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wrechin2 - 7/24/2011 9:46 AM

Thanks everyone for the responses! I feel better about my choice. I know I can't please everyone.

He will still get his stator and I will honor his warranty on his engine. That will be the extent of our dealings.

I know my motor is dying to get in the water and he's wanting to spend all day at the lake...........
Playing devil's advocate here, maybe he considered the failed stator as part of the engine rebuild. I agree he shouldn't have been late but at the same time if he didn't realize there is a difference between the stator & the engine rebuild, he may feel like he should not have had to bring it back at all. If he didn't realize the differnce, maybe he felt like you should drop everything to make the job right for which he had already paid for. Sounds like maybe a lack of communication. If he was clear on all the performed tasks, then throw everything I typed out the window. He was late & you had responsibilities & I would have handled it just like you did.
James, He missed his appointment and should have called, thats how business works. If you had extra time I am sure you would have worked with him, but you had another appointment, his loss. I left to go over to your place and forgot my phone, was running later than I should have, but I am glad my wife had her phone and the number saved. It should have taken 45 minutes, but for some reason it took me an hour this last time to get to dunlap from Ooltewah. I will have to leave earlier myself nest time. Don't sweat the small stuff.
well he did over sleep and could not get motivated so i think u should have stopped everthing u were doing and give him a break he is prob. just having a rough time right now he was the one in the right ur day or plans do not mean a thing
You did the right thing. I just wish I could get the same courtesy and commitment from my mechanic. Maybe I'll just switch mechanics LOL. I will be in touch with you if I ever need any work done.
I agree with you all. But I will add this emoProtest At my drs office, if I miss my appt I still have to pay my copay for not cancelling it. emoTskTsk
I too think you were right.
Could you in the future; let all customers know that your work is by apt only and if they are too late and will interfere with other apts, they will have to re-schedule. Putting it in writing on a sign for customers to see may help too.
Shark - 7/28/2011 7:00 PM I too think you were right. Could you in the future; let all customers know that your work is by apt only and if they are too late and will interfere with other apts, they will have to re-schedule. Putting it in writing on a sign for customers to see may help too.

Why? Everyone knows James does this at home on his free time and for great rates. I wouldnt put a thing in writing. My .02</p>
I have worked with james off and on over the last 2 years and could not ask for anyone to do anymore than james has i cannot believe anyone would act like this when someone is taking the time to take care of problems that is not part of the deal JAMES WHEN HE COMES BACK PLEASE HAVE HIM LOOK UP OFF TOPIC DISCUSSIONS IN THE CFF AND LET HIM SEE HOW THE FELLOW CFF MEMBERS FEEL ABOUT YOU THATS ALL I GOT TO SAY emoToast
He does not have a ideal how to turn on a computer so I don't see him reading this. But the guy who recommended me to him is a member on here but I don't recall who it is. Now the guy will not return my calls. I want him to get what he is owed. Guess I need to start a new post and have it say" friends of ****** ****** please have him give me a call!"

Just think....All of this could have been avoided with a simple phone call. I could have juggle people around and take care of my noon guy earlier and would not have had a conflict. I think it was so rude to think my life revolved around his boat only and he got mad at me for not being able to go to the lake wiht him. I wish I had that kind of time!!!!

Thanks again everyone for your comments!
SpurHunter - 7/28/2011 8:53 PM

Shark - 7/28/2011 7:00 PM I too think you were right. Could you in the future; let all customers know that your work is by apt only and if they are too late and will interfere with other apts, they will have to re-schedule. Putting it in writing on a sign for customers to see may help too.

Why? Everyone knows James does this at home on his free time and for great rates. I wouldnt put a thing in writing. My .02</p>

I agree..James is a great guy. If this fella don't want to keep his word on meeting at a certain time and on Perry's dime, then let him sit on the bank with a broke boat at home. Especially since there was no emergency other than him needing to catch some extra zzzz's....Just my $.02
TightlineT - 7/30/2011 12:00 AM

SpurHunter - 7/28/2011 8:53 PM

Shark - 7/28/2011 7:00 PM I too think you were right. Could you in the future; let all customers know that your work is by apt only and if they are too late and will interfere with other apts, they will have to re-schedule. Putting it in writing on a sign for customers to see may help too.

Why? Everyone knows James does this at home on his free time and for great rates. I wouldnt put a thing in writing. My .02</p>

I agree..James is a great guy. If this fella don't want to keep his word on meeting at a certain time and on Perry's dime, then let him sit on the bank with a broke boat at home. Especially since there was no emergency other than him needing to catch some extra zzzz's....Just my $.02

Spur and Tighline can pool their .02 cents and a ton of their savings to open a business. With opinions like they have, will be in bankruptcy in 1 year. emoPoke

I AGREED WITH JAMES!!!!! The customer is wrong and I offered a simple suggestion that would take about 5 minutes to gather materials and make a sign. It MAY help prevent another incident in the future. Sorry for being so considerate and business like! emoBang Nuff Said :emoticon:

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