Today after the poor showing at the Nick and work being slow I went out for a late afternoon outing to see if I could remember how to catch a fish. Came out of HBSP on plane and suddenly my boat started to vibrate really bad. emoBang Coming off plane I thought I must have got some rope or something in the prop. Nope, one blade was completely gone. emoHoppingmad I did not hit a thing, it just spun off. I started calling around and after a few calls was told if I wanted a good used prop I should get in touch with Billy Eves. Sure nuff, I called him and told him I had a three blade Raker that was now a two blade. He said come on, I got a couple real nice ones. emoThumbsup Hauled butt to Sale Creek and met Billy for the first time. I had heard him mentioned by several on here but never had met him in person. He looked over my destroyed prop and told me he had one he had rebuilt that was just what I needed. I told him I needed a CBA, CFF, Senior Discount and he gave me one. emoBigsmile
My hat is off to Billy Eves for a great deal, I am back ready to go again. emoToast emoThanks Jmax
My hat is off to Billy Eves for a great deal, I am back ready to go again. emoToast emoThanks Jmax