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1st ithink I heard on one of the tapes from 911 that zimm told the 911 operator he is coming toward me so in my way of thinking martin started it by going toward zimm 2nd what was a teenager doing out that time of night in the rain my teenager want be I don't allow my children out that time of night especially when it is raining they don't need to be walking around in the dark acting like thugs it is a tragedy that a young man lost his life . I have one question for all that think zimm was wrong how far will you go to protect you or your family as for me I hope I don't ever find out how far I will go also martin did harm Zimmerman he punched him in the face this is undisputed it is one of the facts of the case he was attacked by martin some one called 911 and said martin was on top of Zimmerman and beating him mma style and also using the ground and pound method be for people go and post things on here about this or any other site they should at least get some of the facts if I am wrong or step on toes I am sorry but I think zimm done what he should if you see a guy in the dark snooping around your place what would you do would you say well he ant bothering any thing or would you want to know what was going on me I am going to see what he is up to well I have said enough and vented so all is well </p>
For those of you that don't know, our local NAACP is supposed to release a statement today about the Zimmerman/Martin shooting, out lining how black "youth" are targets of profiling and violence. A police officer in Ooltewah gave his response on another website and I thought it hit the nail on the head! Here it is copied and pasted:

In regards to all those complaints concerning the brutality of the police such as stopping and frisking someone and asking questions from the young black youth, have you also received complaints about young black youths going around and shooting and killing other young black youths?

Blah, blah, blah, grandstanding over an incident that had nothing to do with race. T.M. Approached a guy and punched him and continued to beat him until the guy defended himself by shooting T.M. that was sitting on top of him. Did you not watch the trial? If you did, you would not have said T.M. was murdered.

Gangs, gangs, gangs you scream, what can we do? Well it's obvious you don't want the police stopping black males and frisking them for weapons or even interviewing them. In case you've forgotten, all our gang shootings have been black males, but if the police stop them, they're profiling.

Creepy crackers are not your problem nor the police. It's the break down of the family thus society as a whole. You solve that, then you're well on your way. Until that day get off your Sharpton soap box and stop your spewing about undue hardship of the black youth by cops doing their jobs. By the way, teenagers should be in their homes at night. Not getting shot while on their porches at 3 a.m. by other teenagers. (Parents?)

Your implementation list is fodder. Might as well say " let's sprinkle pixie dust on Chattanooga." Also, your suggestion of not incarcerating criminals? I've got to say, I don't believe anyone has been shot or robbed from a guy while that guy was sitting in a jail cell.

I want peace too, but when I read your letter making it seem like the police are the problem, sickens me. We live in a society gone wild. I'll say it now, if I find myself being sucker punched and someone beating the brakes off me, I will defend myself with my legally carried firearm and I can promise you, the age or skin color won't mean squat to me. By the way, that's not racist.

Michael Burns
What is this guy trying to induce riots by stating the FACTS of the case!?!? Facts have no place in these discussions, just fairy tale and pixie dust for me please.
SpurHunter - 7/16/2013 10:23 AM

What is this guy trying to induce riots by stating the FACTS of the case!?!? Facts have no place in these discussions, just fairy tale and pixie dust for me please.

lol I was thinking the same thing. What's funny how they want to end the violence when 90% of the crime in Chatt is against each other.
I attempted to link to a very factual official report with factual numbers clearly setting out the real root of the problem here in Chattanooga. It is the same scenario for most all cities. I did not write the article, I only brought it forth for your needed understanding for this case and others. Even though this is a Public forum where members are free to rant, This official report is banned as Racial.

