You sure do get fed up with our government these days.

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
I get so sick and tired of our double standards of government that seemed to every day focus not on what is best for the people but what is best for their own agenda. I was glad to finally see the flags at the white house go to half mask yesterday but don't you think it was a little late? emoRolleyes I know it would of never happened if it had not been for the general uproar about why it had not. I bet we won't see anyone of Oboma's White House office come visit or call those families who lost love ones.

Not to mention how the White House is so busy trying to reduce and take away our gun ownership that they have so far turned a blind eye to our military not being able to defend themselves in that kind of place. emoDoh Now if it had been the other way around. Some white guy killing five blacks or some other race who was carrying a gun they would have been all over that using it as a way to support gun control. emoHoppingmad They would have been pushing that one with all the resources at their disposal. However since this one was not in their best interest they are staying low. Too busy trying to figure out how to keep people who draw government moneys from owning a gun. emoBang

Then you have this illegal alien thing going on. Oboma and his people are so busy trying to release folks from jail who they claim are not a threat that they are overlooking these people who are being killed by illegals. emoEnforce No calls to any of those families who lost love ones either, not even a mention of it from them. Not on their political agenda. Let that be a white cop and a black person and all hell would have broke out on coverage. Where is the signs for those "Lives Matter"?

Where is the up roar, where is the speeches, where are the marches, where is our government concern and support? Not on their radar and agenda. Not feeling it is in their best interest to support or promote. Guess they are too busy trying to figure out how to get votes for Hilary. Now that is another train wreck waiting to happen. Yea, ol'Hilary is all about connecting with the people. emoScratch She connects alright, in every speech she gives and vote drumming she does. But don't go and try to ask her questions, she will not answer them. Don't try to interview her, she will not talk to the media. Not unless it is on her terms. Not unless they have a knowledge and approval of the questions in advance. They stack the deck before ever even starting the interview. Can't say I blame'um on that one. Not a bad strategy at all, with so many people running for the republican nomination the Hilary camp just has to sit back and let all of them beat each other up so bad that none of them will look good come election time. emoAngry I really have over the years come to hate the two party system we have, seems they are all crooks anymore.

Don't even get me started on Obama care or the "Affordable" care act. I am still waiting for that to implode on itself. The only affordable part I have seen so far is the government is taking in a carp load of money so they can "Afford" it. Cost is way up more then health care was before we had it, but according to our government it is less then it would have been if we had not had it. emoScratch They claim it is "Cheaper" due to the estimated amount it would have been. "Huh?" so it is cheaper then an imaginary amount it would have been if we had not of had it at this time? Sounds like a load of something to me!

Yea, don't you just love it? And what about Iran? Give them billions in aid and money to offset how mean ol' America hurt their economy because of our sanctions on them so they would stop their nuclear production. Say it is a "Win", for America, but then in looking at it I can't see where we won anything. Then the next day have one of the Iranian supreme leaders get up and give a national speech as to how there will be no changes towards America and have the crowd start chanting "Death to America!". I don't see it? emoCrazy

There is more I could go on about, the list seems to never end. However I will stop for now and crawl back in my hole of ignorance so I don't have to watch America get drug into the gutter by our wonderful political machine. emoTskTsk

I think I will just go fishing and try not to think about it. emoZipped Jmax
In regards to the release comment...Did you know thathat most average prisoners convert to muslin religions within 6 months to a year while locked up?! Why are we releasing these people anyways?!

GOP had needed a radical change for several years and it's staring them right in the face. Hell...they might even ask big bird to run before they push Trump! Until I see any one else with the balls enough to call it a like it's is, I'm on the Trump Train!
70% over 30% about Trump... 70% I favor what he is promising. Politicians will Promise anything for a vote. Listen to Lying Hillary "Rotten" Clinton for 60 seconds. Being that Trump is Not a career politician, this works in his favor.. Now the 30%.. I suspected all along that Trump was a Clinton Plant to run a Perot 2.0 political trickery to assure a Clinton win. The intentional decisiveness of his campaign seems to be to create havoc in the GOP to destroy the GOP unity. What troubles me most is that if the DC insiders had suspected Trump to be the threat to them as he is claiming, He would have already been assassinated by Death by Natural Causes.. 30% I have serious reservations in trusting Mr Trump.