What do you do for work?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Project Management Coordinator for Alstom in Chattanooga TN and Windsor CT, 9 years and still going
Auto parts
Landscaping and Lawn care during high school
Farmer growing up
I am a Master Electrician with wayyyyyyy too many years experience. I own Butler Electrical Servies. We do residental, industrial and commercial, new and remodel construction. We maintain the fresh water and seweage treatment plant electrical and control systems for the Town of Menlo, Ga. and United Water at Big Canoe community near Jasper Ga. We maintain the electrical systems for a plant in Atlanta that takes whole vehicle tires and makes small rubber chips out of them for recycling. We also maintain the electrical systems in two grocery stores.
I keep trying to retire but my son won't let me.... emoBigsmile
Everyone has fascinating jobs! I'm a Neonatal ICU nurse at TC Thompson's downtown, new to the forum, and I am thankful to finally have a thread that I actually can contribute to haha! Thanks guys for helpin me learn to fish... you've got your work cut out for you ;)

Telecommunications Technician....or at least thats what my company says I should call myself. Back in the day, I called myself a "phone man." But with the daily technology changes seems like all we work on anymore is digital circuits, high-speed internet connections, fiber optics, etc.....sure do miss those days of climbing poles and working on simple, traditional copper phone lines......aaahhh the good ol days...
Owner of Clear Image Services, a window cleaning company. Get the pleasure of working with Fishnvol, Jmax, And my son Paul. emoCool

Previous...Owner/operator of 19 Express OIl Change locations in Atlanta emoAngry
I am the owner of a utility construction company. We install sewer, water, gas, and telecom lines. Also do dirt work and hydroseeding. Pretty fun career most of the time.
I am an attorney with Chambliss, Bahner & Stophel, P.C. My main practice focuses are medical malpractice defense and trucking litigation defense. I also handle other general business/commercial litigation.

Previously, I also worked on real estate transactions and litigation, and served temporarily as an Acting Assistant District Attorney General in another county.

Jobs I've had before getting my law license:

Restaurant server
Central vacuum system manufacture/assembly
Special projects research/investigation for District 11 Public Defender
Central vacuum system installer (residential construction work)
Loan Auditor for mobile home company
Landscaping/lawn maintenance
I work part/full time at American Campbel Blueprint.We print blueprints,clean up blueprints ect.I landscape when The weather permits, and I dont do it for the money I actually enjoy the work and take alot of pride in the scapes I do.
ranman - 6/29/2008 4:55 PM

Tile,hardwood, and laminate flooring contractor.

He's the best in the bid'ness too. Hey ranman, I'll be calling you in the next few days ... Rach is wanting the stairwell done next.

I haven't chimed in on this one, so I'll play ...

Full time - Kenco Logistics / Keurig Coffee - Outbound Supervisor
Part Time - Dixie Jig Works Custom Baits - Owner, Master Baiter, Sanitary Engineer, beer taster
ASE Master Auto Technician, Chrysler Master Auto Technician, Certified Ford Technician, and Certified Advanced Auto Performance Specialist. 40 years experience.
Retired from retail;
1 year K-Mart...
1 year Krogers...
3 years Howard Brothers...
26 years Wal-Mart...started with them when I was in College, stayed on after graduting and was in on the big picture. Saw it go from just over 200 stores to 6000 stores, had all of it I could stand and retired. emoBang

Finance manager and consultant.
Yard taker carer.
Work with Wet Willie about 30 hours a week as a contractor.
Investor; stocks, bonds, money market
Part-time fishing guide.

I also reserve the right to have forgot some stuff.... emoGeezer

emoGoofy Jmax
Curently the Forestry Supervisor for the City of Chattanooga, over the forestry and emergency crews of the public works dept.
I.S.A. Certified Arborist and Utility Specialist, have worked in the tree care and maintenance field since getting out of the Navy in 82. Spent 7 years working on the electronics in the navy's jet aircraft right out of high school, got to see a lot of the world curtesy of uncle sam. emoSun
Fish for a living, and do maintinance as a millwright in a steel mill in Cartersville on the side "Gerdau Ameristeel ",welding, hydraulics,plumbing, electrical, and PLC "programable logic computers" and work on anything elce that breaks...All that and I still cant spell go figure,, emoBang


Join the Navy and see the world,, they dont tell you that water looks the same wherever you are,, DDG-43 ,USS Dahlgren, Norlfolk..85-88
I'm an engineer for ManTech SRS Tech. We are a govt. contracting company, and i work on mostly dept. of defense contracts. I do systems engineering work mostly. my degrees are in mechanical eng... and my thoughts are how to be a professional investor so i can quit this 'job' stuff and just hunt and fish.