What yall think of my new website .. ??

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Here's an idea that should help boost your buisiness and keep you off the water emoEvil emoIdea . Clean up and detail, for the right price i would have mine cleaned/detailed and i think i might like a keel guard...
Ive been a fan of watching your work in progress on all your restoration projects you have posted. Best of luck to you and will spread the word.
Im open .. for business .. yall come now ya here .. please .. so I can stay open!
I agree, I think it would be a good idea to do some detail work and clean up work to help get your customer base started. Just a thought.
Good luck with your adventure.
You got work now??? I haven't heard anything from you. Hope you are covered up!!! What happened with the shadow??
Nope still waiting .. have done many quotes .. still waiting.. I gave the guy my price .. still waiting....
Sorry man. There is a demand for that kinda work. Maybe if you get out there in a g-string you can drum up some business! People would feel sorry for you and give you money to buy your meds with! emoLaugh OOOOOOW that was a mental pic I could have done without!!!!!!!! Someone please emoEnforce
I'm begging my wife to shoot me!! emoEnforce I keep trying to explain the positive sides...1) she gets money and 2) I get that image out of my head!!!!!!!! emoBang

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