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Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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    Anyone seen the story on Mike Long?

    It happens a LOT. Anything where money is involved is ripe for cheating, why do you think the largest budget in a casino is the men in black looking for cheaters.
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    Helping Stranded Boaters

    NEVER tow any vessel you are not comfortable towing, that is a recipe for damage to your boat, or people involved. There is a reason you have to have a Coast Guard endorsement to tow any boat for hire. With our litigious society today, if you are using YOUR rope to two them and something breaks...
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    Taking my dad out

    The nuke is always a great option for cats year-round. If you dont have much action in the discharge, look at the bottom of the sharp channel ledges above and below the discharge. We have been catching a lot of cats on those while waiting for the bass to stack up on them.
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    Wave of trash and driftwood floating down the river today

    If you have fished near the dam on the lake recently you would have seen this massive trash island, it had grown HUGE from the flooding etc. I always hope there would be some sort of function to clean it up instead of flushing it down int the gulf.
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    Running two main batteries?

    I run two parallel, charge with one bank of charger. Been this way over 4 years, no issue.
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    iPhone 7plus 256gig

    If you can confirm this model can be switched to Verizon, I might be interested.
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    Why Do you fish tournaments or why do you not?

    I refuse to because of the harm in delayed mortality to the biggest fish in the lake. I trust the research, not anglers who swear, "My fish swam away strong". Sorry, its the truth.
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    Boat ramp warning FYI ---

    You read his comment he wrong way. Hes saying you (a person) launches a boat THROUGH swimmer and fishermen, THEY are viewed as the bad person.
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    Bassmaster classic expo

    Craig what would you do with any tackle??
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    Looking for Hunting land

    This is my buddys club he runs. might be a really good option for you. Hit him up. ?Jacob Tallent? to Tennessee Woods And Water - A Gathering Place For TN Sportsmen March 1 at 8:27 AM · We are taking new members for 2019-2020. Dunlap, Tennessee. 8000 acres, 75 food plot, 8points or better...
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    CFF Posts

    Social media is the prime reason. You have to view the CFF through a web browser, while facebook is through an app. The page on Facebook is just not the same as you onl see one post at at time and nothing is organized into separate places. Sadly its the way of the future.
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    Getting barrel threaded

    Dawn of Defense in Fort O
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    Below Watts Bar dam?

    The TVA water generation app and website will tell you if they are spilling and or running a lot of water.
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    Halftime predictions

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    A secluded spot is ok with me, NOT at a dang ramp! Lot of water type critters including turtles, fish, raccoons, possums, birds of prey including eagles will eat on them.
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    Someone on CFF use to do Euro Mounts?

    Billy Buoymaster used to do them, hes a bit behind right now, like 2 years on a pair of mine LOL
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    Didn't mean to use CFF the wrong way

    It appeared to be an add disguised as a post, in the fishing discussion page. No real foul here, it just hit a few of the check marks to be removed. That party barge is a well-know boat to anyone that fishes on the lake much, its a pretty cool idea. **This entire post moved to correct forum as...
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    It is about time to start showing some pictures, any body got any good deer on camera?

    Re: It is about time to start showing some pictures, any body got any good deer on camera? Thats pretty damn funny LOL