TVA spraying on Chickamauga

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rsimms - 6/26/2017 4:03 AM

jb366 - 6/23/2017 9:00 AM

Last year the grass lagged because it was dry and they didn't run enough water to supply oxygen for it to grow, this year it's been too rainy with too much current for it to grow. Which is it?
I found grass 1-2' off bottom in areas in early May. There isn't any grass there now.

Lot's of dynamics at play... usually water clarity has more to do with growth than anything. Years of drought and low flow usually lead to clearer water and more aquatic vegetation. Years of high flow and more turbid/stained water (such as this year) means less growth.

But, also, if you get periods of high water and extremely heavy flow in the winter - when aquatic vegetation root systems are weak - the heavy flow will literally rip the aquatics out by the roots. That happened in 1989. I remember duck hunting during a huge flood we had Christmas week. I sat in duck blinds on the river that week and watched as HUGE masses of milfoil floated by after it was ripped from the bottom by flood waters.

The majority of fishermen put 100% of the blame for the aquatic die-off back then on TVA. Personally, because of what I witnessed, I believe that Christmas week flood had a great deal to do with it.

Good info Richard. thanks.
Ive seen grass higher at this point in other years than it is now but id pu my money on its the weather. Weve had lots of water in the area and like others say it affects the grass. Grasshopper creek is usually on the surface int he back around now but yesterday it wasn't. Water temp was 79 in sale creek and 80 in grasshopper. Is that not low for this time of year?
i have personally spoken with the aquatic specialist for TVA when our neighbor was talking about spraying in the cove. he assured me TVA had no desire or intent to affect the grass outside of the boat ramps and swim areas they maintain. according to him the stuff they use cuts/kills the grass down to the bottom but the roots will start growing again but wont likely make it back to the surface before the water level and temps start to drop.

he explained as rsimms said above that high flow during low cold water removes more grass than they could. he said this was the reason all the grass dissappeared on kentucky lake year before last.
The "pellets" are a chemical known as "sonar". They are illegal to use in TN waters. What is rediculous, is that Aquaservices, who does the contracted spraying for TVA and shoreline property owners is getting paid to spray areas where the grass isnt even growing yet. Keep in ind this is your drinking water!
I personally feel like the spraying had an adverse effect on the fish last year. It cannot be good spraying that stuff on the mat with the fish right under it. It seemed like we had a harder time keeping fish alive in the livewell then we normally do. And i saw one of the airboats spraying one of the mats on the main river channel last summer. I couldn't understand why they were spraying that. It was not hindering navigation. I wonder if the herbicide contractor(s) have "an open checkbook" and are given the green light to run all over the place and spray at will....?
Everybody constantly talks going green well putting a bunch of so called EPA approved chemicals into freaking drinking water is nothing more than stupid only to have to use more chemicals to make it drinking water approved. It is assanine to think this is all good for God's creation and our fishery
Yesterday, Saw the spray boat in Soddy Lake between the hwy's. Guess it is more like a scenic rec lake for locals to fish, picnic and swim etc. Some spots like this need veg control. Drinking water is tested everyday to very strict levels and standards.
Please check your resources guys. It's not TVA killing all the grass, typically it is private contractors who may or may not be knowledgeable or licensed to do so. For any information about aquatic weed management by TVA call 1-800-882-5263. TVA is actually one of the main reasons we have this unbelievable fishery. Also there are state legislators in our area working to eliminate unlawful and unregulated spraying of the aquatic vegetation. Mike Bell is a huge proponent of our fight to keep a healthy habitat and river system. We should support him and TVA.

