what is the world coming to?????

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I have a buddy that is correctional officer and has been doing that job for 21 years. He has told me many times that the American public would be shocked at how many black prisoners are converting to Islam while locked up. According to him it is epidemic. From what he tells me and what you can find online, the blacks initially do it to get special "religious" rights while locked up. Special foods, special prayer times, special recreation and so on. Purely selfish but not surprising. However, the real issue comes into play because many Federal, State prisons actually allow Imams in to "teach", which often takes the form of radical Islam.
Islam has been a problem since the dawn of the religion. Approximately every 600 years, during recorded history, they have been beat back. The most famous of these fights was the Crusades led by the likes of King Arthur and the Knights Of The Round Table.

Do you guys know why they make such good terrorists? Will they have to be beat back again? If so, when, where and how?

If they win, you guys will be able to legally kill your wives and female family members under Sharia Law, but only after you convert. Otherwise you will be killed too.
Those liberal Democrats still can’t see the global harm they have caused supporting an Islamic President and most of the Republicans are playing right along. Amazing!!!