbines..Still no skips below guntersville...
SpurHunter - 7/28/2008 10:39 PM

How bout it guys? I am hearing some limited reports of activity, but nothing concrete yet.

Spur I eat lunch below the Chick dam about every day, and am seeing nothing to get excited about.

With everything elce to talk about from last night I forgot to mention,, I had my eye out for the skipjack but no sightings just a few white bass in the fast water...
Plenty of skipjack busting today below Nickajack dam....they were hard to catch.....I spent alittle while fishing for them with clients caught 3 and lost 3......they wouldn't touch my sabiki rig.
Yes they were pushing them pretty good.....I think they turned them on at 12 central time.........It was around 1 central when I was down there and it was cloudy which might have helped.
I took my first trip to Nickajack today, fished for 3 1/2 hours without a bite or sighting a skippie. Headed toward Chick, fished there for about an hour without a bite also. We still have none below FT Loudon, Wattsbar or Melton Hill.
ever since rsimms turned me on to chicken breast i don't even try to get skipjack anymore, after all it doesn't smell as bad and if the fish don't bite you can go home and grill your leftover bait for lunch, try that with skipjack emoVomit
To be honest, I just enjoy catching skipjack, heckuva fight, especially in the current, and I'm not good enough to have 70+ bass days like I can with skips. I've thrown back well over a thousand in my short life, given maybe a hundred away at the bank, I just love it.

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