Side note: There should also be healthier practices in taking care of the fish we catch. Stop flipping fish onto the carpet of your boat, it kills them in the long term. Also, we should be releasing fish into suitable water and temperatures after weigh ins. At last weeks weigh in I observed many bad release habits and a lot of big, healthy fish died because of it. We can't always blame others for the possible decline of this great resource, sometimes it's in our own actions.
What tournament are you referring to? Maybe you should call the group out publicly if you saw unsatisfactory actions that ended up killing fish. You've peaked my curiosity now.
Pulled up some grass off some flats up off the main channel near sale creek yesterday. Also saw a giant about 8lbs floating belly up too.
I see a lot people talk about "that's your drinking water" so what about the gas,oil,fluids etc that come off all the boats that sit in marinas and run up and down the entire river daily. What about the stuff you don't know about that people may dump in the water. An EPA approved contact herbicide that gets soaked into the vegetation and is gone doesn't sound so bad. The Wesley strader video was full of misinformation and after talking with someone from the company he posted a video the next day apologizing and admitted he gave out some misinformation and stated that even he wouldn't want grass around his dock if he lived on the water. Private homeowners and home owner associations pay from their pocket to have their areas sprayed by TDEC certified applicators with the exception of boat ramps and recreational swimming areas. If private work is performed it does not have to be posted. If it is TVA work it is posted by boat ramps and areas where it was sprayed. The chemicals used also have no swimming or drinking restriction. If you think there is a problem with drinking water ask the people who get their water from lake hartwell how they feel about chemicals put in their lake. The only reason they can use their water without it smelling or tasting like rotten eggs is because these people come and treat the lake surrounding where they draw the water. I can promise you TVA has no intention on killing anything unnecessary and if homeowners want to be able to get their boat out or let their kids/grandkids swim they should be able to..the chemical used does not kill it entirely and has to be treated throughout the year. Also the lake is public and not just a fishing lake. I love fishing and I love fishing grass especially in the fall and I'm not trying to start arguments or bash anyone but I'm simply trying to help educate and inform those who may not completely know. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will try my best to answer
This has to be the dumbest **** I have ever seen on this site. I normally don't post anymore, but I had to say something here. This kind of non-logical thinking is the problem. Carcinogenic chemicals should not be added to the water, no matter what's already there. EPA approved means absolutely nothing to me. This **** pisses me off!

Cstick1 - 7/3/2017 7:25 PM

I see a lot people talk about "that's your drinking water" so what about the gas,oil,fluids etc that come off all the boats that sit in marinas and run up and down the entire river daily. What about the stuff you don't know about that people may dump in the water. An EPA approved contact herbicide that gets soaked into the vegetation and is gone doesn't sound so bad. The Wesley strader video was full of misinformation and after talking with someone from the company he posted a video the next day apologizing and admitted he gave out some misinformation and stated that even he wouldn't want grass around his dock if he lived on the water. Private homeowners and home owner associations pay from their pocket to have their areas sprayed by TDEC certified applicators with the exception of boat ramps and recreational swimming areas. If private work is performed it does not have to be posted. If it is TVA work it is posted by boat ramps and areas where it was sprayed. The chemicals used also have no swimming or drinking restriction. If you think there is a problem with drinking water ask the people who get their water from lake hartwell how they feel about chemicals put in their lake. The only reason they can use their water without it smelling or tasting like rotten eggs is because these people come and treat the lake surrounding where they draw the water. I can promise you TVA has no intention on killing anything unnecessary and if homeowners want to be able to get their boat out or let their kids/grandkids swim they should be able to..the chemical used does not kill it entirely and has to be treated throughout the year. Also the lake is public and not just a fishing lake. I love fishing and I love fishing grass especially in the fall and I'm not trying to start arguments or bash anyone but I'm simply trying to help educate and inform those who may not completely know. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will try my best to answer
If you don't like the grass and dont want it around your dock move!!!!! There are some places around broad street! It's like moving to a farm growing a garden then complaining about the wildlife eating it. Suck it up buttercups if you live on a lake that has grass you will have grass around your dock
Amen TN Bullet.
And again what EPA approved now, just hang tight it'll be outlawed in a year or two. EPA, TVA, anyone else who puts herbicides in the water, wake up we drink that water.
Let the grass grow
What about all the chemicals they spray on all the fruit and produce? Can't catch 15 inchers when your dead from eating the chemicals and washing it down with more chemicals. So just go sore lip eat and mount while u can
My dock, my dock,My dock. Last law I read it's TVA's / our dock. Just because you own a house that has a dock doesn't mean you own that dock and the water around it.
crappie king - 7/5/2017 8:50 PM

My dock, my dock,My dock. Last law I read it's TVA's / our dock. Just because you own a house that has a dock doesn't mean you own that dock and the water around it.

TVA owns the shoreline which is why people have to get permission to build a doc. The home owners property line stops at the shore.
The property line that the land owner has control over is much further up from the actual shore line or water line even at full pool. That is why you have to file for a permit and get approved and receive permission from TVA to build a dock. That is still TVA property. It is not your land for several feet away from the waters edge.

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