What would you do????

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2008
Dunlap Tn
As many of you know I don't have much time anymoresince I went back to work for Dodge. That is why I hardly get time to get on here. I had a issue today with a guy and was wondering how many of you would have reacted the same way as I did. I do work for people on boats 99% of the time only on weekends and schedule people for different times almost like a doctors office. So here is what happened.....</p>


I had a guy this morning that was suppose to be here at 8AM for me to go to the lake with him. I had built a engine for him and the new stator went out that I had put on his engine. I put a loaner stator on his engine until his warranty one came in. The boat ran fine before the stator went out and ran fine when I put the loaner on so it was not necessary for me to go but I wanted to make sure that was all that it was.This should have taken me 2-3 hours tops so I had another guy that is schedule to be here at noon (slow time). I got up at 7am to make sure I was ready at 8AM and did not start doing any work because of waiting on him. All the things I need to do I could not stop in the middle of doing them. He shows upat 10:12AM and when I asked him why he was late he stated he over slept and couldn't getmotivated to do anything. I toldhim I couldn't go to the lake and then he got mad at me which triggered me as Iwas alreadyaggravated.We had a few words and he left. </p>

Was I in the wrong? Should I have reschedule my other people to suit him? My question is what would you have done???? If I had went to the lake I would have lost more than 1/2 of a day's work (which I only have 2 days to do it) and would have to work late just to make it up. Just let me know what you would have done. Thanks!</p>
Nope, not wrong at all, except maybe for letting him get to you and having words about it, and that's an understandable reaction since he got angry. If he had an appointment at his doctor's office, they would have turned him away after being 2+ hours late. Just because you work from home doesn't mean that you don't have responsibilities to other customers or that your time isn't as valuable as his. I would have reacted in a similar manner to how you reacted - and likely felt a bit bad about it afterward.
I guess that this feller thinks because you work out of your garage....you can just drop everything. A simple (courtesy) phone call from from him, telling you he was going to be late, could have avoided all of this. YOU are in the right. TIME IS MONEY. Don't kick yourself. My pet peeve in life is LATE PEOPLE.
At the very least he could have called you when he did wake up - apologize and ask he you still had time to meet him or maybe ask politely if you could re-schedule but time is money so I think he should have been happy to see you there waiting on him and understood if you couldnt go out. Too bad for him
You did the right thing, he was late, didn't call so he's just inconsiderate of others.
What I would have told him was since he didn't make it on time I just can't leave now as I have another customer coming. When he got mad I'd have shown him the door. emoGeezer
u handled it just fine.me on the other hand would have taken the stator that u let him borrow on the motor and said i will call u when the new one gets here.
If he had you repair his motor he should know that you are very busy and expect to be on time if he needs something done. You were not wrong in asking that from him or anyone else for that matter. Some people are just care free and don't understand the value of time.....
Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!For those who know me I am pretty easy going. That is what I told him, that a phone call and I could have done some work while waiting on him. What really got me was the way he said it, like I was his best friend and he thought it was funny to be so late. I have to install a sleeve in a block and it is a 1 hour 20 minute job. I could have had the sleeve installed and cooling in the time that he was late. I feel bad that I got upset but I feel like I had every right to be. Judging from your responses you would have been upset also. Thanks again! emoToast
You tried harder than most people would have, James. Just relax knowing you go out of your way to satisfy your customers and you just can't please all of them!
If my credit was as good as your name is (to a ton of people you have helped)I could borrow a million bucks on signature alone!

Sleep well,we all know you! emoThumbsup
Eric said it best. If it was some other appt. they wouldnt wait 2+ hrs for him. You done the right thing and if he dont come back you have a NEW stator!
dont fell bad i went fishing in sody this morning pull up on hole been there 15min boat pull up 2 men in it 10ft from me thay said we fishing here i said ok im levening im staying in chick im not going back
Jim, you could have told him that you weren't motivated to give him time you had committed to someone else. He missed his time!!
I agree with Eric. Too much of the time now days people think you owe them the world and all the time in it for free. He missed his appointment. He should have come to you, hat in hand, with a red face and said that strange word we don't hear too often.........."Sorry"
You handled the situation in the most professional manner. Your early appointment was late due to his lack of motivation. It was not the fault of your next appointment and therefore the early guy has to reschedule. You were very ethical in the way the situation was handled. Great job!
I think most folks on this forum that have been around you would have been at your house EARLY just to have the opportunity to have you work on their boat. I don't, the other guys on this forum don't and the guy that was late don't deserve to cut into the appointment of another guy - much less your time. Don't feel bad - you did the right thing. I hope you don't see my ol' boat for awhile, but if you do, I will be on time just as most on this forum will be....See ya later James....
Thanks everyone for the responses! I feel better about my choice. I know I can't please everyone.

He will still get his stator and I will honor his warranty on his engine. That will be the extent of our dealings.
Nothing wrong with this at all. I would have done the same. Time is money when it comes to business. And that is what you are doing! Running a business! You schedule appointments for a reason. If the guy can't respect your time, then he needs to find someone else, period.
NO NEED to go any longer with this worry,you are in the right and he needs to come to you and apologize for his attitude and actions, take it from a OLD TIMER in the business world

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