"Unknowing and opinionated is a dangerous thing..."
</div><div>"Unknowing and opinionated is a dangerous thing"</div><div></div><div>Simplified questions and facts without hypothetical opinions regarding the Martin/Zimmerman Trial.</div><div>South Florida has an abundance of property crimes. Thus there are many gated communities with either hired professional security services or an authorized neighborhood watch program in place, It is a reported and documented fact that this community has had the large numbers of police reports of crimes where the suspect was gone or was able to escape the slow arriving police.</div><div></div><div>Late at night when it would be unusual for a resident to be out alone, Martin was spotted walking through the neighborhood. It has been said that Martin was returning a direct path to the home of his father's friend when Zimmerman made his presents known... Question: Did Martin tell Zimmerman he was going home? Did Martin follow a direct line to his home destination. How do you know this is true, Did Martin tell you? The only thing you know for sure that people say this from hundreds of miles away who like you did not talk to Martin. If in fact Martin was being evasive as his known route and location adequately proves, that would bring suspicion to any person sworn to observe as neighborhood watch?. </div><div></div><div>The timeline of the events well prove that Martin had more than ample time to walk directly to his destination as Zimmerman followed. The very nature of Martins intentional evasive actions required attention. Thus the Police was called. If there was no suspicious evasive paths cutting through private yards, do you think Zimmerman would have asked for police help? WHY did Martin choose this activity if he was Just going home? He had plenty of time to get home.</div><div>Being that in this community as in most all areas in south Florida, the police can not catch violators who can see the approaching Police. Zimmerman's determination to keep the evasive suspect in sight is something we all would do in his position. In court it was stated that Zimmerman exited his vehicle so he could follow and observe the unknown suspect who was cutting across private properties to evade the Watchman.</div><div></div><div>Did you listen as Martin's on words to his female friend demonstrated his intent to confront the "Cracker" following him and to do so with the intent to do bodily harm specifically to his ass? That is court record of Martin's intent to confront Zimmerman.</div><div>Martin did as he had indicated to his Girlfriend that he would do. He did just that and with a violent punch in the face to Zimmerman. You should know the rest.</div><div></div><div>Now I ask you, If Martin went on a line directly to his destination without the suspicious evasive actions, Had attempted to give the Watchman a simple verbal explanation of his intent and did not demonstrate his violent nature in the confrontation, Then this would have never required Zimmerman the need to defend his life with deadly force.</div><div></div><div>For all I have pointed out above, I credit Trayvon Martin with ALL the blame for causing his own death. </div><div></div><div>Justice was served correctly other than the fact that there should have never been a charge or trial in this simple case. Nothing changed from the original facts the police had gathered. The media hype and the unfair racial comments of Phucbama, Sharpton, Jackson and other Racial agitators led to every bit of the strife and division we are feeling as a now more than ever separated nation.</div>
Race warfare is big business in the U.S. There are too many players that can't survive without creating turmoil. It's only going to escalate.
Trust me This has got to be the most sickening Joke I have ever experienced... If you have ever wondered as to how our once great Country become what we are stuck with now, I have your answer. This is absolute proof that the Yankee Liberals in Illinois have elected the absolutely most ignorant man they could find.. No Damn wonder Phucbama gets everything he wants with things like Bobby Rush.. This is absolutely the most unimaginable conversation ever. Please listen to the logic of this Einstein.
Well I know this maybe belongs in the political threads, but honestly, is this guy saying anything that is more idiotic than Obama did yesterday? I don't know how many people here read the statement he made yesterday on the Martin case, but it was disgraceful. He pretty much said there is a sub culture of blacks that are excused from the crimes they commit because of the "past" and that they see thing differently because of being profiled. I have news for Mr. Obama, when thug blacks (not ALL blacks, but blacks in the thug culture) are responsible for 50% of the homicides and shootings in the nation but make up roughly 6% of the population (Dept. of Justice, black males 15-30) then that community has a major problem. If you don't want to be profiled, pull your pants up, speak English, not jibberish, stop advocating killing the police and white "crackers", get a job and quit living off everyone else, black and white, stop killing, shooting, robbing, breaking in, stealing cars, selling drugs at a rate that is far, far, far out of proportion to your population. THEN Americans, both white and black and everything in between will stop profiling you. Perhaps Obama needs to look at his own Justice Department figures before he starts accusing. Sweep your own porch before you worry about mine.</p>


The last time this came up on the forum a mention was made that we have black members, which indeed we do, and I have met two of them. Great guys without a doubt. But the thing I keep hearing from all my black friends is that these THUGS are ruining the lives of hard working, up standing black people. My black friends hate these thugs, and are appalled when Obama makes a statement like this. Until we as a country can stand up, without fear of being label racist, and say that the black race has a subculture of THUGS that are destroying America, we aren't being honest. It isn't about hate, as one of our moderators mentioned. It's about facts. One of my black friends is a retired police officer. I only mention he is black because it is relevant to this post. He isn't black to me, he is just another guy. Yet he says, after having been wounded by a thug like the ones Obama is excusing, that they have brought the entire black race down to new lows, and that nothing Obama did or said has made things better. In fact, he says he made things worse. I have black friends that work like dogs to keep their head above water, just like me. They don't like feeling unsafe in their community. They can't have security or nice things because the thugs keep breaking in and stealing from them. One asked me the other day; "Is it true that only white people are racists?", then grinned at me, knowing that some people actually believe that, when the opposite is true in the extreme. Sad that to me, the most racist group in America, are the thug culture blacks, that hate anyone white, hate women, hate law and order. Seems like Obama took up for them yesterday.</p>
I've tried to avoid having anything to do with this whole fiasco for the simple reason that I feel the media, as always, only airs what the government wants them to in order to serve their own agendas. Obama is a freakin' joke and for him to offer his worthless 2 cents in the case is a further indication of what a real President IS NOT!!! He should concentrate his efforts on our Country as a whole and fixing the messes that he and his cronies continue to make day in and day out. One thing he IS good at is deflection. Enough of that though.

I wanted to share this post that I saw on FB. It's a 10 minute video but well worth the time, IMO.

very good some of the people that think martindid not do any wrong should see that tape to bad it is not played on the news every night thank for the video very well spoken
Great video. Amazing how the media managed to twist the facts about this case.



Fishin4Fun - 7/24/2013 7:04 PM I've tried to avoid having anything to do with this whole fiasco for the simple reason that I feel the media, as always, only airs what the government wants them to in order to serve their own agendas. Obama is a freakin' joke and for him to offer his worthless 2 cents in the case is a further indication of what a real President IS NOT!!! He should concentrate his efforts on our Country as a whole and fixing the messes that he and his cronies continue to make day in and day out. One thing he IS good at is deflection. Enough of that though. I wanted to share this post that I saw on FB. It's a 10 minute video but well worth the time, IMO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Bv_W-x4NbQ

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